Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1499: 903 overbearing seniors fall in love wit

The so-called media conference, Sneijin and Gu Mengmeng just revealed a face for reporters to take a few photos, the rest of the external public relations content is the corporate legal department and public relations department to come forward and media mediation, do not have to Feeling.

Inside the venue is a gathering of so-called high society.

Although the monsir group is not a sight in Sneaker's eyes, it is already the provincial-leading company in the local area. How many people in the city have to look at its face to discuss life, even if it is the province's top-ranking person How many have interests with the monsir group.

Therefore, the big event of changing ceo is simply a turmoil at the earthquake level for the city. They naturally want to attend to watch the wind.

On the other hand, the former president of Monsir Group is too mysterious. For many years, everyone is curious about his identity.

How to say it, it is like a person who has caught your throat, let you live and live, let you die and die, but you have never seen anyone who has been holding you, and whoever will be curious.

So when Sneijin took Gu Mengmeng's hand and appeared in front of everyone, it was inevitable that it would be awkward.

Who would have thought that hitting the old rivers and lakes without any resilience was just a 20-year-old boy? In the mall, how can you have a slap in the face? It is clearly old fritters, hob meat!

Sneijin didn't care what other people thought. He only took Gu Mengmeng's hand and went straight to the food supply area. He picked up a snack and handed it to Gu Mengmeng. He said, "Want to eat, what do you want to do?"

Gu Mengmeng’s strange question: “There are so many snacks here, how do you know that I want to eat this kind? Can you read the mind?”

Sneaker chuckled, and spoiled the little head of Meng Meng, saying: "I can't read mind, but I recognize your favorite eyes because you will see me like this."

Gu Mengmeng had a red face and bowed a bite. After seeing someone wanting to come up with Sneijin, Yu Guang was blocked by Stern’s assistant. All social entertainment is helping, not at all. Give anyone any chance to get close to Sneek.

Gu Mengmeng thinks that this may not be very good, so he whispers: "I can eat something here, you can go to socialize, don't worry about me."

“Entertainment?” Sneijne looked at Gu Mengmeng slightly, and glanced back at the person who was trying to get close to the conversation. He did not stop, his eyes looked back at Meng Meng’s face and pinched the little face of Gu Mengmeng. Road: "I am not here to entertain, I am here to accompany you."

"Will the two together every day, but also to use special to accompany?" Gu Mengmeng did not agree with the martyrdom.

“It’s not the same today.” Sneek’s eyes were deep and said: “I have to introduce you to you.”

Gu Mengmeng swallowed the cake in his mouth and whispered, "Who?"

"My parents." Sneaker's acquaintance was light, but it led Gu Mengmeng to cough.

The cake crumbs stuck in the trachea, and Gu Meng’s face coughed red.

Tears swirled in the circle of eyes, and Gu Mengmeng waved his hand: "I am going to the bathroom."

"I will accompany you." Sneek was worried and helpless.

Gu Mengmeng shook his head and waved his hand, saying: "I can."

After that, Gu Meng Meng did not return and ran away.

Sneaker thought, Gu Mengmeng probably knows that it is a little nervous to see her in-laws? So I didn't press hard, but I waved my hand and called my assistant. I casually picked up a piece of cake: "This cake is very bad."