Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5729: fortress battle

Some Orumi Federation soldiers who participated in the previous attack suddenly felt that the firepower of the Anmor army they encountered this time was extremely violent, like a violent storm, and there was no chance to escape at all, but when they found out At the time of this phenomenon, this was often their last consciousness, and then they became a cold corpse.

"Fight well, let these **** look good!" A second lieutenant Anmore scolded viciously. Some proudly touched the M2 heavy machine gun that was whistling wildly next to him, and sincerely thanked these murderous weapons. As a result, I accidentally touched the hot barrel of the gun, and hurriedly let go, but fortunately there was no burn.

Since Maxim invented the first machine gun in the modern sense, this rapid-fire weapon has quickly become an indispensable presence in warfare. Its amazing rate of fire and sustained firepower make the machine gun one of the deadliest weapons in ground warfare. Its fame is created by various slaughter results.

In Africa, the British army used 50 people and 4 Maxim machine guns to repel the attack of 5,000 Zulu people, which means that the simple use of human sea tactics is only a waste of death in front of the tight machine gun positions; Somme in World War I In the Battle of the River, the Germans equipped with Maxim machine guns killed 60,000 British troops in one day, which profoundly changed the long-standing rules of war.

However, another type of machine gun, which has been in service in the US military since 1921, was upgraded and remodeled in 1932, and has been used until now. It is still the most important machine gun in the US military, and its status is rock-solid and unshakable. The Browning M2 heavy machine gun.

The fire network formed by the multiple M2 salvos was enough to tear the opponent's assault troops to pieces.

With these madly roaring murderous weapons, Anmor's army has the confidence to defend the south gate of the coastal fortress.

The situation as dangerous as the previous battle was absolutely impossible to happen again.

In the last battle, the Orumi Federation army also launched a fierce attack. But the Anmor army did not have so many heavy machine guns, but now, this kind of killing weapon has been dispatched to various firepower points.

Not to mention the charging soldiers, even the opponent's light armor could not withstand such a violent strafing.

After the last battle, there were still sporadic battles between the Anmor army in the coastal fortress and the surrounding Orumi Federation army, but the scale of the battle was not large. In fact, both sides are buying time to rest and prepare to fight again today. After ten days of rest. The garrison of the Anmor army in the coastal fortresses has been greatly strengthened, especially in terms of weapons and equipment.

A large number of light and heavy machine guns have been prepared, among which there are more than 100 M2 heavy machine guns. These recognized killing weapons are already second-hand goods that have been eliminated. Battles in coastal fortresses have brought these classic century-old guns back to life. I have to admit. When these big guys don't need to move, its lethality is really amazing.

The blast walls of the coastal fortresses were indeed useful in resisting the attack of the Oromi Federation forces, and were suitable for mounting these bulky murder weapons. It is easy to dig a bunker to store the M2 heavy machine gun, so that the Orumi Federation army is not aware of it at all. Sure enough, under the frenzied shooting of more than 40 M2 heavy machine guns and other weapons near the South Gate, the swarming Orumi Federation soldiers fell to the ground as if they were cutting wheat, and the densely packed corpses quickly roamed the entire battlefield.

Those soldiers of the Orumi Federation who tried to rush up through the gap in the **** were hit by the dense machine gun bullets and fell under the **** like a gourd, and soon began to pile up. The Orumi Federation soldiers behind wanted to cross the corpses of their companions to continue the attack, but they were also knocked down one after another. The corpses quickly became layer upon layer, and gradually piled up along the slope, even affecting the heavy machine guns. The army had to blow up the piles of dead bodies with grenades to clear the firing range.

General Yves and his officers were watching the attack in front of them from the hidden department about three or four kilometers away from the coastal fortress. Through the binoculars, they could clearly see the heavy casualties of the Orumi Federation army. The scenes were shocking. The scene made them unforgettable. Although Captain Jaais had released all his troops and launched a desperate attack, it was obvious that the attack was still blocked.

