Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 96: Bet (middle)

Chapter 96 gambling (middle)

"Gambling? The amount! Thirteen Main Street? Cangcheng's not going, how about the monthly building?" The flowers and plants are very interested in this, the beautiful eyes turn a few laps and make their own demands. For his young master of this level, the goods on the 13th Street of Cangcheng are not very interesting. The Yuelou is the most expensive place in the entire war, and he lived for a month. He was a little bit painful.

"The moon floor is on the moon floor, no problem!" The night was light and cold, and he was amused for a moment. Although the moon floor is a bit expensive for a month, it can be arranged for this little thing compared to his elders this month. Indulge in a moment of gambling: "Is there still a month to stay here? I have to play with you every day, every hour, I don't attack, as long as you stab me three swords, you win a game, Of course you can only use wooden swords. Can you win me in 16 games in 30 games, even if you win like this?"

"And this is a good thing? Are you sure?" The flowers blinked and I didn't believe it. Is he thinking about drinking too much at night and talking about alcohol?

What strength does he have? The military will be tripled and will soon break through. What is his stunt? Sneak, the shadows are separated. At night, a heavy warrior in the military will fight against him for half an hour every day. He also said that if he stabbed his three swords, he would win? Even if the night is light and cold, there are eight beasts, the strength can reach him, but you must know that the speed of the flower family is the fastest in the five major families, and under the sneak and afterimages, he does not attack, let alone thorn Three swords, even if he stabbed the thirty swords, he is sure.

Seeing the night light and serious, nodded, the flowers are not happy, but more confused. The night is cold and cold, and there is no tendency to be abused. Then the 100% sure gambling game is definitely going to please him in disguise. Nothing is diligent, non-traitor is stolen, what purpose does he have?

"Don't look at it, I have no purpose, I don't gamble, I don't gamble. I went to the madman." The night was lightly stunned by him, and he said with a good and funny look.

"Bet!" The flowers and plants at night saw the cold and got up and said, quickly said. It’s a fool to have a bargain, and it’s boring, and it’s okay to play with the night. You can practice and you can win a month's monthly building enjoyment. Why not?

"Well, I will arrange for a warning, and then I will start." The night light smiled and turned and walked toward the night seventeen. After two months of practice, his first step of the fascination step was slightly small. He found that when fighting against the aliens, the practice is the fastest. When people are under pressure, they are always easy to progress. Recently, the aliens have transmitted less. A lot, no alien exercises, he decided to let his own people accompany him. And this elite team must say that speed and attack are different, it must be counted. So he decided to spend the rest of the month, let the flowers accompany him to practice the lost step. Of course, the way he proposed the gambling war is also to increase the interest of flowers and plants, so that he can go all out to deal with his own gambling war every day.

After a while, the night seven arranged everything nearby, and nodded to the cold night, indicating that he could start. He knows the stepping step of the sacred step, and the night elders of the night elders are known as the "single step" in the God of War. This type of footwork was practiced during the previous two months when the night was cold and the aliens played against each other. He is very appreciative of the practice of night light cold, no matter what kind of combat skills, they can master the battle faster...

"Begin!" The night is light and the night sees the night. Seventeen has been on the side of the warning and remembering time, and the opposite flower and grass said, directly fighting the beast fit, the whole body did not form a battle shield as usual, but completely out To the soles of his feet, let his boots become radiant, like a treasured boots.

"Hey, be careful!" The flowers and plants are holding a blue wooden sword. The wooden sword is obviously just made. It is very casual to use a piece of wood to cut into a sword. Of course, there is no lethality. He smiled sullenly, and his body suddenly disappeared into the air. He immediately entered the sneak line at the beginning. Since the night is cold and does not counterattack, he can boldly increase his speed and turn around at night, so that he can't defend it...

Seeing flowers and plants sneak out at the beginning, the night is light and cold, but I don’t have any tension. Instead, I close my eyes and erect my ears. The new air is flowing around.


His eyes slammed open, his eyes flashed, his feet faltered, his body did not retreat, and he slammed forward, then he turned and slid out. In front of him, a blue wooden sword slowly appeared in the air, and the figure of flowers and plants slowly emerged. Seeing the night light cold has escaped his elaborate thorns, the flowers and plants are somewhat strange, but I don’t think much, the footsteps are a little bit, straight and plunging toward the night, the footsteps are swaying, and the body becomes three afterimages, becoming Three flowers and plants, holding three wooden swords, smashed from three directions toward the night.


The night was cold and helpless, shaking his head, this flower is really a little face and not left to him, the beginning of the killer. Not stealth is the afterimage. After the remnants of the shadows, the first layer of flowers and plants looks like a big one, the three avatars look exactly the same, can not tell the true and false. The night was cold and helpless, and I had to work hard to get the most out of the game. The maximum speed was on the scene with 18 different steps.

"What are they doing?"

The fighting here has only attracted the attention of others in just a few moments. The moon and the city danced lightly and the two did not work shifts. They jumped into the perched tree and came to the night of the seventeenth. Very strange to see the three flowers in the field are stalking the night. The night is light and cold, but it does not counterattack. It just steps on the awkward pace, and it is constantly dodging. Both of them have reached the limit. On the open space of Tan, the top and bottom are shining, and the left and right are like two ghosts.

"Back to the two ladies, they are practicing." The night seventeen replied with a glance, from time to time to sweep around, in case of special circumstances.

"Fat, I also know how to practice, hey, how is the pace of the night light and cold step like the grandfather's running cow steps?" The night light danced a small mouth, flying the night seventeen eyes, looked at it for a while Suddenly confused.

At night, the seventeen-year-old smile said: "The same as the elders of the elders, your grandfather feels that the original name is not good, and he changed it."

"I didn't expect that the night house pays so much attention to the night and the cold, and these secret techniques are taught to him!" Moon's pearl-like scorpion sighed slightly, secretly sighing, when the night was cold and the aliens practiced, she listened. The monthly woman said that it was awkward to practice some kind of night, but it seemed to be a magical pace. There has been speculation in her heart, and now I have finally confirmed that the night is a fascinating step in practicing the night's rare sacred secrets.

According to the usual inference, the holy secrets of the five major families, without the strength of the emperor, will never be taught in the family. When she thought of this, she was filled with pride in her heart. The man she liked was so valued in the night house, she was also happy, but she still had a faint doubt in her heart. What is special about the night cold? Otherwise, with the strength of the night light cold surface, how can the night family pass on the family town treasure skills to him?


Flowers and nights are on the field, as if two playful children are chasing each other, and they will jump on the trees, and soon they will be drilled in the weeds, and in a short while they will walk on the edge of Tan. It’s not lively. It is obvious that the speed of flowers and plants is faster than that of the night, and the flower family is known for its speed. This is recognized on the mainland. It’s always been the flowers and grasses that are chasing the night light, but the footsteps of the night are very strange. Every time I see it, I will stab it. However, his footsteps are free to twist, and the strange move is over. The assassination of flowers and plants.

"The young master lost!"

The night thirteen said with a smile, he was very satisfied with the night light cold can last for so long. The three-grained flowers and plants in the military are all out of the way, and it’s been very good to learn how to walk in the night for more than two months.

The moon and the night light dance also smiled and waited for the two to come. The flowers are very exciting, although it wastes a lot of his physical strength, but the abuse of people is still very comfortable, although the strange pace of the night is so a little awkward. Many times it was obvious that the night was chilling, but he was avoided by danger. This feeling is very bad. However, he is very confident. Today is the first day. Tomorrow, he will definitely hit his three swords in a shorter time and win him again.
