Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1466: We all know 870, but we still have a bad

"You have been walking all day, I have to jump early." Gu Mengmeng pushed Pusher and said: "Can you sit up first, it's quite heavy, so I can't breathe when I press me. The gas is coming."

Graeme noticed that he and Gu Mengmeng’s posture were not appropriate, although this posture appeared many times in the dream, but

He is not able to press her identity like this.

Nodded, Gree stood up and took Gu Mengmeng from the ground and hugged it in his arms. He turned his face against the face of Gu Mengmen, seemingly guarding her from rushing out.

Gu Mengmeng shook his head helplessly and said: "I have said it a few times. The last time I jumped the cliff is not really looking for death. It is the right to eat, you will follow me, I will jump. This time I want to Come, in four days we will go to get the love of the sky. What cliff do I jump for no reason? No motivation, right?"

Grae's thoughts like this, I think it makes sense.

Sighed and said: "I'm sorry, I am too nervous."

Gu Mengmeng smiled and said: "Normal, I am used to it. Ervis is also like this. I always feel that I have to abandon him. Any suspected dangerous move can make him succeed."

After taking a photo of Gree's shoulder, Gu Mengmeng smiled and said: "But you have to believe me, I have no tendency to abuse myself. It is really not my hobby to find death."

Graham is not willing to admit that the scene of seeing her jumping over the cliff has become his psychological shadow. The sky is his most comfortable place, but as soon as she sees her close to the hole, every factor in his body is Screaming uneasy.

He doesn't like the fact that he is a soldier, but he can't help but like to make him become such a woman.

With a sigh, Gree took Gu Mengmen back into his arms and said, "I know, I know."

Everything is known, but you can’t worry.

As we all have said, we all understand, but we still have a bad life.

"The top of the mountain is big, it's too dangerous to sit there." Gray reluctantly found a crappy reason.

Gu Mengmeng chuckled and said: "There is no weight claim here, but I also know that I have a lot of weight. When I first came to the world, I was about 120 pounds. I took me a while ago. At the time, the clothes that Ervis gave me were a little different, the size is similar, but my muscle ratio is obviously higher than the original. So in the case of the same body size, the weight must have increased. The 18th-level typhoon took me nothing, now it’s Monet, what, hahahaha~”

Gu Mengmeng’s smile is unbeaten in the East, and it’s unbearable.

Graham had laughed because of her words, and he couldn't tell what was going on. When she saw her laughing, his mood would be better.

Looking at her appearance, he really settled down and believed that he was really worried about it.

"Hey, have you solved the problem in your family?" Gu Mengmeng directly turned over the story of the cliff and asked another thing.

Gree shook his head and his brows were unconsciously close together. Obviously things seemed to be very troublesome.

Gu Mengmeng didn't know what it was, and he was afraid to ask too much to make Gree embarrassed, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are now a male of my family, and it is also with the beast god. If What is the embarrassing thing is that the name of the beast **** can be solved. Let me use it. My dad is actually not as ugly as you think.