Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 158: 158 Why not me?

Gu Mengmeng’s face-washing action was a little stiff, and he squinted into the water for a long while, and finally decided to face it.

After picking up the drops of water on his hands, Gu Mengmeng stood up and faced Ervis. The brows were unconsciously clustered together, and couldn’t tell why, but she just felt that she was against him.

However, the escape from the face is useless, isn't it? What's more, she has nowhere to run.

"Elvis, I know that you are very good to me, but I really can't accept you." Gu Mengmeng slowly approached Ervis, stopped at his three-step distance, looked up, cautiously and seriously Saying: "I know that this is St. Naze, and the rules in the world I was in are not applicable. I am willing to try to accept the habits of your place as the Romans do, but I do things like polyandry. Can't do it."

Ervis stood in the same place, such as the sculpture of iron casting. Looking at Gu Mengmeng for a long time, he asked: "Why not me?"

Gu Mengmeng is silent, yeah, why not Ervis? He was the first person she met. When she first met, she mistakenly thought he was a dream. It’s so unattainable, it’s like a dream. She held him indecently, and said that I would not be responsible. It was just a joke, but now it seems to be doomed.

Ervis is strong and very good for her.

However, this heart is biased towards the coy snow fox.

A lot of things just don't explain this. Gu Mengmenu sighed with helplessness: "What about emotions? Why can you make it clear, why do you like me?" Ervis looked at Gu Mengmen silently for a long time.

Gu Mengmeng smiled shallowly: "Is it because I am older than other females here? But this looks good, and always grows old. Is it because I know more than other females? But I know Even if you don’t marry you, you will pass it on to St. Naze. One day, one day, what I will know, everyone will learn. So, am I special?"

Ervis is not Leia, he is far less eloquent than Leia. But he knows that Gu Mengmeng is not right. Even if she is old one day, she is ordinary. He has absolute confidence and still loves her so much, even more, loves her.

Gu Mengmeng wants to say something more, but Ervis has gone up two steps, and Gu Mengmeng is in his arms. His voice is low and hoarse, with a hint of desolateness and pleading: "I don't fight for the first time with Leia. The location of my partner, as long as I can stay with you."

Gu Mengmeng pushed Tylves, but he couldn’t push it at all. He wanted to speak, but Ervis didn’t give her a chance.

"Your identity is special. It is impossible for Leia to protect you. It is not just me. You need more and more powerful partners. This is what Leia knows."

Ervis’s voice did not fall, Gu Mengmeng said: “I am different from the female here. I am not a person who can only wait for others to protect.”

Ervis is a bit stunned.

Yes, she is a beastly messenger, and it is different from other females who can only wait for male protection.

Gu Mengmeng took Ervis out of his arms and pulled out of his arms. He stepped back two steps: "After a while Leia came back, I moved to the cave in Leia. This time will bring you trouble. Thank you for your care."