Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 898: The temptation of the hidden child

Title: beast broke sky Author: Demon Night words in this chapter: 2476 Update Time: 2012-08-0621: 04

Lily Dongfu is very large, and it is much larger than Xuanling Dongfu, and it is beautifully arranged inside. Obviously this is the Beppu that has nothing to rest when the rain falls.

In the night, the dozens of monsters were placed in a small hall. Under the leadership of Hidden Ling, they walked to the left of the Dongfu House. There were many small rooms on the left side, and the night was cold and the souls were placed. We.

When the night was light and cold, the soul slaves were released, and many soul slaves flashed out with a cat. Hidden Linger saw these cats and women light their eyes in an instant, but after seeing them being held by these soul slaves, they showed a disgusted expression.

After many soul slaves saw the hidden spirits, they also had an instant eyes, but the night was cold and cold, and they immediately searched for a room and quickly walked in. Actually, they didn't wait for the night to get cold. They walked away, and the man heard a fierce gasping in the room, and the woman snorted.

The night is light and cold, and I can’t wait to cast a hundred times on the roots of these rabbits. Yu Guang swept the hidden spirit next to him, but he saw the hidden spirit looking at him with a smile.

"Cough, cough! Miss Linger, this Dongfu scenery is good!"

The night is even more embarrassing, although these cats are themselves trained in the profession, in the Tooth Island, the soul slaves caught the catwoman, he did not object. After all, the souls of these soul slaves are so depressed that it is no harm to let them release some pressure. But Long Linger doesn't know this. If she thinks she is robbing a good woman, she will lose face.

It’s very principle to do things in the cold night. For example, in Feiyu Island, according to the meaning of Fengdi, it’s all killed! But the night is not cold, although many million people in Yanlong City are very embarrassed. But others indiscriminately kill innocent people, animals are not as good, he can not learn to be a beast.

Of course, the Stars Army did not actually harm the night light cold.

But the night is cold and thinks that since you came to search me, come kill me. Then I can kill you. This is not a good reason. It is just the principle of a cold night. He likes to do things according to his own principles.

The hidden spirit did not entangle the matter, with the night light, the two went to the right side of the Dongfu. The scenery on the right is more beautiful. All the way, the gems inside will glow different colors at intervals, and the interior decoration is also gorgeous. It’s not a cave house, but a majestic night.

"Night son, this place is ok!"

The two men were seated in a small hall, and the hidden spirits bowed their heads to the cold night. But at this moment, the coldness of the night is just sitting opposite, just from this corner, the two perfect **** of the hidden spirit are clearly seen, and even the two blushes inside are looming...

"This place... very good, beautiful, great!"

The night was light and cold, and I swallowed it. I subconsciously took over. Hidden Ling looked up at the night and looked at the cold, then lowered his eyes, and his mouth showed a faint smile. He said with a smile: "Would you like me? Let me see you more carefully?"

"Cough! Cough!"

The night is a cold old face, and the red face is just like the ass. The heart is secretly stunned by myself. It is a person who has drifted through the flowers. Actually, there is no such power.

Thinking of the eccentric character of Hidden Ling, the night light cold is afraid of angering her, and quickly concealed it: "Haha, what, today's weather is very good... Oops! For Miss Linger, don't you say that there is a beast? So no See? This beast must be very ferocious?"

The smile of the hidden ear is thicker. Looking at the chilly eyes of the night, the more meaningful it is, the more delicate red lips lightly start: "This beast was surrendered by my mother and locked in a hole house. Inside, it is very ferocious... it’s a little bit more ferocious than the night boy!”

Looking at the beautiful smile of the hidden child, and the meaningful gaze, the night is lighter and more chilly, and quickly and calmly laughed: "Ha ha! Miss Linger is too funny, this world son, It seems that I have to be fascinated by Miss Linger! I see, if the rain butterfly island is a move, the whole **** world will be alarmed."

"Oh? I don't know if I can fascinate my dear night son?"

Hidden Ling suddenly smiled, then stood up, hands on the jade table in front, the face to the front of the night, the scenery on the chest was exposed again, the mouth spit out a burst of fragrance, let the night light and cold quickly The blood is boiling, and the evil fire of the lower abdomen is soaring infinitely...

The night was cold and scared. In the face of the tens of billions of stars, he was not afraid at all, but in the face of this eccentric hidden spirit, he felt scared. If you don't know the hidden spirit, you always like women, and most hate men, he goes straight. But he understands this. The more the hidden spirit is, the more he is afraid. The woman’s heart is under the sea. If she rushes herself, what if she is smashed when she is ready to go?

It’s true that the god-level warrior’s body is broken and can be re-consolidated, but if the thing is broken, what if the re-consolidation is not as good as before? I didn’t dare to gamble at the night, and I was not willing to look at the beauty of the hidden spirit’s chest. I said, “Miss Linger, I am afraid of you, I am wrong, don’t make trouble. Okay?"

"Giggle, the night son of the famous gods, actually afraid of a small woman who just broke through the kingdom of God, this spread out, people in the realm of the world will laugh at the belly!"

When the hidden spirits are good, they will accept it. When they sit back and look down on their faces, it seems that nothing has happened. Let the night light and cold road a good risk, if you just impulsive, the consequences are unimaginable...

After calming down the mood, the night was cold and asked: "When is Miss Linger going back to Yusha Island?"

The hidden spirit brows one of the following: "This seems to be the place of my family? This lady can't live here? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"


At night, the cold tea was almost sprayed out, and the look of bitter gourd was revealed on the surface: "Is it a bad guy or a woman? Is it bad for Miss Linger!"

The hidden spirit handed over a contemptuous look and said: "I am not afraid, what are you afraid of? You are... afraid that you can't hold it? Or are you afraid that I can't hold it? Besides, this Lily Dongfu does not control the ban in it. You can't get in. You are right! Night son, why don't you go back to the mainland? If you have the ability to come here, surrounded by tens of billions of stars, you must be able to easily return to the ethereal continent. What?"

"go back?"

At night, the cold mouth showed a sneer, and of course he could easily go back. Even several times he saw the coastline of the ethereal mainland, but did not go back.

He stood up and said coldly: "The millions of people in Yanlong City died because of me. I sent a **** oath to the Emperor, and I will not let the Stars and Seas pay a hundredfold price. I will not swear for it, not killing 100 million people. I What face is back to the Dragon City to worship the dead souls? The Dragon City was destroyed, and all the faces of the mainland were beaten. I don’t find this scene. What do I look back to face the ethereal continent? people?"

In the eyes of Hidden Linger, the stars are shining, and the body is tilted forward. The scenery on the chest is looming here. It has a beautiful face and looks at the night with a deep affection. "Dear, the night son, you are like this." The excellence, such a bright radiance, such a chivalrous tenderness, will compare the sons of the whole gods, you are like this... How to choose Linger in the future?"

"Pour! Come again..."

At night, I saw the light in the eyes of the hidden spirit, and the banter in the corner of my mouth. I quickly changed my face and fled. When I walked, I waved and said: "Miss Linger, when I said nothing, don’t play, play. If something goes wrong, I will go back and feel it, don't send it..."
