Become a Cartoonist System

Chapter 242: "Super Gun"

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The first episode of "A Certain Scientific Super-Electromagnetic Gun" was broadcast on TV, but the squad leader Mishima did not watch it. Instead, he chose to watch it online the next day.

Speaking of chasing Fans for the first time, Mishima squad leader is fine, but TV Fans do not have real-time interactive barrage, which makes them feel less lively.

No, it's more of resonance than lively.

When a person is watching anime alone, there may be an invisible sense of loneliness, but when watching a barrage video, when you see a certain slot, you find that others are talking with yourself, giving people a feeling of being accompanied.

For example, three of Mishima’s roommates who don’t watch anime very much (not that they don’t watch anime, but less frequently), when watching anime with them, they suddenly remembered them when they saw a certain slot and wanted to complain. I don’t understand, even if I say it, I don’t feel happy to share.

At this time, the video was suddenly filled with a group of viewers spitting out the barrage, and each sentence poke the slot point, that is, a sense of identity and resonance.

Some people even spit out a new realm. After multiple slots collide, new slots are created.

This is a feeling you can't get on TV.

Squad leader Mishima prefers to watch videos at station b. The barrage at station b has a lot of slots, and new slots are created almost every moment.

"The first chapter of "A Certain Scientific Super-Electromagnetic Gun": Electric Shock Eleaster!" Squad leader Mishima looked at the title, put on his headphones excitedly, and clicked to play.

The first thing that greets you is not Sister Pao, but a white screen. On the left side of the white screen, there is a line of blue artistic words "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog Gaiden".

What followed was a self-humming sound of "Uh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after Sing a bottle of soda.

The girl who was drinking soda was Misaka Mikoto from Tokiwadai, who was surrounded by a group of gangsters at this moment.

In the distance is the academy city full of science and technology, and the exquisite picture feels full of money. Almost every frame can be used as a desktop wallpaper.

"This picture... is amazing!"

Squad leader Mishima's eyes widened, and for the first time he saw an animation with such a moving picture quality.

The city around the sky bridge is towering and forested, and the soft but not flaming sunlight directly falls, leaving a large shadow of the setting sun, which is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

The sky is blue as washing, the green trees are swaying with the wind, and the sunlight filtering through the gaps between the leaves is clearly visible on the floor.

The white three-blade fan of wind power is slowly rotating in the city, bringing the beauty of the 2d painting style of the technological city background to the extreme.

There are also the clothes and accessories of the gangsters and passers-by on the flyover. Although the passerby level, the animation company did not lazily use batch styles.

Everyone's dress style is different, and their facial expressions are also extremely detailed, which shows that the Jie Cao Society has made a lot of writing.

I have to say that there is also a sense of color matching. The whole animation gives people a feeling of vitality as soon as they appear, and it grabs the eyes of young people in a short moment.

Having said so much, in fact, the sense of picture is the same as the cartoon of Ocean teacher, the quality is almost not reduced, giving people a very shocking sense of aesthetics.

Within a few moments, the Mishima squad leader integrated into this academy city with a strong scientific atmosphere.

Like the usual 3D animations, the scenes of masterpieces can naturally be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, the 2D style of painting led by the ocean teacher is more novel than that, coupled with the rough style of animation in the first place, the picture feeling of "Super Gun" animation is so good that there are more than a few.

In fact, it is not that scary. According to Sagiri, the exquisiteness of this animation is at best one or two times better than ordinary animation.

Only because of the contrast (the style of 2d animation in this world is too low), this makes the super gun animation very unique and course, the original painting of Maid Dragon is also the same. Under the supervision of Sagiri, The exquisiteness of the picture is no less than super cannon. In addition, Maid Dragon is a season episode of January, and the broadcast time is behind Super Cannon, and the first episode of Maid Dragon will be played about three days later.

It can be said that in this January episode, except for the Super Cannon and Dragon Maid supervised by the ocean teacher, the other 2d animation episodes are not able to lift their heads at the level of style.

After this brief beginning, the picture of "Super Gun" came to the tourist bus, forcibly explaining the urban background of the academy.

When Mishima saw this, the time had come to "00:30", and the audience's barrage had already exploded the video space.

"See Yang Da Ming, I'm here to visit, and see you today... Needless to say, I will turn to fans from now on!"

"Kneel directly when you see the style of painting!"

"Perfectly inherited the painting style of Teacher Haiyang. I feel that 666 is no longer able to express the praise in my heart."

"I... what else can I say, watch the reward!"

"I saw it in the chase last night, now I'm here to watch the barrage."

"By the way, when I watched it, my parents were also attracted to it. They said that they had never seen such an exquisite 2D animation. I sighed that the times are progressing."

"666, I can't help but think deeply after seeing the speeches of all the bigwigs. This is probably the same good-looking series of barrage and animation."

There are so many different kinds of barrage. Needless to say, the team leader Mishima knows that this group of animations are truly unique, and he directly slaps 2d animations with this style of painting.

As for the plot, you can see the "Magic Forbidden" by the Ocean teacher, and it will definitely not go there, so January is the hottest month, and it can almost be set by default (migrant workers are not counted).

"Speaking of which, "Maid of the Dragon of the Kobayashi Family" is also supervised by the Ocean Teacher. I hope that the screen will not be too far behind, otherwise it will be a super cannon dominating the list." Mishima looked forward to it in his heart.