Become a Villain Loli

v4 Chapter 3: shredded

The area of ​​this twisted jungle is very large, and the trees are illogically tall. There are strange trees tens of meters high everywhere, twisted into various shapes.

The girl went all the way in, picking some weird plants from time to time, making them into specimens and putting them in her arms.

"It's going to be twisted into a twist, but there is still such a vigorous vitality?"

Xu Xianxian stood in front of a gray-brown tree, the trunk of which had been twisted more than 20 times, looking extremely strange.

She stretched out her hand and touched the surface of the trunk with some curiosity. The touch was not the roughness of a normal tree, but a greasy smoothness as if touching a piece of pigskin.

When Xu Xianxian's hand touched it, dark green viscous sap began to seep out from the unidentified protrusion of the trunk. These green sap had an extremely strong aroma and a high concentration of corrosion, enough to melt a piece of alloy steel. into slag.

In this twisted jungle, everything is full of danger, and ordinary people simply cannot leave alive.

But for Xu Xianxian, neither the highly toxic aroma nor the high-strength corrosive acid has any effect on her.

Not to mention the powerful magic power of the fairy archmage, the martial arts elixir that she recently cultivated with a human body is enough to make her skin unaffected.

Her human body has practiced thirteen types of martial arts, the most powerful of which is the Aoki Mystery Technique, but she specializes in restraining this kind of plant.

The Qing Emperor is the ancient Heavenly Emperor, the owner of the Eastern Wood Walk, and everything related to wood is under his control.

"The wind of late spring."

Xu Xianxian stretched out her fingers, and a little blue light scattered from her fingertips, turning into a gentle breeze, blowing the branches, leaves and trunk of this strange tree.

Late spring refers to the last stage of spring, and the wind of late spring blows more than just vitality.

As the breeze blew, the surrounding air became moist, and the dense forest with extremely low oxygen content set off a fresh breeze, wrapped in the drizzle, which gradually withered and withered this strange tree.

Not only is it simply withering, the entire strange tree is shrinking at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Until the end, it turned into a small yellow-brown sapling again.

"It is recorded in the ancient books that the Qingmu Xuanfa was inherited from the Qing Emperor's sacrifice. I was a little suspicious, but now I know that what I said is true. Even mutant plants can be affected by the mysterious method, which shows that many ancient myths and stories are not mine. It's as simple as that."

Xu Xianxian took the small sapling in her hand and observed it carefully.

There was a bit of surprise in her expression. Aoki Xuanfa was not only used to fight enemies, but also had many mysterious uses, which was beyond the level of ordinary martial arts.

Thinking of this, Xu Xianxian couldn't help but think of the hometown of fairies, the legendary fantasy land of Avalon.

'In the past, farther than ever, what communication did Avalon have with Earth? ’

Xu Xianxian remembered those myths and stories, and felt a little unreal in her heart, because the myths of the past have all been reduced to different versions of the stories in this incalculable time, in different worlds, except for those who have experienced it personally. able to know the truth.

But now, in this past history, she is experiencing new myths and witnessing the beginning of new legends.

Even the potential enemies are the demon gods from the dark world.

Xu Xianxian's mind couldn't help shaking, but just as she was stunned, the ground not far away suddenly tumbled violently, and then a giant bear lifted the smelly soil and rushed towards the little girl.

But it is not so much a giant bear as it is a bear python. Its upper body is the body of a brown bear, but its lower body is the long tail of a giant python, and its fine scales are full of barbs.

In the decades since the end of the War of Destruction, all animals and plants on the earth have been eroded by various pollution radiations. Most of the animals and plants, whether human or other species, have been basically destroyed. to 99 percent.

Only one percent of the animals and plants survived in the high-concentration radiation environment, but over time, they have all mutated, but the degree of mutation is more or less.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This is an immutable law of nature.

The same is true of this bear python. I don't know if it is the fusion of the brown bear and the python, or the deformed offspring of the brown bear and the python, but no matter which choice is made, it is all to survive in a harsh environment.

Because those who cannot adapt to the environment, or who influence or ignore the environment, are killed by the environment.


