Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 923: 327 cannot be described

Gu Mengmeng has a nosebleed.

Not because of Leah’s call to her, but because

They are a little bit undead in their current posture.

Ervis and Leia are very sturdy and strong, she is in the arms of Ervis, and Leia is close to her.

Whether it is Leia or Elvis, she can easily block her, and no one can see her hair.

So, from any other point of view, at this moment, Leah's fascinating whispering in Ervis's chest, and Ervis looked at Gu Mengmeng because of his head down, the visual effect is like a pet. Looking at Leia


Gu Mengmeng once again remembered the misunderstanding when he just passed through.

Leia and Ervis didn't know what she was thinking, but just seeing her nosebleeds was a panic.

Ervis did not say anything but took Gu Mengmeng to the door and Leia followed.

If it weren't for Kee's five-level strength, he might not even know how they both ran out.

What happened?

Kee did not know why, but he stood up and chased Ervis and Leia and went out. There is no creek near Syed, so Elvis ran a bit far away and finally ran to the side of the creek, not to mention jumping directly with Gu Mengmeng. Go in.

Gu Mengmeng is all over the way. She doesn't know why Ervis runs. In order not to fill the wind, she can only close her mouth tightly. So far, Ervis stopped, how is she? Before she even spit out the first sound, she and Ervis both slammed into the water and coughed after a big mouthful.

Immediately after Leia patted her back and gave her a sigh of relief, she asked with a look of concern: "How is it? Is there any better after soaking the stream?"

Gu Mengmeng’s coughing tears came out, and it’s really hard to answer the question of Leia.

It’s hard not to cough, she looked at Hervis and Leia with her eyes closed by the eyes of a caring patient, saying: “Who can tell me what happened?”

Ervis stared at Gu Mengmeng's chin and stared at her nose, watching the glaring red running down the water on her face, flowing into her lips, her heart is like a thousand Wannian needle is in the same pain.

Gu Mengmeng tasted sweet in his mouth, touched his hand and saw blood.

After two seconds, I asked: "Don't tell me that you are so nervous, because I have a nosebleed."

Ervis and Leia nodded steadily in the eyes of Gu Mengmeng.

Gu Mengmeng was speechless, with one hand pinching his nose and the other hand smeared with water on his forehead and nose, and they didn't take care of them for the time being.

I looked up for a while and determined that my nose was not flowing before I lowered my head. I wanted to swear when I swallowed up on the mad scorpion of Ervis and Leia, and lifted my nose to show the two. Some time, said: "It's okay, it doesn't flow, you see, okay."

Four eyes staring at Gu Mengmeng’s nose and staring for a long time, Gu Mengmeng heard two long, sighing voices.

Gu Mengmeng chuckled, two people who used to kill and cut their own skin, and they wouldn’t blink their eyes. Even because she had a nosebleed, she almost didn’t go crazy, and she was really drunk.

However, my heart is warm.