Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 886: 290 She is here to wait for you.

Gu Mengmeng did not answer, just quietly watching Colin, she knew that Colin would tell her things without reservation, because he knew that she and Sandy looked at him like him, and wouldn’t care about her. .

"After you set out to find the kiss of the sea, Kee came to St. Naze, and he let Chi Xuan swindle the three brothers of Jude, and used the three brothers of Jude to marry Sandy and go with him." The fist is clenched and I feel that everything is his fault. If he protects the three small ones well enough to prevent Køge from taking advantage of it, perhaps none of this will happen.

Gu Mengmeng knows, and with the help of Kelly, it is impossible to crush Colin. Even if you stop this time, there will be another time.

Moreover, if there is a next time, the means may not be so soft.

After all, Kel's side is equipped with more than one pool Xuan, as well as those three-level and four-level wandering beasts who have not yet appeared to know where they are hiding.

What's more, Chi Xuan is the brother of Jude, the brothers want to meet, who can stop it?

Gu Mengmeng took Colin's shoulder to show comfort, did not speak, just quietly listened to Colin's sigh.

"When we chased it out, we found that Khee was walking back and forth with Sandy. The four of them were playing on the side, and the atmosphere was very good. At that time, he and Bode felt very strange, Sandy has been They are all enemies with you. I don’t like people you hate. When you go out, you still have to look for someone to work hard. When you come back, it’s like you can see each other.

"When Sandy saw Sui and Bode, he said directly to let us follow Syed, she is going to wait for you here. Let's take Sandy to let her stay away from Kee, but what Sandy said? It’s all about Gu Mengmeng’s companion. She has to match the two of you and what’s so good. I can’t turn around and just say that Kee is not your partner at all, then Sandy is angry, even if he’s in his heart. Still hanging, you have already married her, and told you not to do anything that would ruin your relationship with Kelly and your wife."

Gu Mengmeng's brow is locked, and Colin likes to know her things.

At the beginning, Ellie took the opportunity to provoke Sandy and was directly taken back by Sandy. If Sandy would believe that there is something unclear between her and Colin

Oh, Gu Mengmeng does not believe it.

"Then, Kye pulled the shackle, the thief who laughed was bad, and said that if he didn't want to be abandoned by Sandy to become a wandering beast, he would shut up and not talk nonsense in front of Sandy."

"But I didn't talk nonsense. He wasn't your partner. You didn't believe in evil. Later, he asked Sandy twice. As a result, Sandy didn't let the bumps in this cold season. The temper is especially violent after pregnancy, who can say that Køge and you are not a pair, she is immediately a desperate posture."

How much Sandy likes Colin, Gu Mengmeng knows.

Isn't the stamp of the bear's heart the most authentic proof?

Love is so deep, it will be because of a sentence she has nothing to do with Kel, to the Cold War or even to break the relationship

Oh, Køge is really a good means.

The palms are tight, and Gu Mengmeng's fingertips are all white.

What she worried about really happened, didn't she?

First Chi Xuan, then Walkley, now Sandy

The people around her, one by one, stood by K'Er.