Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5738: Honor Choice

"We can make an agreement. After the war is over, I promise to hand over General Yves to you." Lin Rui looked at Edgar and said, "You may want to take revenge or try him publicly. That's all. your business.

But now, he's still useful to me, so I can't give him to you. What do you think of this? "

"After the war? But I may not be able to live until that time." Edgar said coldly, "I helped you this time, and my undercover identity has been completely exposed. In the future, I can only talk to the Orumi Federal Army. Clear shot. I don't want to see my enemies alive while I'm alive."

"This is war, and war requires sacrifice. This kind of sacrifice is not only physical, but also spiritual." Lin Rui said slowly, "I can understand that you want revenge, but look back at yours. Brothers. They are also victims of this war. How many people have been destroyed by this war?

And they still have to follow you, take up arms and go to battle. Yes, they are fighting for independence and liberation. But they are also human, living human beings. No one's life is worthless!

They believe that your Hammer Rebellion can save Oromi again, that's why they fight for you and put their own lives in your hands! "

"The brothers are so committed to me, I can die for them too!" Edgar said sharply.

"That's right, that's why they will break into my headquarters with you and dare to point a gun at me. What a good brother?! But the strength of the Orumi Federation Army is far beyond yours, and the suppression of the joint uprising was enough. Make it clear. Do you have any idea how many of these brethren of yours died on the battlefield?

But the existence of Yves now may be able to change this situation, and maybe a lot of people will die. As the commander you're not just directing them to charge, but keeping them as safe as possible.

For the sake of the brothers, not just talk about it. But it depends, how much are you willing to sacrifice for them? ! "Lin Rui said slowly.

Edgar was silent for a while, then turned to look at his subordinates, and was finally persuaded.

He waved his hand without saying a word, took his subordinates, and left without looking back. "Remember your words, Eve's life must be mine in the end."

The actuary came over and patted Lin Rui, "Okay, Edgar is quite interesting. If he has to kill Yves, we probably won't have a good way, we can't really fight with him. Iron. The Hammer Organization is our important ally after all."

"Let's go, let's go see that Orumi Federation general." Lin Rui patted the actuary general.

"Indeed, one of the most important features of intelligence is timeliness." Kishi nodded, "If the news of General Yves being captured spreads, the intelligence he has will soon lose its value."

"What's your idea?" Lin Rui asked.

"Use Edgar to hold them back," the actuary said slowly. "The news that General Yves was defeated here cannot be concealed, but in fact Edgar has not been exposed. He can report to the Oromi Federal Army, saying that he came to support General Yves, and it has been successful. General Yves came out."

"Using Edgar to publish fake news to confuse the Orumi Federal Army?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes. In this way, the Oromi Federation Army will think that General Yves is still in Edgar's army." The actuary General Kishi said eloquently, "And Edgar can excuse himself because of the Anmore Army's Pressure, after he rescued Edgar, he was forced to withdraw eastward. As a last resort, they were temporarily cut off from their main force."

"Interesting. This will not only confuse the enemy, but also use the name of General Yves to interfere with the Orumi Federal Army when necessary." Lin Rui nodded.

"However, we still have to get the information we want from him as soon as possible." The actuary nodded.

The two walked all the way to the place where General Yves was imprisoned, and Black Mamba personally led a team of mercenaries to guard.

Seeing Lin Rui approaching, the Black Mamba immediately greeted him, "Boss."

"How about the captive?" Lin Rui asked.

"I didn't let anyone know that he was locked here. I took my reliable brother and watched him 24 hours a day. I couldn't run." The Black Mamba replied.

"I'm not saying this, I'm saying, how is his physical condition?" Lin Rui asked.

"I wasn't injured, but he wanted to struggle when he was caught, but the brothers hit a little harder and dislocated one of their shoulders. But it's fine, I've already connected him and injected him with some anti-inflammatory drugs." Black Mamba replied.

Lin Rui nodded, "How is his mood?"

"It's much better than when I was first caught. I was looking for life and death. Now I seem to know that I won't die, and I don't make trouble, so I bow my head and don't speak. I don't want to eat, and it looks like I'm going to go on a hunger strike with us." Mamba replied.

As they said, they entered the room where General Yves was imprisoned. General Yves was strapped and fastened to a chair with a backrest. When he found someone coming in, he shrank a little nervously.

"General Yve, first meeting." Lin Rui walked over and looked at General Yve.

"..." General Yves didn't answer him at all.

Lin Rui looked at the general of the Orumi Federation Army through the iron bars. "I heard that General Yves, you are in the Oromi Federation, and you are doing well. You are very close to your management committee, and you are very appreciated by the management committee. So even the big guys in the military department are Gotta give you some points."

"That's the respect I earned by my ability." General Yves snapped, "I've never been the kind of incompetent person who gets to the top by drilling into the camp."

"Skill? The ability to kill civilians?!" Lin Rui mocked, "Perhaps you think you have some Western education and have fought several victories against neighboring countries. You think you are really a general.

But in fact, in the eyes of most Orumi Federation people, you are just a dog who betrayed the nation. An executioner who slaughtered old men and women and children, a murderer.

The funny thing is that you are still complacent and think you are a meritorious deed. "

"I am a soldier." General Yves said proudly.

"You are a pile of garbage." Lin Rui shook his head, "It's just rancid garbage with a **** smell."

"Since I have been captured, I demand that I enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war in accordance with international conventions." General Yves said coldly.

"Unfortunately, these things are only binding on the national army. We are just a group of civilians, and we do not belong to any of the warring parties. In other words, as long as I am happy, I can do whatever I want." Lin Rui smiled. "Of course, if you tell me what you know, maybe I'll consider treating you better."

