Become the Daughter of Gu Aotian

Chapter 765: really!

Flora can be an adventurer on her own, relying on these little tricks to make all those who provoke her pay a heavy price.

But these two men are obviously also veterans of adventurers, and they are not so easy to succeed!


Flora shook her hand and lased a knife at Red-nosed Cook.

Flora shot the flying knife very accurately, and the flying knife hit the red-nosed Cook's heart directly.

Seeing the poisonous flying knife shot over, Red-nosed Cook was not afraid, and the sword in his hand blocked the flying knife accurately.

"Small bugs!" Red-nosed Cook said disdainfully.

"Little girl, you are dead today!" The bald man rushed over from the left.

Flora didn't want to be approached by a tank like a bald man, and hurriedly shot two poison-extracting flying knives.

The angles of these two extracting poison flying knives are very tricky, and they will be injured whether they dodge to the left or to the right.

But the bald guy doesn't need to dodge at all, because he has a shield.

The round iron shield was blocked, and the poisonous flying knife was blocked.

Seeing that her proud flying knife was blocked, Flora's face was a bit ugly, and she drew out her dagger.

The moment Flora drew out the dagger, poison was also added to the dagger.

Ordinary adventurers are still very afraid of Flora's poisonous attack when they encounter Flora. Unfortunately, the two people in front of them have more restrained methods of Flora, and their strength is obviously much stronger than that of Flora.

"The chick who likes to use poison, your strength is too weak, if you don't have the strength, don't be nosy, you will die!" Red-nosed Cook sneered and smashed at Flora.

What a fast sword! Although the angle of the sword was normal, Flora knew that she couldn't escape, so she could only resist.

when! There was a loud noise.

Flora was severely slashed with a sword.

What a terrifying power and speed!

"How can your strength be so strong!" Flora looked at Red-nosed Cook in disbelief.

Red-nosed Cook smiled triumphantly, and said proudly, "I can hit three at the level of fast-speed Katz."

"Platinum rank!" Froola was desperate. Although she was a bronze rank adventurer, her true strength was at a silver rank.

But this iron rank Cook, the real strength is platinum rank.

Feeling the strength and speed of Red-nosed Cook, Flora knew he was not bragging.

Flora also hid some strength, but compared with these two people, it was still far behind. It's hard not to die if I am blocked by such strong two people!

Although Flora was desperate, she did not completely lose her fighting spirit.

He gritted his teeth again and took out a poison extraction flying knife, the target was a relatively weak bald man.

But this time, Flora's throwing knife missed and flew over the shiny head of the bald man.

Seeing Flora's throwing knife missed, the bald man laughed and said: "Haha! Are your hands shaking with fear? It's really useless!"

Hearing the ridicule of the bald man, Flora showed a weird smile.

"Stupid! Be careful behind!" Red-nosed Cook warned the bald man, then took out the dagger from his waist at an incredible speed and threw it at the back of the bald man.

"What's the situation?" Hearing the red-nosed Cook's warning, the bald-headed man suddenly felt bad. Hearing a sound, it seemed that something had been shot down behind him.

It turned out that the throwing knife shot by Flora was tied with a thin thread, and was pulled back from behind without the bald man noticing it.

Although the Poison Extraction Flying Knife that was pulled back by the thin thread had no power, it was still possible to make a wound on the bald man's skull.

It's a pity that Cook found the sharp-eyed red nose and shot down the throwing knife with a dagger.

"Smelly lady, it's so insidious, I almost made me capsize in the gutter to see how I killed you." Almost lifeless, the bald man was so frightened that he rushed towards Flora with a buckler and holding a long sword. .

Flora's face changed drastically, and the big bald man was protected by a round shield. She couldn't find the angle of attack, so she could only retreat.

But the big bald man sneered close to him, swept the buckler, and then slashed fiercely with the long sword.

Flora dodged desperately. Although she avoided her body, the hand holding the sword was cut off by the bald man with a sword.

Blood splashed on the face of the bald man, and the bald man smiled with satisfaction and licked the blood that had splashed near the corner of his mouth.

"Ah!" Froola screamed with pain when the arm was cut off.

The screams pierced the silence of the night and echoed far in the woods.

Flora screamed with pain after breaking her hand. She didn't expect her to talk too often, which would cause her to kill herself.

This is the world of adventurers!

Full of danger, darkness and ruthlessness.

Weak adventurers have only to be tortured and killed in front of the strong.

Flora often heard the news that the adventurer squad was completely wiped out, but she didn't expect that it would be her turn today.

Obviously think that he will be a lucky person, there will be no danger, and he clearly tries not to take on too dangerous tasks, and he clearly doesn't want to cause trouble.

But on the spur of the moment, Yili came forward, this is unfortunate!

Flora regretted it a little bit. She had known that she would find an ordinary job, or find an ordinary person to marry.

Will not suffer such a disaster.

I don't want to die, but I want to live!

Flora endured the sharp pain in her arm, turned around and ran, knowing that it was impossible to run away.

Seeing Flora running away in The red-nosed Cook and the bald man both showed playful and mocking smiles.

The bald man chased up and kicked Flora in the back, kicking Flora rolling several times.

The broken arm was stuck in the mud of the grass blades, and tears were streaming down his face.

After the bald guy kicked Floula over, he shouted: "Run! Keep running! By the way! That's it! That's it!"

Flora fell to the ground in embarrassment, gritted her teeth and crawled forward, instinctively wanting to stay as far away as possible from the bald man who ravaged her.

"Play slowly, don't kill it so fast!" Red-nosed Cook reminded him, who walked slowly over.

"Got it! Boss! I haven't played enough yet!" The bald man looked at Froola who was crawling embarrassed with a grin.

Flora was desperate, she would die miserably!

Just after Flora crawled desperately for a while, she heard sparse footsteps.

A silver-haired girl wearing an exquisite purple dress with an umbrella walked out of the darkness.

The silver-haired aristocratic girl smelled the **** smell of Flora, and said with a smile: "The smell of blood is really exciting!"

Flora looked at this silver-haired noble girl in surprise, as if she was familiar.

But this young girl was very expensive, calm and graceful, and impressive. Flora was sure that she had never seen her before.

The silver-haired girl who came by did not see Flora in her eyes, but coldly looked at the red-nosed Cook and the bald man, as if looking at the dead.

Red-nosed Cook and the bald guy were shocked when they saw the silver-haired girl suddenly appeared, but they were not too afraid.

It's just a little noble girl, what's to be afraid of.

The big bald man looked at the weird little noble girl carefully, and said with some suspicion: "The little girl has such a big breast, shouldn't it be... it's fake!"