Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5780: hold on at last

5780 Last stick

The huge V-shaped flame gradually extinguished after burning, and the surroundings fell back into darkness.

Lin Rui quickly rushed to a small depression, which was only enough for him to cover most of his body.

He wasn't sure if Yelena saw the flame signal he lit just now, but now the situation was urgent and he couldn't take care of that much. He quickly scanned the battlefield with his night vision device.

At present, the biggest threat to them is the American-made M2 ​​Browning heavy machine gun 200 meters away. Although the rate of fire is not very fast, its huge power is terrifying. The large-caliber ammunition is used to shoot light armor. Yes, you will be seriously injured if you stick to the human body, and no one dares to take it lightly.

At this moment, the heavy machine gun was desperately spewing flames out, and a mercenary soldier on the building wanted to stand up on the balcony and throw the grenade out. As a result, just standing up, a string of heavy machine gun bullets swept over, and the powerful warhead directly cut off half of his body. Instant work. The entire upper body of this mercenary has turned into a rain of blood. On the ground, only a half-carved corpse was left from the waist down.

Lin Rui immediately searched for the machine gunner through night vision goggles. The Heavy was cunningly hiding behind a wall of sandbags, with poor visibility. The guy hid relatively low, and coupled with the flame interference from the muzzle, basically no one could be seen.

Lin Rui took a deep breath. The air was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke. Lin Rui leaped forward continuously, dodging and shuffling among the ruins. Finally, I slowly approached the heavy machine gun fire. With a very gentle movement, he crawled silently on the ground like a snake and gradually got close to the enemy's position, moving under the enemy's eyes. Danger may come at any time. will be discovered, so his movements are also very slow and careful.

Lin Rui crawled, slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and coldly approached the sight on the m16a1 rifle. He silently approached a ruin, shielded by a massive concrete block. He glanced at the situation ahead.

It was at this time that the Orumi Federation Army needed lighting. A few more flares were fired again, and the moment the flares rose into the sky, Lin Rui quickly captured the target through the infrared night vision device.

The machine gunner was reaching out and looking for a target by the light, but he didn't know that he was being targeted. The air produced by the explosion everywhere moves very fast, and the wind speed is very fast.

Although the distance of this shot is not very far, the wind speed is very fast, which has a very obvious impact on the accuracy of the bullet. Lin Rui himself is not very sure that he can kill with one hit. After all, he is not a professional sniper like Yelena and Eric.

Lin Rui quickly calculated the effect of wind direction and speed on the bullet, and then quickly adjusted the **** on the sight. In the interval between two breaths, he gently pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!!!" The bullets whizzed away from the chamber, the gun body gently hit his shoulder, Lin Rui stared at the opposite machine gun position, once these shots missed, he would immediately re-fire .

The bullets did not let him down, and one of the shots hit the gunner who was looking at it with precision.

A blood flower instantly bloomed on his head, and his body collapsed on the sandbag weakly.

The deputy shooter next to him noticed the abnormality, quickly removed his body, and took the gun in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!!!!" The heavy machine gun howled rhythmically again, and the mercenaries who had just prepared to counterattack were once again suppressed by the rush of bullets.

Several light machine guns next to the m2 Browning heavy machine gun also fired, and the intensive blockade caused the casualties of the few mercenaries in the building to increase sharply again.

"Damn, use grenades, give me the smoke of the explosion, and I can get close to the machine gun position!" Lin Rui was extremely anxious, this machine gun position composed of several machine guns was not something he could deal with alone.

Something miraculous happened, there were actually mercenaries in the building firing a few grenades.

"Boom, Boom" The grenade that exploded continuously sent up puffs of smoke. Blocking the sight of the Oromi Federation Army's shooting, taking advantage of the thick smoke, the enemy's machine guns can only shoot randomly. The mercenaries quickly moved from the building to a safer location on the other side. When the smoke thinned and was about to dissipate, they hurriedly lay on the ground and continued to smash with grenades.

At the moment when the wind blew the smoke away, Lin Rui used the glimmer of the flare to stare at a light machine gun shooter next to the heavy machine gun.

