Becoming Rich In A Beast World

Chapter 965: We are all from Taoyuan


A cub stretched out his arms and accidentally dropped a large piece of meat on the table when scooping vegetables with a trembling spoon.

The surrounding Silver Wolf tribe all looked over.

The cub paused, eyes widened timidly, not even breathing loudly.

The Taoyuan Orc sitting next to the cub quickly picked up the piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, "Our wife said, the meat that has fallen can be eaten within three seconds! Hehe."

Seeing everyone stunned, the Taoyuan Orc raised his hand, "Hurry up and eat, or it won't taste good when it's cold, and it's easy to get sick."

While talking, he also helped the cub just scoop a large spoonful of vegetables, and smiled friendly at the cub.

The cub's Eminem is also a more shy female, blushing her face to thank the Taoyuan Orc in a low voice, "Thank you, thank you."

"It's okay, we are all from Taoyuan!"

The rugged and open-minded attitude of the Taoyuan Orcs completely relieved the originally cautious orcs of the Silver Wolf and Sky-Swallowing Python clan.

When they learned the way of the Taoyuan Orcs and had their first meal, their eyes widened in shock!

"This is so delicious!"

"I have never eaten such delicious meat!"

"Is this grass? This grass is also delicious!"

"What is this for nothing, it smells good! It tastes even better with meat!"

The exclamation sounded one after another.

When everyone was immersed in the gourmet harbor, the Taoyuan orcs who had been squeezed into the crowd quietly retreated.

Hidden and fame.

It was the first time I came into contact with such a delicious food, coupled with the travel all the way, whether it is an orc or a female, everyone has a great appetite.

The red fruit was steamed out and the rice was not enough to eat in the end, and there was no time for steaming, so I had no choice but to top it with steamed buns.

But for the new people, the steamed bun is a brand new experience exclusively for the taste buds.

When everyone came out of the camp canteen, they all had a round belly, and almost all of them had to lean on their waists.

Old Nick also led people to sort out the houses. However, the two groups have a large number of people and the vacant houses are scattered. How to allocate them requires their wishes.

"Do you want to live together, or live separately according to your own preferences?"

Old Nick's straightforward greeting took them all by surprise.

Why live separately?

Is it to weaken the power of their own clan and then kill them all at once?

Or is it true that everything they see today is an illusion, in fact they are meant to be tricked into being slaves?

For a while, the two peoples were panicked, but everyone said in unison, "Let's live together!"

Old Nick suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"This may not be able to satisfy you. There are many houses in Taoyuan. Each type of house has a surplus, but no one type can fully accommodate all of you."

Hearing what he said, everyone suddenly panicked!

It seems that this is determined to separate them.

One by one, looking for help turned to their respective patriarchs.

Masha looked at Ye Qiao a little at a loss, "Is it really not?"

Ye Qiao sighed, "The number of houses is enough. Why don't you live separately first, and when you build a new house next season, you will move together?"

Yin Kwong turned his head and looked at Su Tang with some confusion, "Isn't the place where we ate just now is the house? I think the house is quite big, and it's not a problem to accommodate a tribe?"