Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 1134: Amazing orc!

~.<>-~ The monks retired, and Anne asked several warriors to fly to collect the badges of the Yi people. As soon as these badges enter the battlefield, they will appear in the body of each warrior. When the warrior dies, the badge will automatically come out.

"Lacky, how much secret do you hide from me?"

Arranging good things, Anne turned her head and looked at the knife-like side face of the night, and found that some people could not understand this man for the first time! The hunch of the beginning of the night light cold, and the police behind, to the last chic shot, completely subverted the image of the night light in Anne's heart!

Is this still Lakri who was bullied by the archangel in heaven, but weak and beg for mercy? Is this still in addition to the bed, there is nothing to do with Lakley? This murderous technique, the calmness on the battlefield, or the big angel who never dared to do anything else, the strength of the bottom of Lakri?

The night light did not answer Anne's words, but looked at the collected badges with great interest. These badges were actually bursting under the power of myself and Anne.

Is the badge white? It seems to be the lowest level! I don't know what color is the badge of myself and Anne's body?

At night, the light and cold face of the battlefield knew that there was a mark on his arm. I didn't care at the beginning. At this moment, the discovery of the gods revealed that it was black. In the quiet exploration of Anne's badge found to be blue! There are four kinds of badges here, white, blue and black, and the highest level of gold. If you don't want to get points, you don't want to pay attention to this.

"Hey, Lakley! I don't want to say that people are not reluctant, but you don't have to ignore people!"

Anne saw that the night was not on her own body. After waiting for so long, she did not reply. Some of them were slightly angry, but they thought of the overbearing tactics of the night, but there was no seizure.


The night light slap in the palm of Anne's full hips, smiled and said: "The secret of Lao Tzu goes to the sea, you slowly explore it!"


In the tens of thousands of people, being swayed by the night, let this face countless, the famous dang woman in the inner city of Athens can not stand it. Annie's face was reddish, but the light inside the scorpion was flowing, and the style was infinite. It seemed that I couldn't wait. At this moment, there were three hundred and sixty rounds of the night and the cold war...

Innumerable warriors, at the moment, did not dare to ridicule the night and cold, but some envious and awe looked at the handsome face of the handsome. Dogs that will be called will not bite, and dogs that bite will not call. This Lakri is a tiger with a dog skin. This kind of person is the most terrible!

"Get out of here right away, the **** smell here will attract ectopic creatures!"

At night, the badges were collected, indicating that Anne was collecting, and began to command the army to retreat, heading in the other direction of an intersection not far behind.

"You are so relieved of me? The badges are handed over to me? This is more than 3,000 points!" Anne and the night light walk together, the body wiped from time to time, ignoring the hot eyes behind him, a pair of scorpions like a peach It is very hooked.

"Big big brainless!"

The night lightly faintly glanced at Anne's chest, whispered a whisper, and then snorted: "Your... isn't it Laozi?"

Anne was stunned by the night, but she was so angry that she was so excited that she was as happy as a girl. The night is light and cold, but it is a leisurely sigh. I am going to walk with Anne for a while, and I will leave with Pandora!

The situation in the Magic Mountain is almost familiar, it is time to find the way to go home!

He continued to walk in the passage for more than ten days, except for a few spies who were accidentally transmitted and banned, and did not encounter creatures with ectopic faces. Although the night light cold gods can detect the whereabouts of the ban, but do not break, the warrior in the paradise of the paradise lives and shuts him up!

"Well? Is there another batch of ectopic creatures? How come this kind of person? Is it the strength of the five-good God of War? This is not scientific!"

After a few days, the night was cold and Annie, with the warrior of heaven, came to a hall. The night was light and cold, but suddenly explored the channel on the left, and rushed to more than a dozen orcs. With the breath, there are only five strengths of God of War.

The night is a little bit cold, they are so a little bit, they still like to rush, and actually live to the present?

Ok? its not right!

If these orcs are not idiots, how can they not detect the breath of so many warriors here? If it is a fool, it is impossible to send a plane to the battlefield!

The night was light and cold, and I was shocked. Anne found out that it was wrong. He directed more than 10,000 warriors and fanned them. They surrounded the hole and waited for the dozen or so idiots to cast their own nets!

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The tall figure of more than a dozen orcs, stepping on the heavy footsteps, appeared in the corner of the hole, all three meters tall, covered with long brown hair, head like a leopard. The teeth are very long, the claws on the hands and feet, flashing in the dim channel, the fierce atmosphere enveloped the underground hall.

The cold eyes of the night smashed up, and the power of the original body and the light power of Anne were also more prosperous. The more than 10,000 warriors who surrounded the hole also looked heavy. Because they all found out that these orcs are getting faster and faster, and their body is getting heavier and heavier. There are only 16 orcs, but they feel the pressure of the army.

"This orc's strength is actually soaring? At this moment, the strength has definitely reached six products, and weird!"

The night is cold and cold, and no matter whether it is at a low level, it will not be underestimated. The gods have always locked in more than a dozen orcs, and it is easy to find that their strength is growing rapidly.

In the end, the more than a dozen orcs, the strength of the growth to the seven products are not growing, but the night is still cold, but there is no intention, and there is no movement, still carefully explored. The ectopic creature has all sorts of strange magical powers and he has to be careful.


Anne saw the night cold and did not move, with a wave of hands, hundreds of warriors rushed out, the Tomahawk also appeared in the hands, some eager to try!

"Annie does not move! These orcs are weird, look first!" The night light cold stopped Annie.

When the hundreds of people rushed up, his scorpion suddenly shrank, because the hundreds of warriors, actually just a face-to-face... all killed!

More than a dozen orcs, the brown long hair on the body, just suddenly rooted up, and each hair lit up, and then turned into thousands of silver needles, separated from the body, overwhelming, speed like lightning, Shot at the hundreds of warriors.

It doesn't matter if the hidden weapon is the most important thing. Among the hundreds of warriors, there are many strong ones with seven peaks, but none of them are blocked? The silver needle that was made into hair was punctured, and all of them died easily?

"Crush, who dared to kill this adult?"

When Annie looked at her anger, she couldn't catch her at night, and she turned into a round of the next day, carrying a huge axe and rushing up.

"This hair is so horrible? Seven strong peaks, instantly spiked? This is not scientific, ah? No! How is the silver air on the white hair so familiar? Not good, is the power of the source! These ten orcs are Lord!"

The night was cold and suddenly awakened, and I was shocked. It is no wonder that these orcs have only a dozen people, and they dare to attack the 10,000-strong army. It is no wonder that hundreds of people are instantly spiked!

These orcs actually hide their strengths, all of them are of the Sayādaw level, with the power of the source!

After a while, the night is cold and incomparably excited and excited. Can these orcs actually use the power of the source as a hidden weapon to kill the enemy? Still so overbearing?

What is the most you are now? The power of the source!

If you have learned it yourself, with so many of your own sources, even if the nine strong players are suddenly attacked, they will die!

"Annie, back, these orcs, you are not an opponent! Look at Laozi!"

The night is light and cold, and the body is turned into a tiger. It floats like a shadow. It rushes toward the front. When people are in the air, they shoot out the road, and the soul is directly activated. At the same time, both hands dance in the air, and countless soul jade swords. Poured out, there is a dragon source sword in the hand, the soul of the knife, the strange shadow of the beast whistling out, the more than a dozen tall figure in front, all enveloped!