The bear python let out a ferocious roar, and the stench was ferocious, sweeping the only oxygen in the air. It had a big mouth full of sharp teeth, trying to swallow the little girl directly.

As Xu Xianxian got closer, he could still see the sharp teeth of the bear python. It was not a mammal's tooth structure, but a reptile's structure. It seemed that this monster's python component was larger than that of a brown bear.

However, she didn't waver at Xiong Python's sneak attack, she just let the other party bump over.


The huge body of the bear python slammed into Xu Xianxian's body, as if it had hit a thick alloy wall. Not only was the bear's mouth cracked, but even the body flew upside down more than ten meters away.

The girl was still standing in the same place, with no dust on her body, and her martial arts had reached a point of no leakage. There was a field of elixirs around her at any time, and any polluting magazines would be filtered and purified.

"This guy has the **** smell of humans..." Xu Xianxian frowned, and between the other's teeth, she saw some special metal fragments, "The strength is average, only the level of the fifth or sixth martial artist, It is not yet in the virtual realm, and there is no wisdom, it will only follow the instinct to attack."

"Then why... there are human flesh and blood in the mouth, and fragments of conceptual weapons?"

Xu Xianxian took a step forward and directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters. She looked at the bear python who was shaking her head and seemed to be in a coma.

This monster is so big that even if it falls to the ground, the height difference is enough for her to look up. However, this did not affect her next movements. Lolich just stretched out her hands and grabbed on both sides of the bear python. The small size seemed a little difficult, but in fact she just grabbed the upper and lower jaws of the bear python and then lightly Pull to both sides.

Just using the power of the human body itself, not even the Dan Qi.


The bear python only had time to let out a muffled groan, and then the huge body more than ten meters long, from the head of the bear to the tail of the snake, from top to bottom, from left to right, was precisely torn in half by Xu Xianxian.

For her, tearing up a mutated monster is as casual as tearing up an A4 piece of paper, without even changing her expression.

The size of the bear python's internal organs, as well as the winding intestines, mixed with gray-black blood, directly sprinkled all over the ground.

In addition, there is an undigested human corpse, as well as a large number of fragments of special metals. Xu Xianxian glanced at the corpse, most of it had been corroded by stomach acid, the flesh and bones were broken, and it was beyond recognition that it was impossible to identify.

She just stretched out her fingers and grabbed a handful of metal fragments among the piles of blood plasma and put them in the palm of her hand. These fragments are translucent crystals, and even though they have been broken into countless pieces, they still retain their original triangular shape, rather than the irregular shape.

Xu Xianxian glanced at these metal fragments with a faint luster, and there was still some energy left. She immediately confirmed her previous guess: "This is a concept weapon, the peak technology of human beings in the old era, and it is called a mini mecha. Even a second- and third-level Martial Daoist can have a power comparable to the virtual realm."

Conceptual armament does not have many thresholds for the host, but at least it must be the physical quality of a martial artist in order to play its full role, so this digested human corpse also had power above the virtual realm before death.

The bear python is just a beast with brute strength, it doesn't even know how to recognize the breath of the strong, and it is impossible to prey on humans in the virtual realm as food.

It is even more impossible to destroy the conceptual armament created by the hardest material on Mars.

"There is only one possibility. It is the host of this concept weapon. After being violently killed nearby, he destroyed the concept weapon, and was swallowed by the passing bear python."

Xu Xianxian saved the metal to analyze the structure of the concept weapon.

If ordinary people can possess the power of virtual realm, this kind of peak technology, if she can thoroughly master it, is enough for her to cultivate a large number of armed troops.

In the Fairy Empire, there is no such technology, and it may be because all fairies are born with the magic power of the virtual level, and there is no need for such a tasteless booster.

‘As expected of a technological civilization that can make the world look like this broken, the earth in the interstellar age is really amazing...’

Xu Xianxian sighed, and then stretched out her hand, Aoki Xuanfa resorted to a light breeze, the strange plants on both sides immediately gave way, and the scene in front of her suddenly became clear.

Further away in the dense forest, a swamp with a large number of corpses floating in front of her eyes.

This is the location of the old fishing mountain. Further away in the dense forest, a swamp with a large number of corpses floating in front of her eyes.

This is the location of the old fishing mountain.