Beauty Said She Had a Crush on Me

Chapter 40

This? Not only Tao Ru's memory has grown, but Zhuang Lu has also grown.

This memory was deeply imprinted in the minds of the four people like a branding iron. Tao Ru was suffering both physically and mentally.

After I bought a small pot and simmered the fried malt and hawthorn soup three times a day, it was barely a week, and Tao Ru's milk return was over.

She left the hospital on the fourth day and returned to the dormitory. Before she left, Dr. Zhu made time to come to see her, and handed Zhuang Lu a notebook on which he wrote some matters that need to be paid attention to afterward.

Dr. Zhu?'s characters are full of dragons and phoenixes, but the complexion and bones look pleasing to the eye.

"Go back and take good care of it, it's very important! I'll emphasize it again, it's very important!"

Although she had always been cold-faced, with dark circles under her eyes and no smile on her face when she parted, Zhuang Lu felt that Dr. Zhu took Tao Ru's affairs to heart. , so over and over again, I was afraid that a detail was not mentioned, what happened to the silly girl.

"Doctor Zhu? Thank you, we're leaving." Tao Ru was supported by Zhuang Lu, but she bent down and wanted to bow to Dr. Zhu.

Dr. Zhu? Stop it immediately. "Don't come here. It's my duty to heal and save people. You should take protective measures in the future and love yourself better than anything else."

It's really a super brand of human warmth grinder.

According to the doctor's advice, when Tao Ru returned to her normal life, more than half of the spring had passed, and the gradually warmer weather made everyone take off their heavy cotton-padded clothes, and Zhuang Lu lost a lot of weight. The material is even more exposed. She is tall, and when she wears a camel windbreaker, she walks with the wind, which is very chic.

Thin face, no flesh, facial features are even more obvious, that excellent nose adds her own characteristics to her, eyebrows are frantic and unrefined, but they are thick and well-shaped, and the heroic spirit of the whole face comes from This brow and this brow bone, her face looks harmonious, and although her skin is a little dark, standing with Wu Nianxi is even more black and white, but because of the distinct facial features, there is a hint of exoticism.

When Wu Nianxi and Zhuang Lu were walking on the campus, they would still feel that some boys' eyes were lingering on Zhuang Lu's body, which made her particularly uncomfortable. In the corners that Zhuang Lu could not see, this gentleman who was always gentle and quiet to the outside world was very uncomfortable. Wu Meiren threw a series of white eyes at those boys who "coveted beauty and sex".

Become a blocker of Zhuang Lu

A powerful baffle for flying peach blossoms.

Even if it breaks the character design, it will not hesitate.

With the arrival of late spring, it is Lin Ying's cry to the silent place, and the frogs are heard alone in the spring grass pond.

At night, when Wu Nianxi and Zhuang Lu were walking around Yitian, they felt the breeze blowing on their faces, and they were full of the last taste of spring.

Such a calm moment is like a trickle. Although it is plain, it nourishes Wu Nianxi's heart. She likes this feeling of reassurance, the days of talking and laughing with Zhuang Lu, and the days when Sun Rui is busy running for election. The student union president and Tao Ru were busy working part-time to make money and pay for medical expenses, because in these days, she and Zhuangzhuang were the only people who lived from opening to closing their eyes.

Summer is coming soon, and the English speech contest for college students in Jingping City is also coming soon.

Wu Nianxi, as the first place in both the Chinese Department and the School of Literature and Journalism, was qualified to participate in the Jingping City College Students' English Speech Contest after passing the internal evaluation of the school's teachers.

It's just that the teacher still told her to practice more. The current Wu Mei is too rigid and lacks a bit of personal characteristics and unique typhoons.

As a friend of Wu Mei's people, Zhuang Lu is of course not allowed to become an exclusive audience and a criticizing judge.

The practice site is in the small garden behind the first teaching.

It's just that Zhuang Lu is scratching her head every time she listens to it. It's because her English is really not good. The lowest score in the college entrance examination was English.

"Nian Nian, I really can't be picky. Because I'm just an ordinary little **** in English." Zhuang Lu thought for a while, "Or should I find Li Yulai? He is very good at English."

Wu Nianxi asked, "How do you know his English is good?"

"I didn't go skiing with him before, and some foreign girls approached him."

Wu Nianxi pouted, "I just want you to help me see, so just stay with me! Don't you know how to recite Chinese, so don't listen to what I say, just follow the recitation style to help me see how expressive I am. In this regard."

Zhuang Lu looked at her blushing face, and couldn't help laughing, "I just think you are all very good, and there is nothing to change!"

"I'm not objective anymore." Zhuang Lu added.

Perhaps it was because the early summer sunshine was too warm, Wu Nianxi seemed to be eating a spoonful of honey, and he felt like he was floating above the white clouds, and he seemed to hear his own heartbeat "dump, tap, tap, tick". Jumping, like there's a little guy jumping inside

Passionate tap dancing.

"Then I'll recite it a few more times, you accompany me." Wu Nianxi's eyes were hidden with crushed diamonds, mixed with the sound of heart beating, twinkling and sparkling.

