Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 206: 010 identity exposure

"What are you doing?" Sagua and his look began to get nervous. He said with the smallest possible mouth: "I am the messenger of Theodor, if you kill me."

"I am already an expelled person. What can Siaud still do with me?" Leia smiled very lightly. It seemed that she did not put Sagua's words on her mind. He took his arm and put Saguara. It was tighter, and then attached to his ear and said: "What's more, I don't have a beastly ambassador to support me? What about your second Highness, how dare you treat me now?"

After that, Leia lifted her eyes and looked away, and suddenly she smiled and enlarged her lips.

Sagua did not dare to move, only to do his best to turn his eyes and want to follow Leia's gaze to see, what made him laugh so infiltrated?

Leia noticed Sagua's intentions, not only did not be angry, but smiled and sent a good-hearted: "Look at the fact that once the same family, let you die."

Leia's nails slowly retracted from Sagua's neck, and then the fingers suddenly twisted hard, and they heard the card, and Sagua's neck broke. Before his neck was twisted, the last glance of his beast saw the body of his companion who should have returned to Sto's letter, and was mercilessly thrown at his feet.

"You" Sagua no longer had the opportunity to finish the last words, then swallowed. Leia wiped her hand with Sagua's clothes, and then Barryt, who was murdering another messenger, said: "The handling is clean, and these things are ambassadors." I don't need to know, just tell her that Sagua is running."

Barry tightened his eyebrows and watched Leia silent for a long time. After all, he still asked: "Gu Mengmeng, is it really a beastly messenger?"

Leia looked at the twenty-six seriously injured people and looked at Barrett. He nodded cautiously and replied: "The messenger of the former messenger tribe will not admit the mistake. From today, we will shoulder the burden. The responsibility of the new messenger tribe, to assist the adult of the messenger, to solve the problem neatly before the trouble to find her."

Barrett bowed and succinctly said: "Yes, witch doctor."

On the other hand, Gu Mengmeng, who was taken back to the cave by Ervis, smiled and laughed. He ate the dried fish and said: "The sagua is really as famous as it is, stupid. Just fool two sentences. I actually believe that I am the beastly messenger, or the daughter of the beast god, hahaha, it seems that the so-called messenger tribe, and the beast **** are not very familiar."

Ervis was silent, and he broke a branch and threw it into the fire. The fire jumped and his face was red. His voice was low and hoarse, and he asked with a rare and serious question: "If you are really a beastly messenger, will you still choose to stay in St. Naze?"

Gu Mengmeng gently tapped his chin with his finger and thought for a moment: "It should be. The beast **** messenger tribe I have not been to. The only person I have ever seen is this sagua, the brain is not good enough to make a stomach." Bad water, arrogant and annoying. I still prefer our people in St. Naze, except Nina, who is very kind. It's so much better."

Ervis slowly breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Gu Mengmeng, a pair of blue eyes with a careful and cautious formal, slowly said: "Xiao Meng, you are really a beastly messenger. That The messenger did not admit his mistake."