The guy is manipulating a light machine gun and shooting frantically at the building not far away. This light machine gun has excellent rate of fire and penetration, and can turn the direction more flexibly than the machine gun, making it a threat. Even more so than the m2 next to it.

There were already quite a few mercenaries who fell under his guns when trying to break out of the siege, causing serious casualties.

Lin Rui slowly adjusted the muzzle, locked the reticle in the scope on him, and quickly pulled the trigger. "Da Da Da!!!" It was another three-shot burst, the machine gun paused for a moment, and then rang frantically again.

After the bullet leaves the chamber, it deviates slightly from the intended target due to the influence of the wind. Within this distance, the wind basically does not affect the accuracy of the bullet, but the light and shadow flicker, which affects Lin Rui's eyes to a certain extent. It is difficult to precisely aim at the position. So Lin Rui also missed.

However, these shots were not completely ineffective. The machine gunner was still injured, the bullet wounded his forehead, and the blood was flowing down his forehead, blocking his sight and greatly reducing the accuracy of shooting. .

After the guy was shot, he became even more mad. He simply stood up, holding the light machine gun flat in both hands, and swaying left and right to shoot.

The madness of the enemy made Lin Rui sneer. He quickly used the light of the flares that re-raised into the sky to carefully observe the flow of gunpowder near the machine gun position. The direction and speed of the smoke can provide him with the wind direction of the target area. With the wind speed, he quickly calculated the wind deviation that needs to be adjusted in his mind. He quickly corrected the reticle in the lower scope, and then picked up the rifle and coldly aimed at the target.

"Bang!" The forehead of the machine gunner who was standing up and shooting opened a flower, and the bullet shot out half of his head. The machine gun in the guy's hand stopped abruptly, and the whole body leaned back, and then went soft. fell to the cold ground.

Sniper rifle! ! !

This shot did not come from Lin Rui's shooting, but Lin Rui suddenly felt ecstatic in his heart. He knew that Yelena had understood that he was coming. Yelena knew him better than anyone and how he was going to attack, so she shot him from the building. Just like their countless cooperation before, this tacit understanding has almost become instinct.

Without stopping, Lin Rui quickly aimed the target at the shooter with the m2 heavy machine gun. The wind direction and speed did not change significantly. His right eye had already caught the target in the sight, and he aimed the crosshair at the opponent's head. After putting the helmet on, he coldly pulled the trigger.

The heavy machine gunner seemed to have been hit by a hammer. The bullet quickly pierced the helmet in front of him, and then slammed into his head. The deformed bullet that had lost its initial velocity rolled freely in the skull cavity. , smashed the brain into a paste.

The successive deaths of several machine gunners created a huge gap in the enemy's suppressive firepower, and the remaining mercenaries in the building took the opportunity to move to the other side of the building.

The grenade drew beautiful arcs and hit the sandbag wall. The continuous explosion of "Boom Boom Boom" caused the Oromi Federation Army soldiers hiding behind the sandbag wall to be directly lifted by the blast of air.

The misfire of the machine gun position made the Orumi Federal Army, which had been struggling to support, lose its last barrier. Coupled with Yelena's precise sniping, the Orumi Federal Army fell into chaos, and some soldiers were already preparing to flee.

"Brothers, stand up, there are not many enemies, they are already trapped, don't panic!" An Oromi federal officer shouted loudly when he saw that the situation was critical. He stood up abruptly, grabbed the ak47 in the hand of a soldier next to him, quickly picked up his rifle, shot down a soldier who was about to flee the battlefield backwards, and then fired several times, forcing the other soldiers to continue attack.

The soldiers under him saw no hope of retreat. He could only pick up the weapon in his hand and resist desperately, and the mercenaries in the building were once again suppressed by fire. A mercenary was hit and staggered and fell from the building.

Seeing the casualties of his comrades, Lin Rui hated his teeth. The figure of the officer standing on the opposite side caught his attention. The other party's loud shouts were vaguely heard in the noisy battlefield environment. The other party should be a commander. Officer, or at least a backbone, Lin Rui quickly judged in his heart.

