Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1274: 678 clean up the portal

A question is asked, and it is easy to see.

Gu Mengmeng is the strength of the Beastmaster. How can it be exerted by the limitations of the body and not a third-level orc can bear it.

Because of the facts, Gu Mengmeng worried that Ian did not pay attention to the size of the hand, this push, Griffin was not hurt.

The throat was full of sweetness, but he bit his teeth and couldn't allow the blood in his mouth to show a half point. He swallowed the blood that was full of mouth.

"Clean up the portal." Gree said, biting his teeth.

Gu Mengmeng always guarded against Gree, a pair of eyes staring at him, doing the action ready to counterattack, and slightly sideways: "Leia, Ian was injured."

"Yeah." Leah stepped forward through Ian, pressed him on the stone bench, and then took the suture from the fishbone and the casing to start suturing Ian's wound.

Although Ian has always looked sick, but in the end it was the leader of the sacred ancestor. He had a proud arrogance. Leia wore needles between his flesh and blood. He was so sweaty but not screaming, just tight. He clenched his fist and said: "The person who ordered to leave the Moto Mountain is me. The person who betrayed the oath is also me. The carving of the tribe is only obeying the orders of my patriarch. This is what I should suffer. If Not enough, you are coming to me."

"Come a fart!" Gu Meng's head did not return, and his eyes were always guarded against Gree, saying: "The carvings belonged to St. Naze, and now all of them are people. You want to move them, you want First ask me if I agree."

Gree felt that the blood that had just swallowed must be boiling magma. Otherwise, why did it spread along the throat to the chest?

It is said that he should now be very proud to answer Gu Mengmeng. This is a family thing for birds. You can't interfere. If Gu Meng is hard to stop, he should continue to attack Ian before he swallows his last breath, until the death.


The sentence that he is now stuck in his throat is actually: He is your person, then what about me? What am I?

Can't ask, because knowing is self-deprecating.

But the heart in the left chest seems to be rubbed on the hot pot without oil, and he feels overwhelmed.

The eyes were filled with blood for a moment, but Gree's eyes could not be removed from Gu Mengmeng's face. The throat was stunned by the words that he could ask if he couldn't ask. He was even more struggling now.

Leia's handling of this level of trauma is already familiar, and the technology is in full swing.

In the time when Gree and Gu Mengmeng confront each other, Ian’s wound has been stitched.

Washed his hands, ringed on Meng Meng's waist, smiled and said: "Oh, what is this big anger? What can't you say, do you have to shout and kill? Besides, your male is still alive. When is this kind of rough work, when will you get you? Well? Hey, go back and sit down, I will handle it."

Gu Mengmeng stepped back two steps, then sat back to Ian and looked at the wound that was sutured by Leia. My heart was not a taste. "This is just a couple, it broke the phase. I don't know how to turn back." How to blame me."

Ian did not appreciate it and sighed: "What is the broken? I am a male. This little injury will heal tomorrow, and there will be no trace."

Leia walked up to Gree and smiled and patted Gerui's shoulder and said, "Are you alright?"