Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 173: Festival Club, Jingani

I wanted to accept Teacher Ocean as the vice president of his daughter. After an introduction by the editor-in-chief, I learned that Teacher Ocean is called Izumi Sagiri, and this year is only 1WWw..lā.


   Young, really young, it’s okay to be his daughter, after all, the vice president is only fifty years old, and he also has a son who is twenty-five years old.


   It is a pity that his son is married, otherwise Mr. Vice President will have the opportunity to match his son with this talented girl with explosive potential.


   is only eighteen years old. In early May, I started the cute mountain and river. In mid-August, I started the road of instant noodles, free of profit and double income, and the future is smooth!


   Young and promising girls like this, as long as they are powerful talents, they should be chased to death.


  By the way, this little girl's name is Izumi Sagiri. Isn't this the name of the heroine of "Eromanga-sensei"?


   Does she have a brother at home?


   Hum, thinking of something not so good, Mr. Vice President suddenly gave up the idea of ​​accepting his daughter.


   Mr. Deputy President, who didn't want to accept his daughter, had no distracting thoughts when talking, and listened carefully to Master Haiyang’s explanation of her instant noodle ideas.


  Slowly, he heard Sagiri say that this instant noodle fan is only one episode, and the remaining 11 episodes are outsourced to an animation company. He wants to ask jc company what it thinks.


  Well, the painting is so powerful, but the negotiation skills are so immature, giving people a feeling of "I can see through your thoughts at a glance."


   It seems that no one is perfect. After all, Teacher Ocean is not an all-round genius.


   "This series is entrusted to our Jie Cao Club, but there is no guarantee that it can reach the teacher's quality..."


  The vice president looked embarrassed, and on the surface he refused, but actually wanted to cover Sagiri.


   "It's okay, I will personally guide it." Sagiri continued along the topic.


   She is the great god-level cartoonist of the Dengeki King. She has a high degree of autonomy. Except for not allowing the comics to be brought to other comic companies, she is in charge of animation matters.


   Hearing what he wanted to hear, the vice president said with joy: "Then Mr. Ocean can be the art director of jc company?"


Artistic Director?


   Sagiri thought about the animations such as Moban, Yaowang, and fate, thinking about how Jiesho Club could finish it, and immediately refused: "! There will be many animations in the future, and your company may not be able to finish it."


   Watching Sawu shook Xiao Meng's head, two silver and white temples with pink bows fluttered, and the vice president disagreed: "How can it be impossible? Our company has 161 employees..."


   The deputy president of the festival digs a corner in public, and the editor-in-chief Yoko next to him is not very good-looking, so he deliberately coughs to remind the deputy president of the festival not to lose his morals.


  Of course, this is not a corner digging. After all, cartoonists can also make some extra money. As long as the cartoons keep getting updated, nothing is easy to say.


   "Ahem, then Mr. Ocean will now discuss matters related to "Oneroom"."


   "No, what I want to say is that it is actually another anime, "Oneroom" is just incidental."


   Sagiri shook his head, and explained the idea of ​​"A Certain Scientific Super-Electromagnetic Gun", which is a magical circumstance.


   A certain scientific super-electromagnetic gun is a rumor of the magic catalog. There are no comics and no novels. Sagiri only brought animation scripts, ready for Mr. Vice President to go through it.


   "Are you talking about normal fan, this fan..."


   The vice president was puzzled, Mr. Haiyang wanted to intervene in the normal game so quickly, did he act too hastily?


   It stands to reason that she should focus on the road to instant noodles, and it is the top priority to establish her own brand.


   You must know that she started the instant noodles, and now the top star of the instant noodles is her, as long as you get it down, sooner or later, you will be a god.


   What's more, normal fans are more complicated than instant noodles.


   After a year, how many good fan dramas can be produced in each season?


   I'm afraid I can count it with both hands, so why does Mr. Ocean dare to play with fire?