Catch the thief first to catch the king. He immediately locked the target on the opponent, quickly took out a magazine and reloaded it, and then he steadily raised the m16a1 in his hand. Waiting for the next explosion, as long as the light flashes, he will mercilessly kill the opponent under the gun.

It was another grenade explosion. In this short second or two, Lin Rui had already caught the target, and then he gently pulled the trigger. The Oromi Federation officer was about to lie down and take cover, and it was too late. The bullet pierced his head quickly and took his life.

The death of the commander made the slack military spirit of the Orumi Federation Army suddenly collapsed. Without the commander, should we fight or flee? The Oromi Federation Army was at a loss for a moment.

At this time, the peripheral offensive of the Anmore Army was even more severe. The peripheral mercenary troops attacked bravely under the command of the actuary Jiangan, and the troops of Kuaima and others who were outflanking from the other two sides also made a breakthrough. The Orumi Federal Army has been surrounded by three sides.

Trident's mercenaries are veterans with great combat experience. The speed of the impact is very fast. The two wings are surrounded, the three sides are surrounded, and the divisions are interspersed. In a few seconds, the Orumi Federal Army is defeated.

Of course, this is also the reason why the headquarters of the Oromi Federation Army was attacked, and the regiment headquarters had already shrunk and retreated.

Lin Rui finally made it into the building. In order to avoid accidental injury, he took off the Oromi Federation military uniform on his body in advance, revealing the dark digital camouflage only worn by mercenaries.

His appearance made the mercenaries in the building ecstatic.

"Brother, you are really amazing. I have seen it today. I used to think that I was good at skills and strong skills, but only today did I know that there are people outside people and there are heavens!" A bearded mercenary stood up at Lin Rui in admiration. thumbs up.

"Shut up, Sam. You don't even know who he is." Another mercenary pulled the bearded aside and nodded to Lin Rui, "Mr. Rick. We are members of Group B, the third team. ."

"Mr. Rick?" The bearded man looked at Lin Rui in surprise, "Old boss?"

"Many people call it that. But it's not wrong. At least now I'm still paying you." Lin Rui smiled.

"Boss, it's really the boss here." The bearded man was ecstatic. Lin Rui has a high reputation among these mercenaries.

Unlike many bosses of military companies, he came all the way from an ordinary mercenary to this position. Coupled with his various deeds, it has become a legend in the mercenary world.

Lin Rui was also very emotional when he saw this group of mercenaries who stood firm to the end. He saw that these mercenaries should belong to Lincoln's subordinates in Group B, and that the sacrificed mercenaries were all good soldiers hand-picked by Lincoln. Group B has always been the reserve team for Group A, and many of them are truly elite. He didn't expect to lose so much in this battle, it really hurts his flesh.

"Where is Yelena?" Lin Rui separated the mercenaries and walked forward.

"Viper? She's injured and is still at a sniper point upstairs." The bearded mercenary nodded quickly, "We have a brother taking care of her."

Lin Rui walked quickly up the half-collapsed stairs, and he finally found Yelena in the ruins. Yelena was injured, her face was bloodless, her blond hair was scattered, and it was stained with a lot of dust.

He stepped forward and hugged her, "I'm sorry, I'm late." Lin Rui's voice was a little hoarse.

"I knew that you would definitely come." Yelena smiled wearily, and tears flushed the dust from her face out of several ravines.

Lin Rui hugged her tightly and did not let go. She was still bleeding, and the place where the bandage had been bandaged had been penetrated by blood.

Lin Rui took out a first-aid triangle bandage from his carry-on bag and re-bandaged Yelena's wound.

"Where did you learn this technique? It's really ugly." Because of the pain, Yelena's head was covered in cold sweat, but she pretended to tease easily.

"Does it have to be a beautiful bow on the bandage?" Lin Rui smiled helplessly.

"Sir, the enemy has retreated, shall we rush out?!" A mercenary walked up and said.

"No need, your battle is over. Let others do the rest. The other brothers will take good care of these bastards." Lin Rui turned his head and patted the mercenary's shoulder, and said slowly, " We found all the brothers who were killed. After dawn, we took them home."

(End of this chapter)