Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 636: Port crisis

Back at the camp, Lin Rui handed the information in his hands to Jiang An Shen and said, "Assemble the team members, including those from Lincoln, we have a task. I want everyone to be in the combat meeting room within 20 minutes." Jiang Jian, nodded, and left.

Twenty minutes later, these mercenaries all rushed to the meeting room. Lin Rui handed out the memo in his hand to them, "This is our new task, the target is Africa, the port in the east of Libya. Actuary." Lin Rui made a gesture to Jiang An.

Jiangan turned on the big projection screen and slowly said, "According to the rules, I will still be responsible for this task. Please, this is a map of Libya. This port in the east is a major oil exporter of Libya. "

"Zuldina Harbor." Lincoln nodded.

"African geography is good." Jiang An smiled and said, "This is the place that occupies about 20% of Libya's oil exports. Now it is controlled by a group of militants. We are employed by the Libyan authorities to solve this problem. The port crisis.

This time the target person is this person-not very sharp, but this is the only photo we have of him. "Jiangji switched a picture to the screen.

The picture shows a white man in his thirties, wearing a black military uniform, with an archangel holding a sword on his armband. Several people gathered around him, seeming to be a group photo in a party.

"His name is Sean, an employee of Morningstar Military Security Consulting Company. The team he leads is a well-known Lucifer squad in the entire industry, with excellent personnel, well-equipped weapons, and very strong combat capabilities." Jiang An explained, "They It is the main defensive force of this port. Of course, in addition to them, in this position and this position of the port, there are also a large number of hostile armed personnel, mainly Libyan rebels."

"How many are they?" Sergey frowned.

"The number of Lucifer's team is not large, only more than fifty people. But they control several important targets. Another source indicates that they have installed explosive devices in these ports. The rebels claim that if they encounter The attack detonated these targets, leaving the government army only in ruins." Jiang An said slowly, "This is why the government army needs to hire us. Depending on the quality of their soldiers, it is impossible to sneak in and solve this crisis."

"What is the origin of this group of rebels? If you want to hire the Lucifer team from Morningstar, the cost is not small." Jason frowned.

"This group of rebels called themselves Free Libya. They were one of the rebels during the last Libyan war. They had received military and economic assistance from Western countries. After the war, they controlled several oil-producing areas for a long time, so the economy is abundant. Whether it is armed, it even has a dozen tanks and armed combat vehicles.

In recent months, they have repeatedly challenged the authority of the Libyan authorities. And there is evidence that they must be responsible for several armed conflicts and attacks that occurred in the past six months. "

Switching the shore to a satellite image, zoomed in on the screen and said, “This is a satellite image of the target port. There are a large number of civilian buildings around the port. The rebels have already made full use of these buildings and built strong positions that are strong enough to counter the government forces. We can’t break in from the front, but we don’t have to worry too much about them, because the government forces will help me contain them. All we have to do is sneak into the port, dismantle all explosives, and they remove the threat to port facilities."

"In other words, this Lucifer squad is what we mainly face?" a member of the team frowned and asked.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "You can say that, but I want to emphasize that the privacy of this operation is of utmost importance. At least until these explosive devices are dismantled, we have to complete everything silently. Because once It was exposed in advance, and the result was BOOM!!!" Lin Rui spread his fingers and made an explosive gesture. "You should understand what I mean."

"Because the periphery of the port has been tightly sealed, I suggest that we enter from the waterway, dive inside the port, and then land in the port, and then fix the threat. UAV detection will report to us various timely status of the other party. All battlefield information will be Connected to the network information center of Heidao to realize real-time sharing by all combat personnel." Jiangan some members of the mercenary team said.

"All-information warfare, this is a rare treatment." Lincoln smiled.

Lin Rui nodded and said, "Our staff are in these two groups. I lead group A and Lincoln leads group B. Log in in the east and west directions of the port, clear all guards, and dismantle the bombs. Finally, we are in the port. The central dispatching area of ​​the country converges. And it sends a signal of internal security, and the rest is government forces."

"What about the evacuation route?" Sergey frowned.

"We are at the port. A ship will pick us up after the signal is sent." Lin Rui explained, "Moreover, this mission will be covered by armed helicopters, which can also be used as a backup evacuation method when necessary. However, the helicopter's goal is too big. , Is too obvious. For the purpose of concealment, it is not a last resort, it is best not to use it."

"One thing that needs to be noted is that we must evacuate within ten minutes after the safety signal is issued. Because later there will be a fierce battle. This is a matter between the government and the rebels and is not within the scope of our contract. Internally, we are only responsible for resolving the crisis in the port. The bullets on the battlefield do not have long eyes, so we try not to get caught in it." Jiangan said. "Any questions?"

"Yes." A mercenary raised his hand. "Do we have more detailed information? Such as the location and number of explosive devices."

"Sorry, this is not there yet. We can only find it ourselves. However, the intelligence data will be updated at any time. If there is any important information, the information center will prompt you through your helmet communication system in time." Jiang An said .

"What about the weapons and equipment?" Another mercenary raised his hand.

"All the weapons you want, as long as you have used them, and can be used." Lin Rui shrugged, "The fat boss has high hopes for our team, so he doesn't hesitate to pay for it. If you have the capabilities of Batman, He might give you a Batmobile."

His words caused a burst of laughter.

"Well, this is a joke. I just want to make your first mercenary mission a little easier." Lin Rui smiled and said, "I will take you to the equipment warehouse with the actuary later. To be honest, You are a bunch of favored bastards, I haven't enjoyed this treatment until now."

The mercenaries laughed happily.