Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 759: Armed forces

"Currently all the information we have is here..." Lin Rui said slowly, "What actuary do you have?""The Colombian rebels have always been rampant, among them the Colombian armed forces Headed by FARC. In 2001, the rebels killed 12 Colombian government officials, including former Defense Minister Gilberto Mejia. They even sent threatening letters to more than half of the country’s mayors: If which mayor doesn’t There is only one dead end when you resign. This caused more than 200 mayors at the time to submit their resignations to the government because they were worried about the safety of themselves and their families. In addition, there were hundreds of mayors, city councilors and judges. Forced to flee or emigrate overseas. It can be seen that these armed forces are extremely powerful in the southern provinces. However, they have recently reached a ceasefire agreement with the government, and there should be no trouble during this time. As far as we know, our financial situation should be okay. Because they are currently reported to have grown to 16,000 to 17,000 members. They have their own website on the Internet. , The web page is written in 7 languages. And because of the control of several provinces in the southeast, the organization’s annual income is estimated to exceed 500 million US dollars.” Jiang An said slowly, “They can’t even be regarded as guerrillas in the original sense. It's a very powerful arm. Where was the kidnapped person tied up?""According to the data, it is in the southern province of Cagda." Lin Rui thought. "Although it is not far from the ceasefire zone delineated by the Colombian government and the Colombian armed forces, it is not actually controlled by the Colombian armed forces. The Colombian armed forces have run so far to kidnap this so-called The officials of, must have received relevant information in advance." Jiang An frowned slightly. "This is not clear. The U.S. military did not provide us with more information, only that the target and his four bodyguards were kidnapped by the Colombian armed forces in Cagheda." Lin Ruishou Slowly and honestly. While talking, there was an email from the satellite network. After Lin Rui opened it, there was another piece of information. The information is a processed photo, and most areas have been deleted, altered and blacked out. "This is the recent photo of the target person we are looking for." Fan Jiannan gave the photo to the team members /br> "Is this the only photo?" Jiang An frowned, "No other background information?" br>"Here is this picture. Obviously, those American military leaders think that we only deserve this kind of information." Lin Rui said helplessly. "This is the place where the kidnapping took place. A few hours later, someone discovered that a team of the Colombian armed forces was operating in the nearby jungle, and the kidnappers were among them. But these armed men were clearly Some things were overlooked. The official’s cell phone signal can be tracked. Soon the military has locked the area where they may be. At this location, in a rebel camp in the Amazon Basin.""Well, we should be busy." Sergey shrugged, "Amazon jungle, I really hate that kind of place.""Wait, listen to me first Said that there are several additional requirements for this operation. Because this incident may be exposed to relatively sensitive information, it cannot alarm the Colombian military, and the kidnapping cannot be made known to the public, that is, it cannot alarm the press. Everything must be resolved silently." Lin Rui shrugged. " Nonsense request. What if they ask for a ransom? This will be known to the world immediately." Sergei shrugged. "It is right, so here is a bit of information from the negative side. That is to say, the US military believes that these Colombian armed forces will not take the initiative to ask for ransom. In other words, they tied this guy. Not for money." Jiang An said slowly. "There is no specific information about where they are being held?" Jason frowned. "They can't provide anything except a coordinate location." Lin Rui shook his head. "To find a target in this dense jungle, satellites can't count on it, and drone reconnaissance is also greatly affected. So there is no news available. "Damn it. Maybe this guy is locked up in the rebels' lair, where there are thousands of armed men with live ammunition. Tens of thousands of Colombian government forces and these militants failed to kill them for half a century, and these **** Yankees wanted us to rescue people silently. Sergey shook his head. "Don't complain, this is the task. "Lin Rui shrugged."What about weapons and equipment?" We need weapons and equipment, and we need external support. If there were no helicopters, even if we did sneak in there and rescued people, it would be impossible to escape. "Lincoln frowned. "Yes, we need equipment, a safe infiltration plan, and a safe evacuation plan. "Lin Rui nodded and said."We came here this time to recuperate. We didn't even bring a weapon. Jason sighed, "Except for that Miss Russia. "It is true that none of these people carry weapons except Yelena. But Yelena can’t do without her sniper gun box all day long." We are in the manor of Silver Wolf, maybe this is the weapons depot. Sergey shrugged. "Am I right, Mr. Butler." "His manor housekeeper.The housekeeper shook his head, "Mr. Michel has never put any weapons in this manor house. If you want to find weapons here, it must be impossible. "" What should I do? "Jason frowned, "It's impossible for us to save people with our bare hands, right?" ""This is Colombia. The only things you can easily get here are ****** and guns. "Jiang An shrugged. "As long as you spend some money, someone will deliver the goods. They are all cash transactions. ""Don't be so troublesome, Silver Wolf has already figured it out for us. "The message on Lin Rui's brain said, "He helped us plan a way to get weapons quickly. If we are lucky, we can even get really good things. "" What way? "Jason frowned." For a long time, arms dealers in this place have provided weapons to the rebels for huge profits. After about six hours, two groups of people will conduct a transaction. A whole car of weapons, various firearms and ammunition and anti-tank rocket launchers. We can rob this car. This is also good, no one will track us down from weapons. "Lin Rui replied." Robbing the arms dealer? Jason frowned, "This idea doesn't sound very good. ""I know, but in an area controlled by the rebels. There is only one type of person who can freely enter and exit, and that is the arms dealer. We can save a lot of trouble if we hijack the car. Their license plates are familiar and common in those areas. No one will check them. "Lin Rui shrugged and said, "Be prepared, and act in half an hour. We are going to do this in a remote place." "