Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 697: "Juvenile Bao Zheng Incident Book"

It is said that there is such a place called Luzhou.

On this day, the largest restaurant in Luzhou was crowded with people eating melons, and surrounded by them were five young people and one old man.

Four of them were sitting around each other. A table was placed in front of each person. One of them was a piano, another was a chessboard, and the remaining two were papers.

"Gongsun Ce! Today, the four masters of my piano, chess, poems and books are going to challenge you! This time we have invited the most notarized Zhang Lao from Luzhou to judge, which one should you compare first?"

Next to the old man, Gongsun Ce smiled slightly: "If that's the case, then you guys go on it together."

After that, he went to the young man who claimed to be "Shujie" and dipped his pen in ink: "What to write?"

Shujie said: "It's better than XX's "Homesickness"!" In the original work, here is Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts", which has naturally been changed into a popular homesick poem in the Qifeng domain.

"The simpler the test, the more you can test your skill." Gongsun Ce continued to look at "Qijie."

The latter asked: "Do you want white or black?"

"I'm going to be black, you can go down first." After that, he walked up to "Shijie" and began to write "Homesickness".

Shijie doesn't need any props. He directly said, "I have a quadruple, and you win if you can match it."

"Okay." Gongsun Ce replied without raising his head.

"Shanglian: Green water is worry-free, because the wind wrinkles the face."

Gongsun Ce casually said, "Qingshan is not old, but with a white head."

Seeing him so easily, Shijie spoke out, his face changed slightly, and he immediately sent out the second page.

Gongsunce wrote poems from time to time, and sometimes went back to Qijie's place and spotted on the chessboard with Mo Daiheizi. This can be considered quite confident. You must know that Go can eat the opponent's pieces, but the ink can't be wiped off. That is to say, Gongsun Ce is absolutely sure that the opponent will not be able to eat it.

On the other side, Shujie is still struggling to write, and Qinjie is constantly playing the piano. Because it is a comic, I can only show this song with close-ups and the expressions of others. It is obvious that this song is very pleasant to hear from the reaction.

Gongsun Ce was writing poems while playing chess in the sound of Qin, and at the same time he had to couplet with Shijie. Shijie initially gave up when he said that he said that he had four joints, but later he joined one by one, and he didn't mean to admit defeat at all.

Later, he even learned to use couplets to curse people.

"Wag the dog's tail everywhere."

"Sometimes you can shrink the turtle's head."

However, Gongsun Ce was able to counterattack easily, and even if Shijie looked unwilling again, it was all right.

This section is actually the most difficult to draw, because many things like couplets are related to characters. If you get a Huntianxing and use another type of script, many couplets won't hold. Du Ziyuan removed those couplets such as "watching the door in the middle of the moon, thinking about farming and going to the field", and let Yunting think about the new couplets by herself.

Originally, Yun Ting wanted to seek a bachelor's degree in the Pope's Palace, but later joined the Songzi team, Songzi arrested Tang Junhao, and supplemented these couplets one by one. When it comes to poetry couplets, the second child is at the level of Tang Bohu.

After the comics came out, these couplets were once cited as classics by scholars, and they were passed on by word of mouth. Yunting was even given the title of "Princess Wen" to refute others saying they were lo*ic*n.

Shijie was the first to lose, and then Qijie, who held Baizi first, was slaughtered by Gongsun Ce and Dalong abandoned his son. Losing two in a row led to a round of applause.

At this time, Shujie's calligraphy has also been written.

The old man said after watching: "Okay! Vigorous and powerful, with proficient brushwork... Of course, this is homesickness, and the calligraphy is surging but not delicate."

Then he walked up to the poem written by Gongsun Ce and immediately smiled and said, "Gongsun Ce won this round again."

Shujie refused to accept: "His writing is messy, and the words don't look like the words, why did he win?"

The old man smiled and shook his head. He picked up the piece of Gongsun Ce's paper and turned it over: "You can't understand it. That's because he wrote the calligraphy the other way around. Look at it from the back. Do you understand? He not only beats you in technique, but also new ideas that you can't match."

Shujie saw that it turned out to be normal calligraphy, and his pen was far stronger than him, so he immediately discarded the brush in his hand in shame.

Finally, Qin Jie finished playing a piece and said to Gongsun Ce: "It's your turn!"

Gongsun Ce just threw the pen casually, and the brush pierced the strings and made a harsh squeal. Everyone around them covered their ears and wanted to stay away.

The old man looked at it and said: "In this last round, Gongsun Ce won."

"He destroyed my strings, why did he win!?" Qin Jie refused.

The old man (forcibly) explained: "This song is "A Dream", made by the ancient immortal Gao Jianli. A seven-tone song uses seven-stringed sounds. The wide range makes people awaken from dreams. Look at the reactions of people around you. You know why it is called this name."

At this point, the four great masters were defeated, and Gongsun Ce won a full house of applause.

"Fuck! It's okay?" Huang Bin didn't expect that there would be such a piece of music. "Next time my father will test my piano skills again, I will use this song "Shocking Dream", how easy it is! Haha, I'm such a genius. "

He then looked down, wondering when Bao Zheng would appear on the scene.

Just when Gongsun Ce became the focus of everyone's attention, he suddenly heard someone shouting outside: "Hey! Come out and see, someone is going to judge the pig!"

"Trial pig?" Such a strange thing suddenly attracted everyone's attention. How could they even care about cheering Gongsun Ce, and they ran to the corridor to look around.

On the street, a young man with thick nostrils smiled and said to the people: "Don't laugh, everyone, let me judge the pig." Who is Bao Zheng?

After finishing, he squatted down and said to a pig on the ground: "The uncle who sells breakfast over there lost the money, and just now, only you and your master passed by. Your master said he didn't steal it, then You stole it, do you recruit?"

"Oh, don't you recruit, right? It's stubborn! Looking for a fight!...Are you recruiting now? Well, that's how it is..."

The young man leaned over to the pig’s head and listened for a while, then stood up and said, “This pig said that there are old and young people on it, and it’s hard to steal money. If you want to know where the stolen money is, please donate it. Give it a penny to give it to the whole family."

Naturally, no one would believe such ridiculous words, but there was not a lot of money, so the people around did not care, and they cooperated with Bao Zheng. He also specially borrowed a bowl full of water to hold money. As a result, after the pig owner put in a copper plate, he insisted that the thief was the pig owner.

Because the copper plates that had been stalled earlier would inevitably stick to oil, and the pig owner’s money was the only one in everyone’s money, so the pig owner had nothing to say and pleaded guilty.

After catching the prisoner, Bao Zheng withdrew from the crowd. He happened to see Gongsun Ce in the restaurant and smiled happily and waved to him. However, Gongsun Ce snorted very proudly, turned his head and left.