Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1667: 7 eternal life with her eternal world.

Gu Mengmeng didn't talk too much with Køge. Now that the Internet is going with the wind, the forgotten rivers and lakes are the best ending for each other.

She did not want to let Kee remember the old things of the Beast. His infatuation was a burden for her.

Ervis took the wooden comb and asked about the date and location of the underground boxing match with Gu Mengmeng.

On the way back to the hotel, Ervis had been holding Gu Mengmeng. After a long silence, he said: "I don't know that the boss behind him is him."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Mengmeng showed a smile to Ervis, saying: "For me, he is not special. It is the same as anyone else, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Yes, Elvis is very uncomfortable.

He never thought that he would become an opportunity for Gu Mengmen to meet Køge again.

Taking care of Gu Mengmeng's hand tightly, said: "Then this wooden comb, are you still?"

"Yes." Gu Mengmeng took over the wooden comb in Ervis's hand and smiled. "Isn't it anyone who gets this wooden comb to get happiness? You are so hard to help me with it." Now, how can I not?"

Ervis smiled and kissed Gu Mengmeng's face and said, "Then I will help you comb your hair."

"Good." Gu Mengmeng sat down and let Ervis begin to drum up on her head.

It is strange to say that Leia is particularly talented in cooking, and Ervis’s dark cuisine is not alive for the millennium. Andrvis’s obsession with Gu Meng’s hair has made him a man who has broken his arm and can learn several delicate hairstyles in just over a week.

He is equipped with a mobile phone, but the function that is used is not only to take pictures of Gu Mengmeng, but also to watch various kinds of hair-sending tutorials from the app. It is also magical, and he has almost reached an unforgettable level of the issue. As long as I have seen it, I can make it out on Gu Mengmeng's head, and I will make a slight adjustment according to Gu Mengmeng's face and the costume of the day. It is simply Tony's teacher.

What Gu Mengmeng didn't know was that Ervis had such attachment to her hair because he had a chance to see a Gu Wenpu posted on his husband and wife.

It is said that the ancient man, although his wife and wife are ordinary, but only the original one can be called a wife, and that only the husband can untie the hair of his wife, and then embrace each other, love and linger, such as glue.

If the wife is killed early, just use the wooden comb she used to make two breaks, half in her coffin, and the other half on her body, so that regardless of Biyue Huangquan, he can find her, and the life is not separated.

Gu Mengmeng has four companions. Although Gree did not support him, but with everything he did for Gu Mengmen, Ervis recognized the identity of his family members.

Therefore, he has to gather four pieces of wood comb, so that there can be a lot of people around her, and she will be with her forever.

Although, he also wants to monopolize.

But he did not want her to be wronged, not willing to be incomplete, and she was not willing to have even a trace of regret.

But these, he did not talk to anyone.

Just occupying Gu Mengmeng's hair as the first partner, no one else is allowed to touch.

He is the original match, although he is only a name, but he is not willing to give it to anyone.

The underground boxing match arranged by Khee was held a week later, because Ervis’s last killing of the black boxing boss was already well known in the underground, so the news of Elvis’s going out, the whole underground The boxing world is boiling, and it is hard to find a seat for the audience. It is a hot event that does not require marketing promotion. Naturally, it does not have to be dragged for too long.