Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 6256: capture the bridge

Chapter 6256 Capture the Bridge

"Check the line, check the line! Check the line quickly..." Tedt almost yelled hysterically, the alcohol all over his body turned into boiling blood, he was determined to fight to the death with the Anmor army. It was only then that he remembered. It turned out that what he saw just now was the muzzle of the Anmor army, and he happened to find it.

The officers around him hurried away and disappeared in the hail of bullets outside. The battle outside was very fierce, and one could tell just by hearing the gunshots. From the moment the Anmore Army moved, Tedt judged with the eyes of an old soldier that these were definitely not ordinary troops of the Anmore Army, especially the cold eyes of their officer, who looked like wild wolves The viciousness is deeply disturbing.

It was at that time that he realized that it was not good, because he was looking at his eyes with an unbearable hatred. Only those who have been bullied by the Orumi Federation Army will have such hateful eyes. Therefore, subconsciously, he immediately realized clearly that they were definitely the Anmore Army in disguise. The reason why they want to dress themselves up to be extraordinarily scarred and shocking is to prevent others from paying more attention to their eyes.

Tedt looked at his headquarters, and all he saw were panicked faces. The staff officers and guards all looked at him stupidly, not knowing what to do. These staff officers and guards are basically the worst and most cowardly, and some of them have been punished. They never thought that the Anmor army would suddenly kill them at this time.

I don't even know how to counterattack after being suddenly attacked by the Anmor army. More people have completely lost confidence in the battles outside in the past few months, and have also lost confidence in the entire Orumi Federation and the war in Anmor.

"Pick up the gun. Fight!" Tedt roared fiercely, and picked up an assault rifle himself, staring at these cowards fiercely. If he had all his elites, he was sure that it would be absolutely impossible for Anmor's army to set foot on the Gul Bridge. It's a pity that his elite army has already become cannon fodder in Songshi Town, and he will continue to lead this group of cowards to fight.

Under the threat of Teddt, the staff officers and guards hurriedly picked up their assault rifles and followed Teddt to rush out. But before they walked out of the command post, they heard violent gunshots from outside, followed by an Orumi Federation officer who fell headfirst at the gate of the command post, his face was covered in blood, but his eyes were still open. It happened to be the officer who went out to check the line. The faces of the staff officers and guards suddenly turned pale, and some even dropped the rifles in their hands to the ground.

"Get out! Get out!" Tedt yelled and cursed, and shot the staff officer who threw away the rifle in his hand. The huge gunshots echoed in the headquarters, shaking everyone's eardrums, and Tedt himself was no exception.

The staff officers and guards had no choice but to bite the bullet and rushed out. As a result, a series of bullets hit the door of the headquarters, splashing dazzling flames, and the staff officers and guards hurriedly shrank back. The ricochet hit the bodies of two staff officers, and they fell on the bed moaning in pain. The rest of the staff watched the two of them struggle painfully on the bed, but they didn't dare to make the slightest movement.

"Get out! Get out!" Tedt became furious, and shot the two injured staff officers, and then threatened the remaining personnel with a command knife to continue rushing out. Judging from the sound of gunfire, the footsteps of Anmor's army are getting closer and closer, and it is a dead end for them to stay here.

But his voice stopped abruptly, followed by the entire headquarters was replaced by a violent explosion, and then the entire roof collapsed, burying all the people inside alive. It turned out that the bazooka launched by the soldiers of the Anmor Army hit Tedt's headquarters. His headquarters was just an ordinary bunker, and naturally it could not withstand the attack of the bazooka.

With unwilling eyes, Tedt fell down slowly, but still holding the bleeding AK47 rifle tightly in his hand. Drops of blood dripped onto the **** of the assault rifle, staining it a vivid dark red. The commandos of the Anmor army rushed forward, aiming at the ruins of the headquarters and fired another round of machine guns. Tedt and the others were terribly dead. Later, when the Anmor army rushed in to search for the enemy commander, it turned out that the opponent was already covered in bullet holes, and the number was countless.

