Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 31: Merit Store

   is different from the material lottery. This time, what appeared in front of Du Ziyuan was a square iron box with a button on the top of the box.

   As he pressed the button, the box began to vibrate quickly, and finally burst open with a bang, and three rays of light, one gold, one blue and one white, rushed out of it.

   The white light finally condenses into a "empty" character, which means that Du Ziyuan has not obtained anything. The blue light turned into a maid outfit. Judging from the size of the chest, it seemed to be the one worn by the original. Du Ziyuan took a look and found that it could automatically adjust the size the first time it was worn.

   "That's pretty good." Du Ziyuan had always felt that Xiaojin was a maid without a maid costume, which was very unconventional. Now it was luck to get a maid costume.

   And the last golden light was so powerful, it fell directly into Du Ziyuan's body after rushing out of the box, and Du Ziyuan received a system prompt at the same time.

   "Congratulations, you have acquired the special ability "Take the Magic Mirror"."

   I won the ability! It is the sister of the heroine Miyasa, another one of the tricks of the great demon king Miyasa!

   Regarding the magic mirror, the original text refers to "when playing mahjong, at the cost of temporarily giving up the draw, observe the characteristics of the opponent, and completely see through the opponent's style of play." The magic mirror that Du Ziyuan obtained, after being influenced by the laws of the immortal world, became "Anyone who has seen it once, can see through the essence of everything."

   This is not just limited to the ability to play mahjong, as long as he has read the martial arts of the martial artist and the Taoism of the cultivator once, he will be able to understand the principles and weaknesses. Of course, even if he understands the principle, he may not be able to replicate it. After all, proficiency and certain objective conditions are there. But this is already very powerful. Seeing through the essential weaknesses, you can find solutions in a targeted manner, which is definitely a great weapon in the actual combat method.

   In addition, he can also see through some transformation techniques and blindfold techniques. For example, now, Du Ziyuan can clearly see the appearance of a five-clawed golden dragon reflected in the misty mirror behind Xiaojin.

   "What's the matter?" Xiaojin suddenly felt a bitter cold behind him, as if even the internal organs were seen through, and he was very uncomfortable. But after looking around, nothing was found.

   Seeing Xiaojin's suspicious appearance, Du Ziyuan understood that this ability seemed to be noticed by the other party, and it seemed that he could not use it to others casually in the future.

"I just don’t know whether my magic mirror is stronger or weaker than the legendary magic mirror." There are many legends related to gods on Huntian Star. The magic mirror is a well-known and powerful fairy tool. It is said that everything Demons and monsters will show their true colors before it.

   Obtaining such a strange ability naturally made Du Ziyuan very happy, but after the freshness passed, he found that he didn't seem to need this ability. He is a cartoonist who relies on merit to become an immortal. He can't think of any place where he needs to fight.

"Perhaps this ability can be used for painting." Du Ziyuan suddenly thought that Da Vinci could dissect more than 30 corpses for the purpose of drawing human anatomy, and he could use the ability to look into a magic mirror to achieve the same effect, especially There are all kinds of strange creatures in the fairy world.

  Painting is a never-ending art. Although Du Ziyuan is already very good now, he would naturally not refuse if he could paint better.

   Except for the lucky draw of ability props, the second good news still comes from the system.

   "Congratulations on getting 100 merit points, and the merit store is open."

   Merit! This is something that everyone in the entire Huntian Star is eager for. It is invisible and invisible, but it is infinitely useful. It can increase the speed of cultivation, reduce the difficulty of breaking through bottlenecks, extend life, improve luck and so on. In short, it is good to have merit in the body, and even the people around it will benefit.

   The greatest effect of merit is to enable a mortal to ascend in a day, which is also Du Ziyuan's ultimate goal. In addition, Du Ziyuan has another way to use merit, that is, the merit store.

   He opened the system's merit store to check and found that there were only two options.

   One is to spend 1,000 merits and 10 million fan points for a random lottery. The content includes all the abilities and props in Du Ziyuan’s memory in film, animation, and game novels. Because of the high price, it won't take out the useless props or abilities like maid outfits.

   The second one is direct purchase. Currently, only the abilities that appear in the "Genius Mahjong Girl" comics are available for purchase. It seems that the comics he drew are required to enter the store option. There should be a demand for popularity, otherwise "Game of Thrones" should also appear.

"Toyoko Momoko's invisibility ability can hide his figure and breath, but the entity is still at The exchange needs: 600 merit points and 4 million fans points. Note: This ability comes with'Bust +1' Special effects."

"Yonjo Temple's predictive ability can predict the next 5 minutes at the expense of physical strength. Increase physical strength to see a longer future. Exchange needs: merit value of 2,000 points and fans value of 30 million. Note: This Ability comes with the special effect of'sexual orientation bend'."

"Longmenbu Touhua's'Dragon King Water Control' can be launched when the number of strong people reaches a certain level within a certain range. It can suppress everything and temporarily degenerate all targets except yourself into mortals with no cultivation. Invalid, the exchange needs: merit value 10,000, fans value 100 million. Note: This ability comes with the special effect of'stay hair +1'."


   Although it is a mahjong comic, the abilities in this comic are still very sharp, and the effect of multiplying tricks is excellent, especially the "Dragon King Controlling Water", which is just like a BUG. But the corresponding price is also very exaggerated, and basically every ability will have a negative effect.

   Yes, in Du Ziyuan's view, all the incidental effects are negative. Don't worry about being foolish, what kind of "bust +1" does he want? Isn't this cheating? There is also the ability of Yuancheng Temple Rei, because she is a crooked person, so after changing her ability, she has to be as crooked as her? Du Ziyuan wouldn't exchange this kind of thing even when he died.

   Looking at his pitiful 100 points of merit, Du Ziyuan felt that he had better stop visiting the merit store to avoid the pain. The only thing he feels gratified is that the price of "Mirroring the Mirror" is as high as 5,000 merits and 50 million fans. And there is no need to bear the negative effects of "Gong Yongjiao +1".