Jais's expression was the first to change. As a front-line combat commander, he was very good at judging the situation on the battlefield.

As soon as he saw this scene, he knew that the Orumi Federation army was unlikely to win, and even if they could win, it would be a tragic victory. The firepower of Anmor's army is too fierce, so he can't think of any other turning point besides consuming the strength of the Orumi Federation army in vain.

The faces of the other officers gradually became less good-looking. Those soldiers of the Orumi Federation who fell in large numbers, although most of them were the elite troops of the Orumi Federation Army. It would be a bit hearty to forcibly push the troops trained at a great cost into the battlefield to send them to their deaths... Although it is said that the troops are not merciful, but doing so will also have a great reputation for the Orumi Federation Army. After witnessing such a tragic situation, who would be willing to follow them on the battlefield sincerely?

Only General Yves's face was cast in iron, as if he heard nothing, and saw nothing.

Some of the Orumi Federation soldiers finally couldn't bear the counterattack of the Anmor army, and they retreated from the front line. They retreated in embarrassment, and many even threw away their rifles. They rushed forward, There is no way out, but going back, there is no way out. There was no need for a special explanation from General Yves at all, his supervising team began to execute military law mercilessly, and the Orumi Federation officers and soldiers, including a deputy company commander, were shot and killed, killing more than a hundred people.

The brutal and ruthless suppression by the supervising team really played a certain role. Those Orumi Federation soldiers who had retreated, had no choice but to return again and returned to the ranks of the offensive.

Half an hour later, after paying countless sacrifices, the densely packed Orumi Federation troops approached the south gate of the coastal fortress again. They continued to attack on the corpses of their companions, trying to make a way out for themselves.

However, the firepower of the Anmore army in the coastal fortress was still so fierce, and the continuous roar of the M2 Browning heavy machine gun ended the last fantasy of countless Orumi federal soldiers.

The artillery of the Anmor Army also aimed the muzzle at the location near the south gate. The shells fell one after another, mixed with machine gun bullets, and large groups of Orumi federal soldiers fell down, and many people simply lay on the corpses. Temporarily pretend to be dead in the heap.

Under the intensive fire of the Anmor army, the Orumi Federation army suffered heavy casualties. After more than an hour, the Orumi Federation army still failed to advance 50 meters. The most violent offensive of the United States Army has gradually gone away. Seeing the corpses lying under the fortresses along the coast, even the most hard-hearted people could not help but quietly cover their eyes.

Many officers of the Orumi Federal Army were silent. They had never seen so many corpses, even though the Orumi Federal Army had been fighting for years in the past few years, they had never seen it.

A small coastal fortress, is it about to become the tomb of the Orumi Federation army?

Yves' stern face still didn't change at all. He just looked back at Jaais coldly.

Although the city wall of the coastal fortress was only a few meters high, it was condescending after all, and the target was obvious. Those densely packed light and heavy machine guns seemed to be killing machines, shooting frantically back and forth.

No Orumi Federation soldiers can cross their blockade. Such an attack, in the eyes of many people, is no longer necessary, this is not an attack, but a pure death.

But General Yves didn't mean to stop attacking, so the remnants of the Orumi Federation army continued to charge forward under the surveillance of the supervising team.

Some smart Orumi Federation soldiers began to choose to play dead, fell into the pile of corpses of their companions, and refused to come out again.

However, the Anmor army is condescending, and their feigning death sometimes becomes a real sit-down, and it is easy to be hit by stray bullets, but even this is better than standing up and accepting the bullets of the Anmor army.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there were no more Orumi Federation soldiers standing around the coastal fortress, only the corpses were stacked in layers, and the **** water spread almost all the ground around the coastal fortress. Everyone around knew that this first attack was a complete failure, but they didn't say anything. Neither of them would express any opinion until General Yves made a final conclusion.

But General Yves did not intend to stop fighting.

"Do you think I'm wasting my time?" asked General Yves.

No one dared to answer his words. But he turned his head and said slowly, "Every soldier who died in this battle is valuable. We lost six armored units of the 2 regiment, more combat vehicles, and even thousands of soldiers. But we Tired the enemy.

