Beautiful Natural Disasters

v2 Chapter 220: Exchange

   The next day, Peter helped Ned with a strained muscle to fulfill the contract. They didn't use it because they already had peach coins. They just had to wait at home for the weekend night to start.

But I made an appointment with Gwen, so I had to come. Ned thought carefully about what he said, and asked Peter to bring him. The people in the line were very impressed when they saw Ned's appearance. They were all like this and insisted. It is commendable to rule out buying tickets.

  The location is still in front of the shop where I ate burgers before.

   Gwen is packed more tightly today, wearing a mask on his face, only showing a pair of beautiful big eyes.

   If there is no Anne, such a beautiful woman, they would definitely say that they will not miss anything, but the fact is that there is Anne in this world!

   Gwen is beautiful, but Annie is more beautiful than her, and there is something more important than beauty that is unclear.

  Anne is only the first year of the junior high school. If she waits for another two years to grow up, her beauty must be world-renowned.

Oh, she is now Tony Stark’s goddaughter, Tony Stark: Iron Man, Justice League Knight, head of the tens of billions consortium, genius..., this puts a huge threshold for many people. Uh, titanium door panel? The kind that will die if you fall down.

   Annie will never fall in love with any rich second-generation! Annie is not like that! I have a chance!

   The two cheered for themselves.

   "Look at what this is!" Gwen took out two backpacks from behind, the two they were robbed yesterday!

"OMG! My schoolbag! It's back! Gwen, how did you get it back? Don't tell me, you are the Knight of Justice, you were yesterday..." Ned took the schoolbag but fell to the ground, his hands now It was in a strained state, unable to catch this schoolbag with books, and Peter looked incredulous!

"My father is the sheriff of this district." Gwen smiled with squinting eyes, then took out two paper packages from his arms and secretly stuffed them separately, "God, why did you bring so much yesterday? Money out? What are you doing?"

   The two hurriedly put the money back into their school bags, "Gwen, thank you! Thank you!" "Thank you, Gwen, we owe you one time."

   "No, no, this is what I should do, let's go, now to exchange peach coins, I can't wait to see an unreal movie."

   The three people went to queue together. Today’s line is longer than yesterday, but with the beautiful women, they don’t have to do things like yesterday, chatting with the beautiful women, the time flies obviously.

Under Ned's intention to set off, Gwen was obviously more interested in the righteous and brave Peter. Ned's tricks were sold, and his heart was happy. However, the happy time was short, and Peter discovered his "sinister intention", and then started. He ran the train with his mouth full and began to praise Ned, boasting that he was not in the sky, and there was only one on the ground. Ned was not willing to show weakness, and quickly started to talk about his embarrassment and lowered himself, even at the expense of exposing his bad habits.

   The two commercial blows and hacked and self-harmed Gwen chuckles, but they were also envious of the deep friendship between them.

   "Your relationship is really good."

   "It's not!" "Impossible!"

   "Do you like a girl at the same time?"

   Both eyes widened at the same time, "How did you know?"

   "Is this obviously good! Is she pretty?"

   The two nodded at the same time, "Pretty!" "Super!"

   "What is her name?"

   "Anne." "Anne Eddie."

   "Can I see her?"

   The two looked at each other, "We might have to ask her for her opinion."

   Gwen chuckled, "She poisoned you, you are not saved."

   "Yes!" "Agree."

   After a while it was their turn to walk into the exchange hall, and the staff invited them to a counter and asked them carefully about the exchange rate and whether there were any registration issues.

Gwen has not registered yet. The lady is the first principle. The staff first registered for her. There is an extra balance of peach coins in her vision, which can be displayed and closed by thinking. Then she exchanged 50 peaches and spent At $312, the peach coin has risen again!

   Peter and Ned looked at each other, their eyes were red, and he wanted to cry.

After finishing the registration, the staff led her to a manual display column, surrounded by many people, she pointed the words on it for her to read, and a handwritten note appeared, which read: "Voice I have said that I am dumb, I'm sorry!"

   Gwen nodded in understanding and saw for himself.

And it was Peter and Ned's turn. They first took out the money in the schoolbag, and then gave it to the staff and explained that they had registered. There was a view of the peach coin. The staff nodded and closed their eyes. But suddenly opened again.

   "Peter Parker? Ned Liz?"

   "Yes." "It's me."

   "The system asks you, because you converted peach coins into U.S. dollars not long ago, but the exchange rate between peach coins and U.S. dollars has changed greatly recently, do you want to convert the U.S. dollars back to peach coins at the original price?"

   Peter and Ned were stunned for more than twenty seconds. When the exchange staff was about to ask questions, they slapped the table and shouted: "Of course!" "Change!"

   The two quickly untied their belts and took out all their money prepared last night from a hidden pocket in their pants! Those who didn't know thought they wanted to do it. The security guards next to them all put their hands on the guns.

   Ned regained 3,200 peaches, and Parker also regained his 4,000 peaches, they have already spent some.

   After the exchange, the staff told them that they still have some unexchanged balance, as long as it is exchanged within two months this balance is still valid.

  In other words, they can still exchange 1 dollar to 2 dollars until their previous exchange amount is full.

   "Thank you Daddy Tao!" "Long live Daddy Tao!"

   The staff smiled, this is Chinese, and the two obviously have the same Taoyuan language system!

   The moment they became the staff of Taoyuan, they immediately became proficient in the languages ​​of more than 30 countries to cope with the diverse population of M country.

   Those who got the gift of language also said like them, "Long live the **** of peach!"

   "What's wrong with you?" Gwen asked them when he returned.

   "Gwen, you don't know, Tao God has pulled us from **** back to heaven! Oh, my Tao God is here! Long live Tao Dad, haha!"

   "What's the matter with you?" Peter and Ned dragged her to a remote place, and then told her about their summer work and money exchange.

   "Isn't it possible? I made three or four thousand peach coins in a summer vacation? Then, the consumption over there is very high, right?"

   "Although peach coins are used for settlement, the price is automatically adjusted with the exchange rate, which is not much different from the outside."

   "Why don't you take me any more, I'm so heartbroken."

   "Hmm." "Good."


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