Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 589: What did the pangolin say?

"Don't you tell Nezha's story?"

"Nezha, let’s talk about it later, this gourd is also related to Nezha," Du Ziyuan began to tell the children the bedtime story mode, "A long, long time ago, there was a gourd mountain with a monster under the mountain. One day, a pangolin accidentally dug through the Hulu Mountain and released the monster. Although it was rescued by a kind grandfather, it was also dying. Before it died, it gave a colorful seed to the grandfather. And said..."

"What did it say?" Lilydia asked curiously.

It just so happened that one page was full at this time, so Du Ziyuan began to paint the second page: "Grandpa took the seeds home, and after planting, a gourd vine grew in the ground, and seven colors grew on the vine. Different gourds..."

"Hey, hello!" Lilydia yelled, "Why did you jump here!? What about pangolins? What did it say?"

"Oh, don't you care about this kind of details," Du Ziyuan didn't care about her, and continued to paint. "This matter was known to the monster, so she decided to come and take away the colorful gourd."

"Report King!"

"How many times have you said that, don't call me the king, but call me the queen!"

"Okay King, report to King, that old man's house is right ahead!"

When the monster came on stage, Du Ziyuan also switched to Xiao Ai and Shan Xin's voice to give the voice.

"Huh?" However, Lilydia's focus is elsewhere, "Why does this monster look so much like Xiaojin?"

"I said don't care about this kind of details." In fact, it was just what Du Ziyuan drew casually. He wanted to try this if there was a way to get Xiaojin a little bit of faith. She is just one step away from becoming a fairy, and it's always good to prepare early. The type of monster has also changed from snake spirit to dragon girl.

Because the old man wanted to highlight a handsome character, Du Ziyuan simply used his own image.

So then Lilydia saw that the dragon girl who was obviously going to catch the gourd had tied an old man back, with the nickname "Capture the thief first capture the king".

Then it was the turn of the seven gourds to send in turns, oh no, it was the turn to save Grandpa.

The neon attribute of the big baby has been changed, and Du Ziyuan has been changed to some common stalks of otaku here.

Then... "Hahaha, what the **** is this! Why is only the head getting bigger!? This way of death, hahahaha..." Lilydia rolled directly on the beach, it seems that the eldest baby hit her Smile.

Du Ziyuan waited for her to laugh for a long time, then stopped before continuing to draw the story of the second baby.

The second baby was hung up, not to mention his virtuosity, but also clairvoyance, clairvoyance and laser eyes. Nezha on the edge of the beach flashed by, and Lilydia immediately became interested.

In the end, he saw a scene that was very unsuitable for children.

"Hey-how can you draw Xiaojin's kind of place, it turns out that you usually look at her like that! Obscene! Shameless!"

"Fuck off!" Du Ziyuan said dissatisfied, "What's the point of being scolded by you for drawing cartoons for you!? What did I paint, a bunch of mosaics, what can you see?"

"Mosaic? It turns out that this pile of things is called mosaic. I thought it was smeared with ink."

Du Ziyuan pointed to Mo Yun on his wrist: "Quickly apologize! Apologize to Mo Yun! How could the Long Mo that it stained be smeared!"

Mo Yun also showed grievances very cooperatively: "Hey~"

"Oh, okay, okay, it's my fault, right?" Lilydia touched Mo Yun's head. "Little guy, I've wronged you, I'm sorry."

"Hey~" Mo Yun rubbed her finger, looking very close.

Then Du Ziyuan drew three children, four children, five children and six children one after another.

Basically every one made Lilydia laugh so much that her abdominal muscles twitched.

"Hahaha, why does such a powerful gourd essence have hemorrhoids!? And why is there so much blood!?, I'm going to laugh to death, these gourd brothers are all sent by themselves Well, how did that six baby flutter? What do you mean by painting those landscape paintings?"

Du Ziyuan smiled mysteriously: "Can't figure it out? Then prove that your intelligence is on the same level as Xiaojin." After speaking, he got up and walked into the house.

When it was time for dinner, Lin Yuman had already prepared dinner, and Xiaojin, who didn't know where to go, also came back on time. She saw Lilydia with the frowning pensive at the door, she couldn't help but leaned forward and took a look: "What is this?"

Lilydia handed her the page where Liuwa was on the street: "Can you see how this gourd spirit died?"

"Gourd spirit? What are six babies? Six dolls? But there is nothing here, just some mountains and rocks. Where did the dolls come from?" Xiaojin scratched his chest and said with some doubts.

"Sure enough, don't you know?" Lilydia sighed, and at the same time she was relieved. Fortunately, Xiao Jin didn't know, or she would doubt life.

Just when she was thinking this way, she heard Xiaojin say: "This is the master's painting. It is estimated that the person in the painting is invisible, so that he can save a lot of effort to paint people."

"What!?" Lilydia suddenly realized that she was invisible! Why didn't she expect it! ?

Now Xiao Jin actually said it first, doesn't that mean...

Du Ziyuan happened to hear the sound coming out, and when he saw this scene he couldn't help but smile: "Oh, when did my Xiaojin become so smart? Looks like Lazy Angel, your IQ is still below Xiaojin."

Xiao Jin said happily, "Thank you, the host, for the compliment."

And Lilydia looked desperate: "No—"

That night, she had a nightmare. She was overwhelmed by a group of palm-sized Du Ziyuan, every little Du Ziyuan was telling her "Your IQ is not as good as Xiaojin", "Your IQ is not as good as Xiaojin", "Your IQ is not as good as Xiaojin"...

"No! Ah! Don''t come over!"

For a week after this, Lilydia did not dare to close her eyes again.

Du Ziyuan has a lot of time to play recently, so he thinks of more tricks.

He watched the animation of "Small Books" one day, and suddenly felt that something was missing.

"Yeah! How can there be no barrage when watching anime?" Du Ziyuan immediately contacted Luo Yuntianjun when he thought of this.

But this time because he lent Xiao Shuang'er the Heavenly Jade Bi, and couldn’t go to the sky, Luo Yuntian said to him: “Well, what you said, the technology in the organ city should be able to do it, I’ll give it to him. Say hello, you can just go there and get it."

Du Ziyuan thought about it and thought it was okay, so he agreed.

He found a time to go to the Institution City, but this time he didn't have to worry about getting lost, because there was a dedicated person waiting to pick him up.