Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5794: Strong enemy pushes back

Strong enemy pushes back

In the combat headquarters of the Oromi Federation Army, chaos has already become a mess. Tristin looked at the messy headquarters, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He knew that this time, he was finished.

He made one of the biggest mistakes, that is, he did not take the initiative to retreat, but tried to launch a forcible attack on Scarlo when the transportation of supplies was interrupted, trying to defeat the Anmor army as quickly as possible.

To this end, he not only called in a large amount of material and arms of the Orumi Federation Army on the north bank of the Kem River, but even secretly transferred an entire artillery regiment.

But what he did not expect was that such a meticulous plan would still fail. Anmore's army attracted his artillery regiment with a false target, and just as his artillery regiment carried out intensive artillery strikes on the false target, Anmore's hidden hail rocket launched a counterattack.

The entire artillery regiment, except for the two self-propelled guns that were heavily wounded, was almost completely wiped out.

And almost at the same time, the Anmore army in Songshi Town, which had been silent for a long time, also launched an attack at the same time.

The Orumi Federation Army in Pinestone Town suffered heavy losses, on the one hand because of their lack of heavy firepower, and on the other hand because of the sudden incident. However, there is another problem that has to be paid attention to, that is, their insufficient supply.

After nearly half of the supplies were dispatched by Christine, the Orumi Federation army near Pine Stone Town also suffered a certain loss in strength.

More importantly, confidence issues. The Orumi Federation officers in Pinestone Town all believed that the war was about to start in Scarlo. That was the real breakthrough of the Orumi Federation Army. And Songshi Town is just showing off.

In such a mood, the officers of the Orumi Federal Army will inevitably be a little slack. It was at this time that General Kassan of Pinestone Town launched a very sudden all-out offensive.

Under such circumstances, the defeat of the Orumi Federation Army was almost a certainty.

And the source of all this can be traced back to Christine's command. Christine knew she was done.

The Red Baron was never allowed to fail, especially after he made such an obvious and serious mistake. Christine almost knew what the fate awaited her.

Soon the order of the Red Baron arrived, and the Oromi Federation Army fully retreated to the south of the Kem River on standby. While the order did not explicitly remove Christine, Christine knew her time on the unit was numbered.

As for whether he can save his life, it is still uncertain.

Two days later, the Oromi Union Army completely withdrew from the area north of the Kem River. The troops on the southeastern front line of Songshi Town also retreated more than 20 kilometers and retreated into the actual control area of ​​the Orumi Federation before the war.

The reason is very simple, in this case, they can no longer attack. Lack of logistical supplies, coupled with the destruction of long-range artillery units, the Orumi Federal Army's plan to clamp down on Pinestone Town and break north of the Kem River has completely failed.

In this case, if a thorough tactical adjustment is not made, it will only suffer greater losses. To make tactical adjustments, they must withdraw to the Oromi Federation and re-plan everything.

Plus, fragile and unbalanced logistical supply lines. It is also difficult to support them to continue fighting. Although the Orumi Federation Forces have the ability to rehabilitate damaged logistical supply lines, it is impossible for the Anmor Army to give them such time.

If they don't retreat, they will only suffer more. That's what happened in Pinestone, and it was even worse for Scarlo.

If the bulk of the Oromi Confederate forces in Pinestone are withdrawn, Scarlo's forces remain to fight.

Then this army will become a lone army. A large number of Anmore troops in Pine Stone Town can directly take the South Bank position with a simple interlude.

Block this force completely north of the Kem River. At that time, they will not be able to advance, and they will not be able to retreat, and they will fall into a very passive state.

And the Red Baron was also truly courageous, and made a decisive decision and withdrew all the troops. Including most of the area they had occupied north of the Kem River.

This is equivalent to spit out the meat that was eaten in the mouth again. This is something that most commanders are not reconciled to, but the Red Baron did it very calmly.

