Become a Villain Loli

v3 Chapter 93: Incessant Nightmare (3)

Li Leilei prayed for the Lord's rescue in her nightmare, and her Lord was being forced to attend the meeting.

Xu Xianxian, who had never participated in such entertainment activities, naturally felt some discomfort. But she is not an ordinary person after all, this discomfort did not last long, and she was quickly suppressed by her.

Affected by the spirit of the rabbit hairpin, Xu Xianxian, who has less and less emotional fluctuations, can barely have the emotional fluctuations of a normal creature only by staying with Ophelia. ——The strengthening of the hairpin is not without cost. It didn't take long for her to degenerate from a normal human to a twisted monster.

Usually alone, or facing her subordinates, her heart is like an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years, cold and cruel.

'Or in my heart, I would still consider Ophelia as a virgin. ’

Xu Xianxian slightly pressed down the hem of her upturned skirt, looked at the smiling Seventh Princess beside her, and couldn't help thinking like this.

Even though the other party has a different appearance and a different race, the bright eyes have not changed in any way.

In this unfamiliar era, Xu Xianxian from the future is so out of place, so lonely, and being accompanied by a familiar person is a comfort.

After Ophelia took out the invitation letter, the event organizers were a little surprised. Is this the first King Beamon in the entire server to play warrior?

I thought it was a strong man with five big and three thick, or a thin man with glasses, or a fat house with a big belly, but I never thought that the other party would be a woman, and she was such a delicate little beauty.

After all, "Monster City" is a very hard-core game. Those top dungeons rely entirely on technology to pass the test. If you are a handicapped emperor, no matter how much krypton gold is, it will be a waste of money after entering the book.

And King Beamon, who is called the technology emperor by the players and who sends out strategies everywhere, can't possibly be a woman!

"Uh... Excuse me, are you really a player of ID Beamon Battle King?"

Looking carefully at the beautiful black-haired girl in front of her, several staff members were a little dazed and asked hesitantly.

Could it be that the Battle King Beamon didn't come today, so he just hired a beautiful girl to deal with it?

"I am!" Ophelia enjoyed the lively atmosphere, surrounded by derivative peripherals of the game, "Besides me, is there a second Beamon War King? guys... "

Seeing the expressions of these people were a little suspicious, she couldn't help shaking her head, then took out her mobile phone from her bag, entered the account password in front of several people, and skillfully logged into her character page.

"It's genuine, the old man is not deceived!"

Ophelia's pink lips slightly evoked a proud arc.

As a fairy princess, she doesn't need to sleep every day except when she is mentally overdrawn, so this extra time can be squeezed out to play games.

However, Natalie's little girl is a little strict with her, and if she finds out, her mobile phone will definitely be taken away, so she had to take advantage of the other party's sleep, and then hide under the covers and play games secretly.

This far exceeds the amount of games played by ordinary players, as well as the super-high technical operation, which also made her mix in "Monster City" like a wind and water, and she directly became the first **** warrior in the whole server.

"Uh..." At this time, one of the staff members came out and quickly thanked Ophelia: "We welcome you to this offline event, and thank you for your continuous support to our game."

Ophelia's kryptonite level in the game can only be regarded as medium, but her influence is very large, and she is also the president of several large guilds. The official naturally hopes that the more top players like this, the better.

"Small things, I hope your company can do better and better."

Ophelia stood there and smirked, causing Xu Xianxian next to her to frown.

Getting better?


'I have all the top executives of this company under my control, and after a while I will let them go bankrupt due to 'bad management'. ’

Xu Xianxian narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking of Ophelia's miserable appearance after the game was shut down, her brows could not help but stretch.

The expansion of the Zodiac Palace is very fast, secretly eroding many small and medium forces, and closing down a small and medium-sized entertainment company is simply a piece of cake.

Let you hide under the covers and play games!

Let you play with things and lose your mind!

Let you ask me to wear this COS suit!

Let you threaten me!

Ophelia, an ignorant little princess, should have realized the cruelty of society and the pains of growing up.

Xu Xianxian was not in a hurry to close the company. She wanted to boil the frog in warm water, so that Ophelia could not have an overreaction, but she could not be completely unaffected.

Just when she was thinking about these things, she didn't notice that on the game booth, the motionless monster backgrounds on the big screen, suddenly there were several monsters from the new expansion, and suddenly began to roll their eyes.

The gray-black nightmare atmosphere floated in from nowhere.


Luo Gongcheng, Dayuan District, the official residence of the consul.

As a consul, Lin Chen welcomed an unexpected guest today.

"Miss Shiying, why are you free to come to me?"

Lin Chen stood at the entrance of the official residence with a wry smile at the corners of his mouth. Next to him stood a group of high-level departments, facing the beautiful girl who came from a distance and was surrounded by stars.

The other party's hair is not black, but silvery white, which is different from her young and beautiful appearance. In addition, she was only wearing a thin white dress, the veil was slightly flying, exuding an extremely cold breath.

Although those eyes are beautiful and moving, the color reflected is pure white like a glacier. As long as the weak look at them, they will fall into the endless frost fantasy, unable to extricate themselves.

Most of the people present are not unfamiliar with this white-haired girl.

As the ruling family behind the scenes of the old one of the main initiators of the Destruction War, the current descendant of the Bai family.

Bai Shiying.

It can be said that since birth, he has been on the wanted list of the public enemy of mankind.

And those survivors of the War of Destruction, as long as they are a little familiar with history, they can know how terrifying the Bai family was in the old days.

From the beginning of the 21st century, the Bai family has been active in this world, and in the more than 100 years until the beginning of the 22nd century, it has evolved from a multinational chaebol to a behind-the-scenes controller who influences the decisions of various countries.

However, after the war of destruction that affected the entire world, the Bai family was also dealt a devastating blow, and very few family members survived, and then suffered the liquidation of the Chixia Council led by Yan Ziqing, the light of the stars.

"I noticed that Luo Gongcheng has been a little uneasy recently, so I came here."

Bai Shiying walked up to the consul Lin Chen and said indifferently, as if she was stating a trivial matter.

Although now she is a down-and-out aristocratic young lady, a descendant of war criminals in the old era, she is hated and wanted by all human beings. But the temperament of the person in the upper position, the indifference of the high above, has not changed in front of everyone.

This is the heritage of the descendants of the once-human overlords.


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