Become a Villain Loli

v5 Chapter 58: Civilization (2)

In the second year of leading the large-scale eastward expedition of the Kingdom of Foss, Cherla, the civil and military-minded king, is about to encounter his biggest defeat.

Battle of Collard's Trench.

This is the most important battle between the Kingdom of Foss and the Kingdom of Jett. As long as the Fortress of Kollard can be conquered, the entire army of the Kingdom of Foss will drive straight in, directly into the hinterland of the East Ocean, and completely destroy the entire Kingdom of Jett and others. A small country that survives.

In order to conquer the entire Eastern Ocean and lay the foundation for a unified empire, King Cherra of Foss did his best to mobilize the main forces of the two oceans under his command, all of which were delivered on a large scale with weapons of war.

This is a big battle for the future.

Even the Nanyang and Arctic Oceans have sent a large number of coalition troops to assist, hoping to shatter the strategic intentions of the Forth Kingdom.

In this decisive battle, the Forth Kingdom had 700,000 Chen soldiers and 240,000 logisticians, an army of one million. The total number of coalition forces headed by the Jet Kingdom is no more than 330,000. In addition, the coalition forces are mixed, uneven, and each has its own mind. It is not monolithic. There is not much suspense.

If it weren't for the long distance of the Kollard Trench, the dangerous environment, the deep gully and the deep strategic depth, forming a natural war barrier, and still having the strength to fight in the first battle, I am afraid that the Jeter coalition would have been disillusioned long ago.

Behind Kollard Fortress.

"What are you going to do?! Choose to betray at this time?! Once the fortress falls, the Foss Kingdom will be slaughtered, and if you surrender to them at this time, you will not escape the difficulty of destroying the country!"

In the command fortress, the Grand Duke of the Jet Kingdom and the allied army commander Lasker, looking at the murlocs who forcibly broke in, his face was ashen, and he couldn't help roaring.

"Grand Duke Lasker, you misunderstood, our Kingdom of Nok will not defect to the opposite side at this time."

The marlin at the head is tall and straight, and the scales all over his body exudes a bright luster. He is Alan, a civilian who studied at the Kendo Museum, and is now the commander of the Front Army of the Knok Kingdom.

Alan has changed a lot in the past two years. After becoming an extraordinary murloc, he quickly rose to the top in the kingdom. Not only did he marry the youngest princess of the Nok royal family, he also became the most powerful general in the kingdom.

This time on the expedition, he was the commander of the army in the Kingdom of Nok. Although this commander actually had only 7,000 troops, for the Kingdom of Nok, which was a small country and few people, it was already a whole country.

This amount of troops seems to be not enough in this battle. The position of the Nok Kingdom in the coalition, let alone the Jet Kingdom, is far inferior to that of its suzerain, the Lido Kingdom.

But for the extraordinary fishman Allen, the power belongs to the individual, and he doesn't care about the problem of having too many soldiers and few soldiers.

No, just a week after arriving at the fortress, he carefully planned this change of power.

"...Then what is your purpose?" Archduke Lasker was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "General Aaron from Nok Kingdom, I don't care what your purpose is. You can think clearly. Now, there is a coalition of countries outside, as long as there is an abnormality in the command post, there will be a mutiny immediately, and the consequences can be imagined at that time."

While he was talking, Yu Guang was looking at the situation around him, and found that the guards who were guarding outside did not move at all, and even the entire command post was quiet, and he couldn't help feeling terrified.

'Damn! Could it be that these Nok murlocs have already cooperated with the Kingdom of Foss? ’

"It's impossible for you to be the opponent of the Foss Kingdom alone." Allen didn't care about Grand Duke Lasker's thoughts, but said with a serious face: "I learned from the information under my command that the Foss Kingdom possesses a kind of lethal power. A big secret weapon capable of long-range delivery and contamination of the local waters, creating a terrifying environment that only the Foss sharks can survive."

"It is conceivable that as long as this war enters a stalemate, the Kingdom of Foss will be insane and send a large number of such weapons to the Eastern Ocean. At that time... other races in the entire sea area will be completely wiped out."

Ellen's words made Archduke Lasker suspicious, and he couldn't help asking: "If that's the case, what are you going to do?"

"My purpose is very simple. I want Grand Duke Lasker to hand over the power in his hand." Allen smiled slightly: "I need to integrate all the available forces and launch a surprise attack on the army of the Forth Kingdom."


Hearing the other party's plan, Archduke Lasker had such an idea in his mind.

To raid the Foss Kingdom army means giving up the geographical advantage of defending the fortress and forcibly attacking the Foss army on the other side of the trench, but with the strength of the current coalition army, it is tantamount to suicide.

"Impossible, you are pulling everyone to be buried with you!" Archduke Lasker refused without thinking, "And even if you kill me, it will be useless, the lower-level military will immediately find out the abnormality, when You will immediately exterminate thousands of Nok murlocs!"

"Forget it, it's a waste of words." Allen took a step back and looked at the beautiful mermaid with a black blindfold. "Senior Sister Vivian, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

Vivian nodded silently, and took off the blindfold covering her face, revealing those azure blue pupils with a strange vortex shape like the ocean.

"You...what are you going to do?!"

Archduke Lasker finally realized that the situation was a little unusual, but after seeing the swirling pupils, his consciousness immediately became blurred.

After a while, Grand Duke Lasker returned to normal. He looked at Ellen and Vivian, and saluted respectfully: "My master, what are your orders?"

Seeing this scene, Allen smiled slightly, and said to the mermaid who was putting on the blindfold again: "Senior sister, the mental control ability you have mastered is really useful."

"I'm just for the continuation of the family and the country." Vivian shook her head. "And this kind of control is not permanent, there are many restrictions, and it can only last for ten days. You have to start our plan as soon as possible."

"That's natural."

Allen nodded, and didn't say anything, but immediately walked out with Archduke Lasker, preparing to call in the army.


Late at night a few days later.

The coalition army led by the Jet Kingdom abandoned the natural barrier of the fortress, and when everyone was surprised, they launched a surprise attack on the Foss Kingdom on the other side of the trench.

It stands to reason that Even a night attack and uneven coalition forces cannot destroy the well-equipped Foss army at all, and will even be directly annihilated by the reacting Foss Kingdom.


In this battle, a Shining Marlin man, for the first time, showed his true extraordinary power in the world of Tereza.

He took the lead and shot one person at a time, directly attacking the hundreds of thousands of vanguard troops in the Foss Kingdom, and then with tens of thousands of troops strengthened by Vivian's blessing, he stabbed the Foss army like sharp knives. in the base camp.

That night, the flickering blood light did not stop, and the tragic fighting sounded through the ocean, and it didn't stop until the next day dusk.

In this battle, the shadows of the silver turtles crossed, leaving a long gully in the depths of the ocean, which further elongated the width of the Kollard Trench, and a large number of shark people were killed in this battle. , countless murloc skeletons piled up in the ocean, and even the sea level was dyed blood red.

At the same time, it also makes the world understand that what is called great power belongs to oneself.

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