Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 173: "Myth" lottery

On the third day of the release of "Myth", the system reminder sounded again.


   "Congratulations, "Mythology" has officially exceeded 5 million fans, and you have won a chance to draw a lottery."


   Du Ziyuan just finished drawing a comic and clicked on the lottery interface.


   Click, click... After the box burst open, three rays of light, two blue and one white, rushed out of the box.


   "I'm going! Why is it the blue sky and white clouds again?" Du Ziyuan was also looking forward to drawing the elixir of life. It's really Ou Jishengfei.


   What will be the two blue rewards? With curiosity, he opened one of the blue light balls, and a soft cloth ball immediately fell into his hands.


  Lifei bellyband: The bellyband worn by Qin Shihuang's favorite concubine Lifei was made by the top tailor in Qin.


   "Mom sells..." Du Ziyuan was really speechless, "Why do you still have this kind of operation? What do you mean by giving me a bellyband?"


   Smell it, it's pretty fragrant, forget it, the pattern on it is pretty pretty, take it to Lin Yufeng.


   He stretched out his hand to the second blue light ball: "Don't be so pitted, if you dare to have another belly, I will really curse."


   It's okay, it's not.


   After Du Ziyuan came into contact with the blue light ball, the light directly merged into his body.


   "Congratulations on your acquisition of the'Advanced Ink Painting Skills'."


   is actually a skill! But it is not Meng Yi's martial arts, but Qin Guo painter's painting skills.


   There is such a scene in "Mythology". Prince Gul'dan of India brought a treasure to pay tribute. The King of Qin Dayue allowed him to choose one of his harem beauties as a gift in return. As a result, Gul'dan chose Li Fei. She was King Qin's favorite, so she was reluctant to give it, but she couldn't break her promise, so Qin ordered the painter to draw a picture and give it to Gul'dan.


  The ability to replace people with paintings shows how high the quality of this painting is. In fact, the painting in the movie is almost the same as the photo. It is possible to paint this kind of painting in the Qin Dynasty.


   Now, what Du Ziyuan draws is the artist's ink painting skills. Du Ziyuan, who had only mastered the basic ink painting skills, was blessed for a moment, and only felt that his ink painting skills had greatly improved.


   He took a brush and a piece of paper and began to draw, and soon a lifelike five-claw golden dragon appeared on the paper. This is the first time he saw Xiaojin's body. The five-clawed golden dragon in the painting not only looks like on the outside, but also the body and charm of the dragon clan are portrayed as if they are about to come alive from paper at any time.


   "Tsk tsk." Du Ziyuan was obviously satisfied and couldn't help but start painting again.


   This time he drew a girl with a tall chest. She leaned on a sofa, her eyes blurred, her top and skirt had been lifted, revealing her fair skin, and there were four men's hands acting on her.


   "Fuck me!" Du Ziyuan took a look after he finished painting, and he himself was taken aback.


   He immediately threw the picture into the shredder, and then squeezed his right hand vigorously: "Why can't I control this hand!"


   The instinct of being a painter made him subconsciously draw a scene from a certain functional novel in his memory.


   Du Ziyuan remembered the fear of being stabbed to death again, and suddenly he was full of excitement: "Absolutely, absolutely can't draw books, especially NTR! If you don't die, you won't die!"




   There is actually a third version of "Mythology", which not only has comics and BGM, but also has a live-action MV. But this version of Pei Mingyang will obviously not be seen by others. Only when Princess Yunman ordered, she quietly replaced the hardcover version with the ultimate version.


   Princess Yunman grew up in the deep palace since she was a child, her status is not high, and she has no friends, so she was unwilling and had to become an otaku. She likes reading novels the most. She reads all types of novels, but as far as she likes the most, it is naturally Shanfeng's "Variety Sakura".


   She likes Sakura who can fly freely in the manga, and she yearns for her who has so many friends. These are not available to Yunman.


   Later, she went to make up for other works by Shanfeng. "Quanyou" is not very suitable for her, but it is still interesting. "Gastrodia" is particularly interesting, and she likes the friendship between these little girls.


   The sudden end of "Gastrodia" naturally made her very disappointed, so when she heard that Shanfeng had a new work, she bought two copies in the first place. An electronic version and a paper version. As a princess, she is not short of money.


   After opening "The Myth" and starting to read, her emotions were affected by the story. Because she, like Li Fei, was to be married, and she also had someone she liked, but she couldn't be with him.


   When she saw Li Fei praying to Meng Yi to take her away outside of Xianyang City, she also had a strong urge in her heart. She wanted to escape from this cage and didn't want to be married. However, Meng Yi did not agree. When she saw this scene, Princess Yunman finally couldn't hold back her tears.


   "Cloud! What's wrong with you?" Qiu Xiaoyu, who happened to be looking for her, saw her tears like rain, and immediately came to ask nervously.


   Yunman raised his head and looked at her, and asked with tears in his eyes: "Rain? When will free? Will it be the day of death?"


When Qiu Xiaoyu heard that, although she wanted to cry, she still comforted her, saying, "No, Yun. Although we can't see hope now, if we give up here, it's really possible. Doesn't exist anymore."


   The two people hugged each other, and Yunman's mood gradually eased.


   Qiu Xiaoyu now has time to ask her: "What's the matter with you?"


   Yunman took out "Mythology" to her, and the two watched it from the beginning together. When they finished watching, both of them were crying into tears.


   "Teacher Shanfeng is too bad, so I drew all these sad comics."


   "But I really want to have someone like Meng Yi who protects me and loves me."


   "You already have one, that fat guy."


   "He? Come on, let him run a few steps behind my back and get down." Although Qiu Xiaoyu said so, the sweetness on her face was hard to conceal.


   Princess Yunman said to her: "I don't think the father will necessarily blame you."


   "Really?" Qiu Xiaoyu asked quickly, startled.


Princess Yunman said: "My father was obsessed with Buddhism more than ten years ago. Apart from handling state affairs, he spent most of his time in Maha Temple. Marrying you back then was just for the sake of the overall situation. In fact, he didn't even come to find him once. Have you ever."


   Qiu Xiaoyu nodded: "Indeed, I haven't seen him again except the day I got married."


"The emperor father cares most about this country. If it wasn't for a few emperor brothers who hadn't become a weapon, he would have passed on the throne and went to become a monk. Therefore, if he can make great contributions to the country, let the emperor do you not. Impossible.")!!