In the end, the two battle groups of the Orumi Federation Army joined forces at the border of the Orumi Federation.

The southeastern troop in charge of Pine Stone Town and the troop in charge of the north bank of the Kem River are almost equally embarrassed. In a hurry to achieve the evacuation goal, they were forced to lighten their load to reduce their burden, and abandoned a large amount of equipment along the way.

And because the marching speed was different, many troops were left behind in the middle, causing chaos.

At the command post in the camp, Christine met the Red Baron. The latter is sitting behind his desk, reading the documents sent by the various units.

Kristin knew that he was doomed, so he went in. "Reported by Acting Commander Kristin, Northern Strike Group."

"Well, how are the troops?" the Red Baron asked.

"The artillery regiment lost more than 80 percent, and the other divisions lost a lot. Coupled with the hasty retreat, the enemy pursued us, and the losses were also relatively large. The specific losses are currently being calculated." Christine insisted replied with a scalp.

"If you want me to tell you, your report card is not good enough." The Red Baron said slowly.

"I know that I have made a serious mistake in this battle, and I am willing to accept all punishments." Christine replied.

"What kind of punishment can make up for the loss you caused? I have sent you so many personnel and equipment. In the end, you gave me such a result.

Christine, you are so disappointing to me. In this campaign you made not just one mistake, but a series of mistakes. The Red Baron shook his head. "You know my rules." "

"Understood, sir. This subordinate made this big mistake, and he knew that he would be severely punished. In any case, these decisions and orders were made by me, not related to the other brothers." Christine raised her chest.

"Do you still want to be a hero at this time?" The Red Baron put down the document in his hand and turned to look at him.

"The subordinates dare not. The subordinates just don't want to escape their dereliction of duty and fault." Christine lowered her head.

The red baron stared at him for a long time, and finally raised his hand, "You can't escape your responsibility, but now is not the time to settle accounts. You better understand that you can still sit with me and talk to me now, not Because your sins are not unto death, and it is not because I have compassion.

It is entirely because you are still useful, so I will give you another chance to make up for your mistakes. The troops were newly withdrawn, and it was already very chaotic. If their commander was shot at this time, it would not be good for the troops. It will only be more apprehensive. "

"This" Kristin was stunned for a moment, then stood at attention, "Thank you Baron for your trust."

"You know you're afraid of the dark when you've seen a ghost. I keep you because I hope you will remember all the lessons you've suffered and become more cautious.

I don't want to find another confident guy and end up failing again. So you have to keep doing it for me. "The Red Baron said slowly.

"Yes, Baron." Christine nodded, "Baron, next we"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we have to wait for a while. The more important situation is the resistance organization within the Federation." The Red Baron replied.

"Resistance, you mean the terrorists who call themselves Hammers?" Christine asked.

"Yes, they are. This organization should not be underestimated. In just a few years, they have grown from a militia guerrilla to a huge organization that can control the three provinces of the Oromi Federation.

He even had his own armed forces and launched rebellions several times. This time, at the critical moment when we were fighting with Anmore, there was another incident. "The Red Baron stood up slowly.

"It's just a small group of stragglers of a resistance organization. We have defeated them once, and now it's not as good as before. Since the last time we hit them hard, this Hammer organization has not been able to get up again for a long time." Christine frowned.

The Red Baron looked serious, "Now they are not the same. A militia organization, in more than a year, has developed very fast and perfect.

Not long ago they were just guerrilla militias, but now they have become guerrilla experts through and through.

Although, there are some objective reasons for this. But the development of the iron push organization is indeed frightening.

They mix with civilians, and as long as they don't reveal their identities, we don't even know who they are. And they have been completely transformed into underground activities. It's not easy to find them.

In addition, their methods are getting closer and closer to real terrorists. Assassination, demolition, planning rebellion. They have become increasingly difficult to control. "

"The Hammer Organization? Has it become such a formidable force now?" Christine was a little surprised.