  Where did the vice president know that Sagiri has a lot of animation resources in his mind, and he doesn't care about such things at all, and his heart is in the second dimension, and he just wants to bring good works to everyone.


He glanced down at the script in his hand and flipped through a few pages at random, and found that the content inside was very authentic, not something temporary, but a real animation script, which involved the design of the scene, the performance of the characters, the actions, the props, the lines, and the rhythm. And other details.


  The vice president realized that the animation script was a sincere work, and immediately said sorry, and then read it carefully. It took about ten minutes.


   There is no light novel, so he hit him directly with the script. Normal people want to see the pros and cons from the script, which is quite difficult.


   As an old man from an animation company, Mr. Vice President, he can pass all winds and waves, and read the script very quickly. In more than ten minutes, he took out the main line of the rumored "Super Gun" and gave it a rough demonstration in his mind.


  Thunder coins, flashing super-electromagnetic guns, signature safety pants, the story behind the popular character Cannon Sister...


   One by one, Mr. Ma Liqun immediately felt that his blood was about to boil.


   This is a good fan!


  The background is not as complicated as Moban, or because of the "Magic Forbidden" before, "Super Gun" no longer needs to explain so many complicated settings.


   The story is concise, lively and tight-knit, coupled with the super popularity of the original Cannon sister, and the personal guidance of the ocean teacher, the style of painting may leap to the first-class level of 2d animation. This series is destined to be popular.




   Today is Hanaori’s first time.


  As a major shareholder, I usually don't have to worry about Jingani, but after watching Moe Man and Instant Noodles, Hanaori wants to meet this innovative little girl.


   An 18-year-old girl has innovated cute manga and instant noodles!


  The cute comic is an innovation in themes, and the instant noodles is an innovation in the system.


   Others are all creating on the 24-minute frame, but this ocean teacher is good, not taking the usual path, directly using the 4-minute frame to make instant noodles, but the response is good, not as expected.


   When Kyōani’s major shareholder, Hanaori, walked into the room, she clearly noticed Sagiri’s drowsiness, and the long-term negotiations might have drained her patience.


   "Is it Jing Ani, your company is great, the company of conscience!" Sagiri praised her with a thumbs up as soon as she met, her eyes were very bright as she swept away her sleepiness.


   "Ah, thank you for the compliment..." Hanori entered the venue in a kimono, her long cherry-colored hair falling down her waist like a waterfall, she couldn't help but smile softly when she heard the Haiyang teacher praise her.


After    went straight to the subject, Sagiri said about the instant noodles again, speaking of dry mouth, constantly touting his "oneroom".


   "My instant noodle used the first person, and the painting style is beautiful and picturesque. It really suits Jingani's beautiful painting style, and the characters are also cute..."


   After listening for more than ten minutes, Hanaori hesitated and said: "This instant noodles, teacher, didn't you hand it over to the Jiesho Club?"


   "Ah, I didn't let them do it. They only took over the script of "Super Gun", but returned the instant noodle fan. It seems that they are not so optimistic about the instant noodle fan."


  Sawu's face was bulging, and she folded her arms.


   Instant noodles is a new thing after all, there are too many uncertain factors.


   In addition, the first episode of Sagiri’s instant noodles has fixed the style of painting. The quality of each painting is so good that it explodes, and many scenes can be directly used as computer wallpapers.


   Faced with this situation, the Jie Cao Club really dare not pick it up. If you can't make that kind of painting style, wouldn't it be self-defeating.


The representatives of   a1 and ufo, too, shook their heads and declined.


   Hanaori heard that instant noodles hadn’t found the master, and thought this was an opportunity.


   Others did not dare to accept it, because the first episode set the style of painting, the production cost was too high, and a large number of key frames required meticulous processing.


  A company that wants to make instant noodles, might as well create a script for instant noodles to save screen costs.


   But others are afraid, Jing Anni is not afraid. She was determined to make a boutique animation, and she immediately brightened her eyes and looked directly at the ocean teacher’s eyes and said:) Download the free reader!!