Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 190: Dragon Maid?

Ruoshui is the fourth young lady from Qianqiuin. She is relatively soft and cute, so when she talks with Sagiri, the latter can always hear the soft loli.

Hearing Ruoshui urging the script, the script of "The Fall of Gabriel" suddenly appeared in Sawu's mind.

As for why did you think of Gabriel in the first place?

For no reason, Sagiri's next animation work originally wanted to make Gabriel animation.

"The Fall of Gabriel" is an anime based on the cuteness series. It is about the easy and funny daily life of the angels interacting with the "devil" after the angels fall in the world. The whole animation is an automatic drawing studio company.

Animation Studio is not Jing Ani. The two are different animation companies. According to Sagiri’s psychological expectations, "The Fall of Gabriel" should be reserved for Animation Studio.

Each animation may have a different company, and their styles are different, each with its own characteristics.

If the animation library in Sagiri's mind is only given to two fixed companies, it will definitely not be able to perfectly reflect the original style.

What Sagiri wants is to improve the picture quality, and does not want to deviate the style of the whole work.

In this case, Sagiri can't do it.

As a qualified anime porter, works like "The Fall of Gabriel" should be handed over to the animation studio, so let's put it aside for now.

"Let me think about it, what animation does Jingani have..."

Sagiri used the god-level comic library to search for the four words "Kyoto Animation".

The search results are as follows:

"Kyoto Animation Company has a TV version of animation:, the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the light-sounding girl, the daily life, the Hyouka, and the second disease also want to fall in love, the Tamago market, the dragon maid of the Kobayashi family..."

A large list of results are all TV animation works from 2005 onwards, most of which Sagiri has seen.

"This... Haruhi Suzumiya is a novel adaptation, it seems that there was a novel in 2003." Sagiri questioned.

"Um, the changes in the light novel world in Japan are relatively large, please rest assured, the master, it's okay." The system master added.

Immediately, Mr. System explained the difference between the China Starting Point Network Literature World and the Light Novel World for Sawu.

All in all, the changes in China's online literature world are the least, and the changes in the light novel world may be.

There are also things like Japanese beautiful girl games, which also have different degrees of change. For example, the Moon World series did not come out, so there is no game adaptation Fate.

Sagiri felt more relieved after hearing this.

She slowly saw the end from beginning to end. For example, the cute lily anime in "Light Tone Girl" fits Sagiri's cute cartoonist's settings.

The cuteness of music, this entry point is very good, it is absolutely innovative in the industry.

There is also "Shizi Market", which is also a cute daily lily manga. The heroine implements natural stupidity, and the starting point is rice cakes. This Fanshawu also likes it very much.

"Wait, how come there is "Maid Xiaolin's Dragon Maid"!"

Saguri was taken aback when she saw the seven characters "Maid of the Dragon of the Xiaolin Family".

"Maid Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" is an animation produced by Kyoni Company!

In the past, Sagiri watched animations and didn't care much about who made a certain animation. Now, after being reminded by the system, he immediately gave Jingani a thumbs-up.

"The Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi Family" and "The Fall of Gabriel" are also new episodes in January 2017. Gabriel’s previous broadcasts in station B exceeded 23 million, while the number of Dragon Maid’s broadcasts exceeded 23 million. More than 65 million!

Maid Dragon has more than 2.5 million followers, and Gabriel has more than 1.18 million followers at station B.

Two times the difference!

It can be seen that "Maid of the Dragon of the Kobayashi Family" is very powerful, and it is the strongest cute fan in January 2017.

As for the data outside station B, Sagiri does not consider it.

In Sawu's heart, she actually prefers Gabriel's unreliable cuteness.

But objectively speaking, the stats of twice the difference slapped Sagiri's face coldly, and it has to be said that the dragon maid, the cute fan, is very strong.

"Very well, then it's up to you to decide first, the Dragon Maid of the Kobayashi family!" Sagiri secretly decided.

As for the fall of Gabriel, you can follow Eromanga teacher behind, and draw Gabriel when the speed is over.

"I don't know how many fans can the Dragon Maid put in this world-class B station?" Sawu's eyes lit up.

At station B in the original world, Maid Dragon has attracted nearly two million fans. Then at this global station B, how many people will chase fans?

Break 20 million?

Or more?

Take a look at Haiyang Teacher’s instant noodles, and she won 210,000 true love fans for her in four weeks. It can be seen that the animation's ability to create gods is very terrible.

This is only the instant noodles that boys Xiang Xiang, the audience is limited.

Change to the cute normal series, the male and female killer series, this time how many fans can be attracted, Sagiri is not clear, but she knows that the goal of a million true fans is not difficult, as long as "Super Gun" and "Dragon Maid" are born, millions It's absolutely stable.

The remaining task is to enter the LV6 level of true love fan value.

"By the way, what is my total fan value now?" Sagiri asked the system.

"Report to the master, 914021!" The stupid system gentleman replied in seconds.

"No, I'm talking about fan value, not true love fan Sagiri immediately shook her head when she heard about nine hundred and one hundred thousand.

Fan value includes true love value, but true love fan value does not represent total fan value.

"Oh... the owner's current fan value is... 5,035,462 million!" The system master projected the data into Sawu's mind.

Ignoring the four digits after the decimal point, Sagiri has 50 million fans!

The following is the fan data provided by the system:

"Twelve million comic fans! (Counting people not counting the number of collections)

The total number of animation fans reached 34.9 million! (Accounting at home and abroad)

Two million illustrator fans!

There are also 1.8 million music fans! (Music is provided by the system king, divided into 82, so 9 million fans are converted into 1.8 million)

Two hundred and thirty thousand other fans! (Absorbed from various ways)

PS: This data only counts people, repeats only counts a single! "

This data may seem exaggerated, but it is not.

The global population is more than seven billion, including fans at home and abroad, not just the number of fans in China, so it is so scary.

In today's globalization of the two-dimensional culture, Sagiri's fan base unknowingly advances to super-popular cartoonists.

"More than fifty million fans! I can be a great God-level cartoonist for Juvenile JUMP." Sagiri said to herself.

Juvenile JUMP, a manga dominating company with a superb status, and a great god-level manga artist below, each sells at least a few million copies per volume, and some people often sell 10 million copies, and even reach 20 to 30 million comics in the peak period. Single book sales.

As for the higher levels, for example, a cartoonist who has sold more than 30 million copies is a super popular cartoonist, and it is popular all over the world. Sales are no longer limited to China, but the world premiere and simultaneous sales.

It can be said that the highest level is the super popular cartoonist.

Super popular cartoonist, this is Sagiri's ultimate pursuit.