Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 472: 277 first time saw Laia real laugh

Gu Mengmeng thought of Ian and the carving of the Yi people, and nodded subconsciously.

Sandy, however, took Gu Mengmeng’s nod and thought that he agreed with his own statement, so he was even more excited: “Do you think it makes sense? You are a beastly messenger. If you think it makes sense, then it must be justified. ""

Gu Mengmeng just wanted to explain, but Sandy continued to say: "You just said that you are coming? What kind of loyalty is there? I can’t remember it. It probably means that if I receive Leia, I owe it. Ervis, right? Then I have to ask you, what do you owe him? You are the beastly messenger, you give him the position of your first companion, and the mating rights before the scorpion are also Give him, still owe? I owe the wool?! You look at it, how many of the beasts of this beast have died, have not had a son of their own? He is good, only a cold season, a partner has, The child has, is not satisfied? Want to go to heaven?!"

Gu Mengmeng was speechless by Sandy, and she began to regret some of Sandy’s modern words.

Ever since she hadn't had Nina and she had married Colin, the temper of this girl was very different from the past, and she was much more cheerful and straightforward, and she was not as arrogant as she was when she first saw it.

In fact, this is quite good, but the exception is when she used to lick herself.

Gu Mengmeng can't give Sandy a modern marriage view. Even if it is popular, it is also an unbelievable thing for Sandy. The proportion of males and females in Beast is destined to maintain the modern concept of marriage here, but she is also psychologically allergic to a modern person who wants to adapt to the concept of marriage.

Seeing that Meng Mengmen didn't talk, Sandy took his own anger and continued to say: "You don't owe anything to Leia. He is good to you, he is willing, you allow him to be good to you, that is the day. Big gift. You don't go outside, the people who want to be good to you, can be discharged from St. Naz to go directly to Syed. But in addition to Leia, who did you give the opportunity? I told you that although no one knows what Leia had experienced before, I can see that before meeting you, Leia seemed to be squandering his life with a kind of ultimate cruelty, cruel to others, More cruel to yourself."

Gu Mengmeng’s silence, Leia has experienced something in the end, she only heard that Ervis said some, Leia avoided talking lightly and said a little, in front of it can piece together a vague outline, but those details, unless Leia is willing Say, otherwise she and anyone else can't know what he has experienced.

Sandy took a sip of water and went on to say: "But he has known you since he changed himself. No, it should be said that Leia in the past has been living in the night, and you are like the sun. , illuminating his world and giving him a new life. Do you know when I first saw Leah’s real laugh?"

Gu Mengmeng asked: "When?"

Sandy: "When you first told me about our Leia, his eyes were laughing, and the whole body exuded a happy light. People couldn't help but laugh. Before that, Lai. Ya has been laughing, but never really laughed. Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about, anyway, you accept Leia as a pet, not a owe."