Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races: I Have a Billion Times Crit System

Chapter 200: Sanqing Village

At night, in the single-person dormitory of the patrol team.

Chen Xuan began to practice with the previous body quenching method.

It has to be said that the concentration of spiritual energy in Yunlang Territory is far higher than that of Human Territory, at least several times that of Human Territory.

The main cultivation method of Nayuanjing is to absorb vitality, fill the body's meridians with vitality, and continuously compress it to gradually liquefy it.

In this process, with the increase in the vitality content in the body, the warrior Yuanli will be stronger.

When the primordial qi in the body is completely compressed into liquid, the primordial qi is transformed into primordial liquid, which gradually begins to penetrate into the countless cells of the body's limbs. At this time, the martial artist's body gradually evolves and begins to distinguish itself from ordinary people. Primordial strength is more powerful. territory.

When the essence liquid stored in the body of a mortal-transforming martial artist reaches saturation, every cell in the martial artist's body merges with the essence liquid, and the body communicates with the vitality of the outside world without hindrance.

Chen Xuan, who is in the early stage of Nayuan Realm, also needs to absorb a lot of vitality to improve his cultivation. Unlike others, he created his own external meridian system, and the total amount of vitality that can be stored reaches ten of the Daoist body forging Nayuan martial artist. times, a thousand times that of ordinary warriors.

The more vitality reserves, the greater the power of martial arts and martial arts, the more times it can be released, and the stronger the combat power.

But this also means that the total amount of vitality he needs to improve is also a thousand times that of an ordinary martial artist.

Fortunately, he is a body forge from heaven and earth, his body is transparent, and his aptitude is amazing. While meditating, he is like a huge sponge, his body seems to have a huge suction, and all the spiritual energy in the air is introduced into the body.

The speed of cultivation is extremely fast, coupled with the fact that Yunlangyu has a lot of spiritual energy, with his current cultivation speed, he can be promoted to the middle stage of Nayuan Realm in a few days.

While running the body quenching exercise, Chen Xuan was not idle, and was still slowly developing external meridians. In one night, he forcibly developed two new meridians outside the external spherical meridians.

The total length of the arc-shaped meridians outside the sphere far exceeds the two meridians of Ren and Du in the body. Just these two new meridians are equivalent to the sum of the meridians of an ordinary Nayuan martial artist.

Chen Xuan practiced until very late before going to bed. One night, his cultivation was amazing, and almost one-fifth of the meridians were filled with vitality.


The next day, the top four rabbits came to find Chen Xuan.

"Aotian, I contacted a few small lords who are interested in selling their territories yesterday. The locations and prices are marked on the map. You should carefully screen them."

Saying that, he opened a map.

"Thank you Fourth Uncle."

Chen Xuan looked at the map excitedly.

The top four of the rabbit introduced to Chen Xuan while gesturing.

"This village, around the core of the Rabbit Leader, is small but very safe. The asking price is 50 yuan stone."

"This village is quite safe from the border, but the place is a little small, with only one or two hundred residents, and there is no title. The asking price is 20 yuan stone."

"Here, the land and the citizens can be bought separately. The land is 20 yuan stone, and the land is 3 yuan stone. But if you don't have the land, it's useless even if you want the land and the citizens, you still have to buy them together."

"As for this place, I don't recommend you to buy it. This place was originally very big, but it was too close to the pig demon's territory. In recent years, the pig demon has annexed more than half of the land, and the rest of the land is in jeopardy and will fall at any time. Quite a few, there are thousands of people, but they will soon become refugees. This is the cheapest, and it is only 5 yuan stone when all packaged.”

Chen Xuan read it carefully, and finally fixed his eyes on the edge of the map.

Thousands of rabbit people, only 5 primeval stones are sold, which is too cheap.

"That's it!"

The top four rabbits were stunned, and what Chen Xuan was referring to happened to be the place he was least optimistic about.

He hurriedly said, "Aotian! Why did you choose this place? It's the most dangerous place close to the pig demon!"

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "It's the cheapest here."

The top four rabbits were anxious: "Aotian, the fourth uncle still has some private money..."

Chen Xuan insisted: "The purpose of my team is to fight a **** path in the battle of the Hundred Clan, and to promote the prestige of my Rabbit Clan. If this team can't even stop the harassment of the mere pig monsters, it is better to give up early."

The top four rabbits were stunned for a moment, and were somewhat speechless.

He glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise, thinking that I was superficial, and immediately got up and took Chen Xuan to Sanqing Village.

Sanqing Village, located on a hillside, is full of ragged and depressed-eyed rabbit people.

Sanqing Village originally consisted of three green hills, and the name of the village came from this. Later, the pig demon gradually invaded and recently swallowed two green hills. It also decreased, and the lives of the rabbit people became more and more embarrassing.

The lord of Sanqing Village, Tu Xiaocong, was originally a second-generation leader, and his life was relatively easy, but recently the pig demons have annexed his territory one after another. He can't even maintain his basic life recently. The problem followed, and what terrified him even more was that the pig demons would soon invade again, and by then, he would really be penniless.

Therefore, I plan to get rid of this spiritual ground as soon as possible, and exchange some primeval stones to live in the big city.

Seeing that the top four rabbits came with buyers, Xiaocong Tu was overjoyed and immediately came over to greet them.

After Chen Xuan explained his intention, Tu Xiaocong immediately nodded in agreement, immediately took out the contract, and signed his name.

Immediately, he explained to the village chief about the transfer, and ordered the village chief to obey Chen Xuan's arrangement in the future, and he didn't care about cleaning up those shabby belongings. He got 5 primeval stones and left immediately.

It seemed that he was afraid that Chen Xuan would go back on it.

His actions caused the top four to shake their heads, and they were even less optimistic about Chen Xuan's purchase of this unfortunate village.

After the transaction was completed, the top four rabbits had to rush back to the patrol team to preside over the work, while Chen Xuan began to look at the village in front of him.

"There are refugees everywhere, all with yellow faces and thin skin, it's really appalling!"

Not long after, he sighed and invited the village chief to understand the situation.

The village chief is named Tufeng. He is an obedient, honest and honest old rabbit who has been the chief of Sanqing Village for decades.

"Tufeng, sit down and report the situation in this territory to me in detail."

Tufeng bowed and sat on the chair next to him, saying: "Master Zhi Aotian, Sanqing Village has a population of 1,025, 600 males, 426 females, and more than 700 adults between the ages of 20 and 140. Among them, there are 400 males. There are three green hills in this village, and two are now occupied by pig demons.”

Speaking of this, his tone was a little sad, presumably because he was very uncomfortable.

Chen Xuan asked: "What is the origin of this pig demon? How about the strength?"

Tufeng said: "Master, in fact, according to the rules formulated by the elders, the territory that has been demarcated cannot be invaded by other tribes, but this is only a statement on the surface. In private, there are often strong tribes occupying the land of weak tribes, and weak tribes Without making a sound, I can only choose to swallow my voice. This pig demon clan has been eroding the land of our rabbit clan for more than ten years. Twenty years ago, Sanqing Village was still thousands of miles away from the border, and now, it has been It belongs to the farthest place.”

Chen Xuan was furious when he heard the words: "The pig demon deceives people too much!"

Tufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone knows that my Rabbit is the most peace-loving race, but they are bullied."

Chen Xuan sneered: "Love peace? I think it's too weak. Sometimes, being weak is the original sin."

He asked again, "What is the strength of the pig demon?"

Tufeng respectfully said: "The pig demon clan is the strongest race in the vicinity, the patriarch is in the middle stage of the Venerable Realm, and there are many masters in the sky realm. This kind of thing that can't be on the table, generally will not send Yukongjing to the horse, for fear of falling into the truth."

Chen Xuan pondered for a while, the Rabbit King is also at the peak of the Royal Air, but the Pig Demon King is in the middle stage of the Venerable Realm.

Even the basic strength, one in the early stage of mortal transformation, and the other in the late stage of mortal transformation, differs by two small ranks, no wonder they are always bullied.

"You continue to speak." Chen Xuan ordered.

Tufeng said: "Regarding income and taxes, the villagers of Sanqing Village mainly make a living by planting crops such as spirit vegetables. In previous years, the harvest was not bad. Since some time ago, the pig demons have invaded and occupied two green hills. The spirit vegetables are waiting to be harvested. They were robbed, and the villagers’ homes and living materials were also destroyed. Many villagers lost their lives and are now in a situation of no residence and no income.”

Chen Xuan said with a smile: "So, what I bought is a mess, not only can it not provide me with any income, but I have to invest in it to maintain it like this?"

Tufeng's eyes were wet, and he lowered his head and pleaded, "I beg you to have pity on the poor villagers, please help the villagers."