Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1696: 4 the most noble woman in the world

Gu Mengmeng's feelings of sadness caused by seeing Gree were riddled with the warning of Leia.

She has a mobile phone now. Maybe she should send a help message. My husband loves jealousy. What do I think I have to do with every male? Very urgent, online, etc.

I thought about it and gave up.

The words of a husband can be expected to open up the minds of netizens and don't know what flowers to come up with.

Fortunately, she did not have any strange thoughts about Fiji, and Fei Rui obviously did not think about her.

So this matter did not set off a lot of waves, it turned over.

Leia gave a comprehensive examination of Fiji and concluded that Fier has a rare skin disease. There are very few people in the world who have this disease, so there is no specific name.

His skin is thinner and weaker than normal people. He breaks a little harder, so the clothes he wears are usually soft, and you should avoid physical contact with other people.

In addition, Feirui's natural vocal cords are damaged and cannot speak.

Therefore, although he has a very good sense of sound, he can only play the piano and cannot sing.

He can't make friends like ordinary people, fall in love, or even go to a special school like other deaf-mute people to integrate into a group with the same attributes. He can only live alone.

The piano became his only friend, talent and effort, so that he has excellent strength in the piano, but unfortunately, he can not show his talents in front of others like other pianists, can only silently in the piano room Play it for yourself.

If it wasn't for Ervis who discovered him unexpectedly, he would become his first audience with Gu Mengmeng. He would probably be alone in the piano room, and he would be a pity with his black and white keys.

Gu Mengmeng sighed, although Leia did not say, but Gu Mengmeng did not understand what?

The vocal cords were damaged because of the poisoned king in his throat.

The skin is fragile because his skin has been eroded by poisonous fog.

"I don't like you sighing for other male snoring, so I will cure him, you don't worry about it." Leia took Gu Mengmeng's little face and kissed her, "But, this disease The treatment process is very strict with the environment, so he can't stay in the castle and have to arrange for treatment in a sterile ward."

Gu Mengmeng nodded and said that he had no opinions, and he did not even dare to ask whether he could go to the doctor.

No way, Leah Bilves's vinegar is still big.

If she did not hesitate, she let Leia identify her unspeakable thoughts about Fiera. She had no doubt that Fier might die in a medical accident in a dermatological treatment.

Leia was satisfied with Gu Mengmeng's attitude, so Feirui was picked up by Leia on the same day, where to pick it up, when he came back, all did not know, and did not dare to ask.

The three months have passed silently.

Gu Mengmeng became the most noble woman in the world without knowing it.

The people in the earth's world called her Wang Hao.

The people of the next world called her queen.

She is getting more and more red, but she is increasingly reluctant to go out.

Fortunately, the castle that Ervis grabbed was large enough. She was able to spend two rounds at home every day.

Until this day, a woman with a dirty, dirty, ragged woman appeared in front of her, only to break the original calm.