The remnants of the Orumi Federation army hurriedly fled along the bridge to the opposite bank, only to be chased by the Anmor army. Some Orumi Federation soldiers were desperate, and they jumped off the bridge without fear of death, smashed into the Gul River from the bridge deck more than ten meters away, splashed a small splash, and then disappeared. Looking at the torrent below, the Anmor army couldn't help sticking out their tongues, admiring the courage of the soldiers of the Orumi Federation.

More than ten minutes later, the battle was completely over, and the commandos of the Anmor Army successfully controlled the Gur Bridge. About 160 officers and soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army, including Major General Teddert, were killed , and the rest fled. Eight of Anmor's own soldiers were lightly wounded and six were killed. After simple treatment, the wounded are no longer seriously ill. The corpses of the Orumi Federal Army on the battlefield were quickly thrown into the Gul River, and the Anmor Army was busy preparing for a new battle.

Lincoln and others had no time to catch up with the enemy, and immediately started intense preparations for battle. The defensive measures on the Gul Bridge can be used as much as possible. If they cannot be used, explosives must be planted inside, so that they will be detonated immediately after the Aurumi Federation army is induced to enter, and the fortifications and the Aurumi Federation will be destroyed. The army was blown to ashes together.

The roads on both sides of the Gul Bridge are small and narrow. If continuous landmines or explosives are laid on the road, it will be able to effectively delay the time for the Orumi Federation Army to attack the Gul Bridge.

According to the arrangement, a team was responsible for leading the people to remove all the explosives under the pier, and dismantle all the detonation lines and detonation devices. It was thrown into the rough Gul River, and then the dismantled explosives were placed at both ends of the bridge as landmines. The task performed by the commandos of the Anmor Army this time is very special. Since the equipment it carries is very limited, it is necessary to use the seized materials as much as possible to make up for its own shortage.

C4 plastic bombs are buried on the pier of the Gul Bridge. The charge is increased and the power is much greater. Moreover, their performance is very stable. They will not explode when they are violently impacted or even ignited. An accident will occur immediately. Probably this is also C4 An important reason why it can be widely used in the military of various countries.

Lincoln's squad immediately organized defensive positions on both ends of the bridge, extending the blocking position as far forward as possible. The defense measures at both ends of the Gul Bridge are very complete, but it is a pity that the Orumi Federation Army did not make good use of it. The Anmor Army wants to change this, turn waste into treasure, and use these fortifications as much as possible to slow down the footsteps of the Orumi Federation Army.

Sniper Eric led a sniper team of three, lurking on the hills on both sides, and when the time came, he would shoot and kill the commander of the Aurumi Federation Army, or destroy the light armor, causing chaos to the Aurumi Federation Army. In the war between Anmore and the Aurumi Federation, although Anmore has not gained a decisive upper hand, it has faintly gained momentum. The morale of the Orumi Federation Army is very low. As long as their commanders are shot and killed in the chaos, their combat effectiveness will plummet. It is very possible to even stand still.

"The nearest Aurumi federal army is stationed here. It is estimated that we will receive information in two hours. It takes about half an hour to prepare, and then dispatched urgently. The first batch of counterattack troops should arrive in four and a half hours. It will reach us." Lincoln carefully considered the dots on the map, and said cautiously.

As the commander of this commando, Lincoln's analysis has always been very convincing, and has won the trust of the Anmore Army and other mercenary comrades.

"From what we know, there is a brigade of troops stationed here. There are about 3,000 people, and maybe 800 or 900 people will be dispatched first." Commander Anmore also nodded. Compared with mercenaries like Lincoln, he is a purer soldier, a bit iron-blooded. He doesn't like to use his brain very much, but he will occasionally participate in discussions. For example, like now, his opinions are generally used as a reference of.

