Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 883: A white cover ugly, a fat ruin all.

In the evening, Sauer hosted a bonfire party.

After all, it is an important moment for the beginning of the new year. Gu Mengmeng, the beastmaster of the beast, is now, and cannot be absent.

The largest bonfire and the stone chair that symbolizes supremacy belong to Gu Mengmeng.

The bonfire party has always been based on the family, that is, how many females have a number of fires, and there is no family to belong to the pursuit of the female to brush the sense of existence, brushed up tonight is a family It is.

However, under this scene, Walkley has been arranging and handling affairs as a moderator. Several females have shown it to him intentionally or unintentionally, and they have been smothered by him.

Qi Wu won the consent of Gu Mengmeng and brought Berg to the fire near their home to play together. The three little ones are still immersed in today's hunting. The excitement has not yet passed, and Berg is said to be endless, so that Berg wants to take a word with Gu Mengmenu, but he can't always get empty.

Gu Mengmeng is happy, and my heart is very clear. The three small ones are only intentional.

Because once Berg is really talking to himself, no matter whether he ignores him or not, he can no longer have the opportunity to sit in front of himself.

The two males in their family will not allow a male who has any thoughts on himself to feel a presence in front of her.

Ervis always acts as a thermostatic leather sofa, which protects Gu Mengmeng.

Leia is not allowed to handle food, and Gu Mengmeng listens to the heroic record of the three sons today. His eyes are occasionally drifting around, but he has never been able to find the shadow of Chi Xuan.

I had dinner with her in the afternoon, so stay with Kee at night.

Hey, obviously he is his own son, but he has chosen Kee as a relative.

Isn't it really like your own crow mouth, saying that the Stockholm syndrome has fallen on Chi Xuan.


At this time, Gu Mengmeng really hopes that he is Wang Xiaoxin. If he is also learning psychology, isn’t he so helpless?

"Gu Mengmeng." A soft voice rang behind Gu Meng.

Gu Mengmeng echoed back, facing the twinkling eyes of Sandy.

Well, every year when I see Sandy in the cold season, Gu Mengmeng has a feeling that she has just finished the Korean pumping.

I saw it once in the past year, but I can’t help but be shocked when I see it again this year.


A white cover ugly, a fat ruin all.

All fat people are potential stocks, and they are scared to be beautiful.

Standing up from the arms of Ervis, Gu Mengmeng took the small hand of Sandy and sat down on his own side.

Both Bod and Colin looked serious and cautious. As if they were close to Sandy, they were a bit infiltrated.

Gu Mengmeng turned to look at the two of them and said, "What? I am afraid that I will not eat Sandy?"

Bod nodded subconsciously. After waiting for the reaction, he immediately shook his head. He wanted to explain, but he was on the eyes of Sandy. He immediately shut up and lowered his head. He could not say a word.

Gu Mengmeng was too lazy to take care of them. He only took the barbecue from Leia and handed it to Sandy. He said, "Hey, give it to you first."

Sandy laughed sweetly, but took the barbecue but didn't eat it immediately. The little face was red and shimmering under the fire. It was especially shy.

"Gu Mengmeng, I have one thing, I want to tell you."

"Well? What?"

"I have it."