The Red Baron was very serious, "In a sense, the enemy who hides in the dark is more dangerous. Not to mention the enemy is close to us.

Anmor's warlord forces, at least in the open, all their actions are hard to escape our observation.

But the Hammer organization is different, they are very secretive, and they are still inside the Orumi Federation. If their actions are not controlled, it will directly affect the security of the Orumi Federation.

And one more thing, from what we've known about the Hammer Resistance before, they're not that professional at all. Just a bunch of rebel militias.

But judging by their recent performance, they are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. It is no accident that an organization that is almost exclusively composed of militias has undergone such a transformation in a short period of time. ' replied the Red Baron.

"In my opinion, 80% of it is still related to those Anmore warlords. The two of them have been in contact with each other before. Logan of Anmore has secretly funded them.

Give them a lot of weapons and equipment, and funds. And hired mercenaries to train them. The purpose is to mess with us. ' Christine replied.

"We are all aware of this. However, the Hammer Organization has undergone such a big change in a short period of time. It was definitely not possible with the assistance of those warlord organizations." The Red Baron shook his head.

"Baron, do you suspect that behind all this, it has something to do with the Americans?" Christine tentatively asked.

The Red Baron was silent for a while, "The CIA has indeed been secretly supporting the opposition forces in Africa. They do have the ability to do so.

But unfortunately, this incident should have nothing to do with the CIA. Because we don't have any credible evidence inside the CIA.

So I suspect they're related to a much trickier character. "

"Trickier than people from the CIA?" Christine was slightly surprised.

"That's right, and this person is our old opponent. The biggest traitor of the organization, Aladdin. I wonder if you have any impression of this person?" the Red Baron asked.

"I have been exposed to some information on this. Aladdin is an arms dealer. When this person was most influential, he almost monopolized the black market arms trade in the entire Middle East and Africa.

But does this person really have that much energy? Does he have the ability to quickly transform a militia organization into an extremely dangerous secret organization? "Christine, skeptical.

"Don't underestimate this person, this person used to be the veteran of the organization and the biggest traitor. The Grand Duke of the Secret Society tried to get rid of him several times, but he used his own power to deal with the Grand Duke many times.

Even the Grand Duke is quite afraid of this person. ' the Red Baron sighed.

"Then?" Christine glanced at the Red Baron and hesitated.

"What do you want to say, just say it directly." The red baron waved his hand.

"I want to say, does the Grand Duke have any instructions for our actions this time?" Christine asked hesitantly.

"This is also what makes me strange. Although we did not get his permission before, we started the operation, which is suspected of killing first and then filing.

But everything we do is in the interest of the organization.

However, it is very strange that the Grand Duke of the Secret Society still has no clear instructions so far. He seems to be letting us do whatever we want.

This makes me feel weird. This time he seems to be completely out of the way, so far he has not contacted me. ' The Red Baron frowned.

"Such a big thing is related to the survival of the Orumi Federation, and the Grand Duke has no instructions?" Christine was also surprised.

"It's true, although he entrusted me with all the affairs of the organization in Africa before. But he didn't just ignore it.

But this time, he seems to be really acting as a hands-off shopkeeper. I don't even know what he was thinking. ' the Red Baron sighed.

Christine asked in a low voice, "Could it be that he thinks we are rashly going to war without his explicit permission. So"

The red baron's eyes suddenly became sharp, "He is definitely not the kind of villain who is self-conscious. Everything the Grand Duke does will always put the interests of the organization in the first consideration.

Although I sometimes disagree with him, but from my heart, my admiration for the Grand Duke is by no means false.

I believe that he will never express his dissatisfaction in such a way as to ignore us just because we acted recklessly.

In other words, if we really upset him. He will make us disappear completely.

And now that we're alive, that's enough to illustrate the point. Show that he knows everything we do and tacitly acknowledges our actions.

But for some reason, he has been silent for a while. "

(End of this chapter)