Zhuang Lu only felt that the beautiful person was acting like a spoiled child, and her body was half tender. She nodded, with a bottomless doting and an uncontrollable smile in her eyes, "Okay."

Wu Nianxi practiced a few more times, and then it was lunch time. Zhuang Lu took her schoolbag naturally, and Wu Nianxi also habitually took Zhuang Lu's arm, her hand gently resting on Zhuang Lu's arm. , his fingers pinched Zhuang Lu's wrist unconsciously.

Wen Wen's skin felt like a piece of fine jade, so Wu Nianxi couldn't help holding it like that, touching it from time to time.

Before Wu Nianxi, Zhuang Lu didn't have any friends. At the beginning, when Wu Mei came to hold her for the first time, she only felt uncomfortable all over her body, and she still repulsed such close contact in her heart, especially when she also Barely regarded as a martial artist, the requirements for a safe distance are significantly higher than ordinary people.

But habits and feelings are such terrible things. When feelings are warmed to a certain extent, when a person is completely accustomed to the existence of another person, all bottom lines, including physical instincts, will give way.

In a place that Zhuang Lu didn't even realize, she had already enjoyed this kind of proximity, enjoying this kind of person she didn't know for more than 20 years, completely different from herself. A person who is like-minded, close and cordial company.

As soon as the two of them left the small garden, they ran into Wen Zhuo and Lin Yun, who were walking out of the first teaching.

Zhuang Lu hasn't seen Wen Zhuo for a long time. He cut his hair short? He looks a little more aggressive, but he has a little more edge than the gentle gentleman before. Zhuang Lu's heart is really hard to be the one before Nothing happened, so the moment she noticed Wen Zhuo's gaze, she immediately turned her head away.

Wu Nianxi didn't like Wen Zhuo even more, and he had made it clear to Lin Yun earlier, so naturally he didn't pay attention.

Zhuang Lu and Wu Nianxi walked past the door of Yijiao as if they saw strangers, went down the steps, and walked towards the cafeteria.

It went well, and Wen Zhuo and Lin Yun didn't call them either.

Wen Zhuo's eyes kept following Zhuang Lu, his tone was complicated, and he murmured, "I've lost weight."

Lin Yun's eyes have also been following Wu Nianxi, he has lost love, life? For the first time, he has lost love, and he has been decadent for a whole spring, as if he is going to live in the dormitory and grow up.

Become a mushroom, just like Yu Hu, who trapped him by himself. He managed to get into the emergency room of the hospital, and finally let go of his hands.

He saw a sentence on the Internet, saying that young and affectionate feelings are often let down, and those who embark on the journey from now on will be empty skins, or will get married and start a career, but the original self has been consumed.

Lin Yun felt that he had not reached this step yet, but he was half-footed, and when he woke up, it was like a lifetime.

After Zhuang Lu and Wu Nianxi disappeared around the corner, they looked away, Wen Zhuo calmed down, "Let's go, we have to continue after dinner."

Lin Yun nodded and let out a long sigh. This is the last semester of their junior year. They have to arrange an internship during the summer vacation. When they come back from the summer vacation, they will face the law exam soon, and they will be employed after the law exam. But he is different from Wen Zhuo. Wen Zhuo's family is rich and ready to study abroad. Because of the previous fight, he was punished and lost his qualification to be selected as an outstanding college student.

As for Lin Yun himself, although he is firmly seated at the top of the law department, he still has a younger brother. He must live and work in a famous big law firm.

When these pressures come, love and love seem to have no resistance in the face of reality, and those infatuation and delusions about teenagers have been compressed to the corner.

And when Zhuang Lu, a happy college student who has not yet felt the pressure of employment and future, took her lunch and sat down on the seat, she suddenly thought, "Nian Nian, Lin Yun didn't come over just now! He didn't just see you, Run over."

Wu Nianxi said calmly: "I have made it clear to them that it is pointless to tell them not to entangle them like this."

"En, big? Senior White Fang is still pretty good."

"Not my type."

Zhuang Lu couldn't help but be curious, "What type do you like?"

Wu Nianxi didn't even think about it, and replied casually: "Brave, optimistic, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, three views are correct, informal..."

Before Wu Nianxi finished speaking, Sun Rui just came over with a dinner plate and said with a smile, "There are still rules for eating with Zhuang Lu now, and you have to flatter yourself."

As he spoke, he sat down next to Zhuang Lu, "I'll come, I'll take the photo, Zhuang Lu, you're right there.

Gas, sturdy, loyal, thin and good-looking, tall and secure, if you are a man, I will chase you immediately! "

"Hahaha!" After hearing the last sentence, Zhuang Lu and Sun Rui laughed at each other.

But Wu Nianxi, who was sitting opposite Zhuang Lu, was stunned. She bit her chopsticks and suddenly discovered her own blind spot. The bomb she had been holding in her hand finally ended the countdown, and it exploded. That layer has been blocking her film, revealing the most real self.

The type she likes... It is Zhuang Lu, or, because she likes Zhuang Lu, she has the so-called type of liking.

Thinking of this, Wu Mei, who has always been smart and showy, froze in place.

She has more than friendship with Zhuangzhuang...