Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 415: Just like to see other people’s pains

Keer bowed his head and stroked his chin. He said, "Oh, it was a mistake here. I knew that I should have fainted at that time."

Gu Mengmeng smiled and said: "Isn't this the point?"

Kee looked up and asked, "What is the point?"

Gu Mengmeng stunned, and suddenly I couldn’t think of what the key point was.

"The point is, you are a male who has already married, don't go home, you play with your own female, what do you do with our family?" Leia deliberately went to the middle of Køge and Ervis, and it was hard to be Er went out to the position of a body.

Kee looked at Leia with a smile, saying: "I heard that the Ambassadors like your tail most?"

Leah paused and said, "How?"

Køge: "Then your tail still wants to be?"

Leia sneered and said: "This time, you want to grab my tail?"

Kee swayed the fluffy tail behind him and said, "No need to grab, this I have."

Leia’s voice suddenly realized, “Oh, I forgot. You just like to see other people’s pain”

Kel's eyes were sharp, cold eyes glared at Leia, and the smile on his face remained, even without a slight change in the arc, saying: "When you have one day, you don't have to rely on the shelter of the messenger to return to Schode. Come back to me and say this. You don't have this qualification yet."

Gu Mengmeng took the shoulders of Pervis and signaled that Ervis had put himself down. Elvis hesitated and did it.

Gu Mengmeng walked to Leia and stretched his arms over a hug.

Leia snorted for a moment, gently smiled and picked up Gu Mengmeng, her nose was buried deep in her neck, enjoying her long-lost hug. As for Køge, it doesn't matter.

Gu Mengmeng held back Leia's neck and looked at Kee. "Now Leia is not the nine princes you can easily evict. He is now my family, so please respect when you speak. Otherwise, I don't mind abusing the authority of the beastly messenger and destroying your Otto."

Khee didn't seem to think that Gu Mengmeng would stand up and lean on Leia. It was a little unexpected, but the expression was almost unchanged.

With his right hand on his left chest, Leia respectfully and sincerely said: "Yes, follow the instructions of the ambassador."

Gu Mengmeng patted Leia's back gently and then said to Kee: "Nothing else, Kee's leader will come back. Our family will go back to eat, not ready to entertain your food. ""

Keer licked his head and smiled: "It’s okay to be an ambassador, I just watched you eat."

Gu Mengmeng shook his head and returned with a polite smile. "Does your mother not tell you that it is rude to stare at someone else?"

Kee shook his head honestly.

Gu Mengmeng sneered, said: "Then I tell you now, it is very rude to stare at others and will be despised."

Khe nodded in confusion and said: "When you eat, I turn over and don't look."

Gu Mengmeng snorted and said: "But our family is not ready to entertain the air you use, unless you start to stop breathing when you enter my home, otherwise our family may not be able to call you."

Leia's side face, leaning on Gu Mengmeng's neck, through Gu Mengmeng's chin to Kie, said with a spoiler: "Meng Meng, I don't like our family to have foxes other than me."