The barrel of the M2 heavy machine gun has a service life of 10,000 rounds. These Anmore soldiers are inexperienced and rarely shoot accurately. They only know that random shooting is a waste of bullets.

And we already know where most of their heavy firepower is. Captain Jais, it's your turn to act. "

Jayce knew it was time!

The regiment commander had no choice but to fight hard, pulled out his pistol, and personally drove a light armor to the battlefield with several of his own guards. General Yve's order was that if the 2nd Regiment of the Orumi Federal Army could not take the coastal fortresses, all the people should not come back. All these people, including him as the commander of course, could not take down the coastal fortress, and he, Jaais, would have to die under the city wall of the coastal fortress. There is no room for change in the general's order.

However, the appearance of the regimental commander did not seem to be able to stimulate the morale of the Orumi Federation army. At this time, they are completely indifferent to the orders of the officers, and the only thing they have to do is how to save their own lives. Under the threat of the supervising team, the remnants of the Orumi Federation army still rushed forward in waves, but they were all killed by the guns of the Anmor army, and even the armored vehicles of Jais were on the battlefield. It only appeared in less than a few minutes, and was completely destroyed by a rocket.

But at the same time, several infantry fighting vehicles of the Orumi Federal Army successfully destroyed multiple heavy machine gun fire points.

This MP-2 infantry fighting vehicle export model is cheap and solid. The AT-5 "Spandle" anti-tank missile was replaced with the "Stopper" anti-tank missile, which has a maximum range of 2,500 meters. Due to the large space occupied by the turret, the crew compartment of the BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle can only accommodate 6 infantrymen, including a total of 7 infantrymen behind the driver.

The turret is equipped with a 30mm cannon with a longer barrel and a muzzle brake. There are three forward-firing smoke grenade launchers on each side of the hull, and an anti-tank missile launch tube is located behind the center of the turret. There are eight perforations, four on the left, three on the right, and one in the rear door.

Once rushed to a key position, it can play a very good role in vitality cover.

But an infantry fighting vehicle is an infantry fighting vehicle, not a tank. Infantry fighting vehicles are mainly used to transport fighters into the battle front, and their firepower and protection are relatively weak. Tanks are mainly based on their own combat, only carrying their own operators, and their own protection and firepower are stronger than infantry fighting vehicles.

Therefore, these infantry fighting vehicles are not sturdy, and anti-tank mines and RPG rocket launchers are encountered everywhere on the battlefield, which can tear their chassis and weak armor.

Not to mention the coastal fortresses, and some anti-tank guns.

Therefore, as the battle progressed, most of the tanks of the Orumi Federation Army were still destroyed, but the losses on Anmor's side should not be underestimated.

The seven main firepower points in the front were all destroyed, and the Esko blast wall, which was heavily bombed by the chariot gun, made a hole. A blood-stained Anmor soldier was pinned under cover and whimpered, but it soon turned into a low gasp until there was no sound.

The flanking cross-fire points were also destroyed one after another, the heavy machine guns at several commanding heights were misfired, and an anti-tank gun hidden under the bunker was completely blown up.

The front-end defensive force has changed two batches of people in a row because of the heavy casualties, and it is now the third batch.

General Hodgson, the front-line commander of the Anmore Army, was already considering whether to abandon this line of positions and withdraw directly into the fortress. Use the defensiveness of the fortress to reorganize the resistance.

In fact, the second and third lines of defense have already been prepared. A large number of militiamen are still carrying various materials on their shoulders and are busy running. Now they are already stepping up the transfer and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition.

In addition, the lower-level commanders had to consider blasting the original positions after the first line of defense had withdrawn. After all, they could not leave any usable materials for the enemy.

Even if it was a machine gun, a bullet, or even a remnant wall that could be accommodated, General Hodgson would never leave it to the enemy. Forging the walls and clearing the fields is the oldest and most helpless way to fight the enemy.