Lincoln nodded, knowing that his analysis was very reasonable, so he didn't add any comments, and finally said slowly: "No matter how many enemies come, we have to withstand them. Even if they are all defeated, they must be nailed here, understand? "

The main officers all looked stern, and said in a low voice: "Understood."

Although Lincoln's words were simple, their firmness was undoubtedly revealed, and the pressure on every soldier was enormous. They understand very well that the task they are performing now is arduous and cruel. Gol Bridge is their life. The order received was very simple and very clear, that is to live and die with the bridge. In other words, just like what Lincoln said, even if it is finished, it must be firmly nailed here.

Gul Bridge. For the Anmore Army, it is indeed too important. In the northern Great Plains of the Aurumi Federation, the Gul River is like a huge sickle. It divides the northern Great Plains into two parts. Its wide river has an average width of more than 100 meters and an average water depth of more than six meters. For the troops of the Anmore Army, there is no way to get through it in a short period of time, and it is not easy to build a pontoon bridge on the turbulent water. Able to counterattack smoothly, completely enter the Aurumi Federation, and start the final fierce battle with the Aurumi Federation army.

Of course, the higher authorities don't want them to really light up all of them. They just hope that this commando can firmly control the bridge until the follow-up Anmor Army large force arrives. The Gul Bridge is the main traffic route leading to the hinterland of the Aurumi Federation. Only by passing through here can the Anmor army complete the encirclement of the Aurumi Federation army at the fastest speed. If the Gul Bridge cannot be passed, the Anmor Army will have to take a detour, which will greatly waste precious time.

And this encirclement tactic is the core of Lin Rui's strategy of concentrating his forces on a comprehensive counter-offensive.

The troops of the Anmor Army will arrive here tomorrow morning. According to the communication with their superiors, they will arrive around ten o'clock in the morning. That is to say. Under normal circumstances, they have to stick to the Gul Bridge for sixteen hours. Of course, this is the time estimated according to the combat plan. In case the troops of the Anmor Army encounter unexpected situations on the road, such as being entangled by the particularly tenacious Orumi Federation Army and unable to arrive here on time, they may still need to stick to it longer time.

"Sir, this person wants to see us. He is from the intelligence department." While studying the battle plan, a mercenary suddenly came over and reported to Lincoln in a low voice. Behind him was a very ordinary Orumi Federation soldier. If it weren't for the fact that he was led by this mercenary and he didn't have a weapon in his hand, the first reaction of An Moerjun and others would probably be to draw out their guns and kill them.

Lincoln stood up and looked at the other party cautiously. It turned out that he was a young man in his twenties, maybe even younger than him. He couldn't find any distinctive features from this young man. It was really difficult for him to describe this young man's appearance, because he was so ordinary that he would forget his appearance when he turned his face. The only thing that was special It is his eyes. There was a little excitement when I saw them, but this excitement disappeared quickly.

He was also looking at Lincoln carefully, and there seemed to be something indescribable in his eyes. About three seconds later, he took out a small badge from somewhere in his arms, and shook it in front of Lincoln. His action was just for Lincoln to see, and the people around him couldn't see it. arrived.

This is the badge of the Hammer organization, and it was awarded to members of the special intelligence unit who had been trained on Huxin Island.

Lincoln's brows furrowed quietly, and then slowly relaxed. He knew very well in his heart that the inconspicuous young man in front of him was the real hero who won the Gul Bridge. It must be that he quietly cut off the detonation line pre-designed by the Orumi Federation Army, thus buying precious time for the Anmor Army to seize the Gul Bridge.

Otherwise, even if they rushed up and the Orumi Federation army blew up the bridge with a bang, all the efforts made by the Anmor army would be in vain.

"You are a member of the Hammer organization, a member of the Intelligence Force, what issue are you in?" Lincoln whispered and cautiously said with a wink to the people around him to go to their own work.

Originally, under normal circumstances, people from the Hammer Organization should not show up. He must have something secret to tell himself.