"You want me to be a traitor? Don't even think about it! I will never betray the Federation and the Management Committee." General Yves was furious, "Kill me if I want, I don't care. I didn't intend to live."

Lin Rui suddenly laughed and said, "We won't kill you. Only a beast like you will use **** means to subdue people. You want us to kill you, and then you can become the kind of hero you want to be. How could I possibly give you such a chance?"

"Then what do you think?" General Yves looked at him fiercely.

"It takes seven inches to hit a snake, and to deal with a person, you have to seize his weakness." Lin Rui shrugged. "The general must be a person who is very concerned about his own image. This can be seen from many places.

Your shiny boots, your well-waxed hair, and even your well-manicured beard. It means that you take your own image very seriously.

I have seen a lot of people like you. Vanity and perseverance, for his own interests, he would not hesitate to wash civilian villages with blood. It also proves that you are such a person.

You must have fantasized about being a hero one day, and personally the vanguard of the expansion of the Oromi Federation. That's why you fall for me, and that's why you fail. The so-called strategy is just to take advantage of the weakness of human nature, and in this game, you have already lost.

I will not kill you, I will insult you and toss you. Completely smash your self-righteous hero and dignity. "

General Yves stared at him.

"Don't look at your composure now, but I have many ways for you to kneel down and beg for mercy. Then I will take these photos and send them to the Hammers to spread them all over the streets of the Oromi Federation. alley.

Let everyone see that the hero of the Orumi Federation is nothing but a villain begging for mercy on his knees. "Lin Rui shrugged.

"Don't think about it!" General Yves struggled.

Lin Rui looked at him, "Unfortunately, I can do it. I heard that you want to go on a hunger strike, don't you? You are from a large clan tribe, you have a wealthy family since childhood, and herds of cattle and sheep can even let you live in Europe. Education. So General, have you ever been really hungry? Do you know what it's like to be hungry to the extreme?

I was fortunate enough to have seen such a scene in a famine region of Africa. Under extreme starvation, people even nibbled the grass on the ground. So, you are not hungry at all. When hungry, there is no difference between humans and beasts. You want to be peerless, very good, save food for this world. We'll starve you for a week later.

Generally, if you don’t eat for seven days, you will die, and if you don’t drink water for three days, you will die. If you don’t eat or drink water, you can’t give a definite answer. It depends on the person’s physical condition. If you can survive without eating or drinking, the substances in your body are decomposing, first of all, blood sugar in the blood, and then It is glycogen, and finally fat, protein, etc. The decomposition of other substances will provide water and energy for the human body, but if it is not replenished for a long time, it will be exhausted.

The reason why it depends on the physical condition of the person is because fat people will live longer if they have more fat. I don't see any problem with the general staying for a week. However, when the time comes, you will give up all your dignity and beg me on your knees. Begging to use the information you have in exchange for a cup of oatmeal.

I will take pictures of these and distribute them across the Oromi Federation. The hero and tough guy image you've worked so hard to build will come crashing down. What everyone sees is just a little man who is greedy for life and fears death.

Not only that, you are very aware of the Red Baron's methods. If you join the enemy, how he will treat your family. "

"You bastard! You!" General Yves finally changed his face.

"You will become a despised guy. In the eyes of everyone, you are an executioner who will only make money and slaughter innocents for your own promotion. And when death comes to you, you are shamelessly wagging your tail and begging for pity. This contrast change is even more disgusting.

Finally, your family will be sent to a labor camp. They have to live there rather than die, and they will only live a few years before they die of overwork. Lin Rui shrugged. "A heroic general of the Orumi Federation Army?" It's just like shit! Disgusting. Everything you seek will lead to the most extreme opposite. "

"You are a devil, a devil from hell." General Yves trembled.

"Don't worry, General, this is only the case if you don't cooperate. But if you cooperate with us, cooperate with us well. Tell all the information you have, maybe things can go the other way. ." Lin Rui shrugged.

"Could it be that if I tell you the information, you will let me go?" General Yves whispered.

"It's impossible. Don't think about the good things. However, we can fulfill your dreams. We can announce to the public that General Yves was not captured and died heroically. In this way, you may die, but A good reputation can be left behind. And your family in the Oromi Federation will also benefit from it.

Although the top officials of the Orumi Federation can't say how kind they are to them, at least they won't be implicated by you. Just think about it, General. "Lin Rui smiled.

"You..." General Yves was desperate. If he hadn't been strapped to the back chair, he'd probably have slid off the chair by now.

"General, I also have good intentions. I sincerely hope that we don't have to go that far." Lin Rui waved his hand after finishing speaking, "Let's go, I think the general still needs to think about it."

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Black Mamba nodded and said, "I'll get a few brothers over and make sure he can speak in a few hours. At most two days, I'll let him get all the information he knows. Explain it."

"No, no, give the general some time. And we have to tell the general that we are not just for fighting and killing. Even if it is an enemy, we can give him a way of death that is more in line with his expectations." Lin Rui smiled. joked.

"You guys, don't go!" General Yves finally couldn't help it. "I'll tell you everything you want to know. Give me a treat. I beg you, let me die."

Lin Rui frowned. "This, depends on whether the information provided by the general is accurate."

"I promise to be accurate, I beg you to give me a treat, tell the Oromi Federal Army, and say that I died in the battle, I was not captured, I just died heroically." General Yve couldn't bear it. Stay on the road.

"Yes." Lin Rui nodded. "You want your reputation and the safety of your family. I only want my information. So we can each get what we need. This is a decision about honor. What do you say, General?"

"Me." General Yves sighed, "I lost to you, I am convinced! I will tell the truth about the information you want."