Before Global Motorisation, I Bought a Heavy Truck

Chapter 139: Canglong Mountains, no grass grows

Two thousand adult locomotives stepped into the ancient city, and when they came out, there were only two hundred left.

On the road around the city, Lin Qing and others were madly chased by hundreds of thousands of steel beasts. Fang Ping, who responded, led 12,000 locomotives to join the battlefield, and together with everyone else, killed the steel beasts.

"Lin Qing, how are you?"

On the ground, Lin Qing's head was dizzy, and the monk kept shaking him, almost not vomiting.

"It's almost done, I didn't die in the hands of the steel beast, die in your hands." Holding his head, Lin Qing squinted his eyes and looked around. The mid-range battle force was a bit too much to die in this battle.

"Who told you to swallow it, why swallow him!" The frog jumped out with a heartache, as if Lin Qing was not swallowing the ball of light, but his father: "The ball of light is part of the mental power of the guy in the sky."

"Although it's only part of it, you also have to see what level the other person is. The nine-time evolution of the steel beast is controlled. You dare to swallow it, it's too long?"

"Lin Qing, Lin Qing, let me say what is good about you. Mental power is like a deep sea and big waves. The water is deep. You can't grasp it. Don't do it next time."

After listening to these words from the bottom of his heart, Lin Qing arched his hand to the frog: "Thank you, I wrote it down."

"I was also in a hurry at the time. I couldn't catch it, and it was useless to cut it. I could only swallow it. I won't have any sequelae."

Thinking about his previous actions, Lin Qing is still a little scared. If the light ball explodes or something, he will have to stop it?

"Oh, there are no sequelae, but in the next period of time, your mental power will skyrocket." The frog's tone was sour.

Lin Qing:...

I really appreciate your advice.

"Don't look at me like that. You can't swallow your mental power. One accident is dementia. Next time you grab it with your armed hands, you can catch it, and then leave it to me to deal with it."

"Fuck!" Lin Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, which can increase his mental strength. Next time there is such a good thing, he will go straight.

Every morning at 9 to 5 nights, half of my feet stepped on the Guimen Gate to fight the steel beasts, and it took more than half a year to hone his indulgence to 100%.

The monk just sits and recites the scriptures, and then goes out to fight every three to five days. Now it is 90% fit, and at most one month, I am afraid that he will break through the lord level.

This is the benefit of strong mental power.

Later, Fang Ping cleaned up the steel beasts and led people forward: "The mission is complete, do we want to return to Qingzhou?"

"Leave two hundred adult locomotives, and let them return to Qingzhou for the rest."

Looking in a certain direction, Lin Qing said: "Let's go to Canglong Mountain."

With a heartbeat, Huang Quan said; "Where are you going? There are five nuclear bombs, and you are still afraid that the steel beast will be unbalanced?"

"It's stupid." Or the wisdom of the brain is turning fast: "Let's go picking up the bargain."

How powerful is the explosion of five nuclear bombs?

A single one can turn everything within fifty miles into pieces, no grass will grow where the shock wave passes, and the core of Baili will become hot and ignite everything.

This is just the most basic damage. The greatest power of nuclear bombs is radiation, but this is probably useless for steel beasts.

Speaking lower, a nuclear bomb smashed the steel beast within fifty miles, five, and the steel beast within two hundred and fifty miles was wiped out.

In two hundred and fifty miles, how many steel beasts died and how many crystals fell?

This trip was simply picking up crystals in vain.

This is also the reason why Yang Ao took thousands of armed helicopters. Just escorting the bomb-carrying vehicle could not use so many people.

As night passed, a few hours later, Huang Quan, Lin Qing, the monk, Jiang Yanjun, and Fang Ping rushed to the Canglong Mountains with two hundred locomotives.

There are many clouds and fog over the Canglong Mountain Range. Compared with other places, the clouds are thicker here, and there is almost no light, which is exactly the same as at night.

A hundred miles away from the mountains, a ball of light pierced the sky, shining a hundred miles away as bright as day.


There was a loud noise, the earth moved and the mountains shook, a mushroom cloud a few kilometers wide floated in the sky, and the impact of a heat wave quickly radiated to the surroundings.

The cities, mountains, woods, lakes, steel beasts, and old cars were all destroyed.

A hundred miles away, Lin Qing and the others were lifted tens of meters away by the aftermath. The mountains and rivers that had been made of ice and snow instantly melted and turned into raging fire.

This is the power of nuclear bombs.

Just being on the edge, Lin Qing could also feel the power.

It was just an explosion, and the billion steel beasts suffered heavy losses, and they ran back desperately.

The second exploded ten minutes later, and the third one half an hour later, Yang Ao followed the steel beast's ass, and after the aftermath of the last one had dissipated, he caught up and continued launching the next one.

Five nuclear bombs, one fell on the Canglong Mountains, and four fell on the northern land.

Smoke and dust are everywhere, the land is turned into scorched earth, and the cities built by the empire for many years are turned into ruins.

"Is this your technology?" Standing on a peak of the Canglong Mountain, the frog looked at the place where the nuclear bomb had exploded, feeling uneasy for a long time.

"If we had this kind of weapon at the beginning, more people might have survived."

Lin Qing asked a key question: "Do you think 20 evolutions can resist it?"

The frog shook his head, "At the center of the explosion, the gods must die, but the power of twenty times evolution is beyond your imagination."

"From launch to landing to explosion, dozens of seconds is enough to run a long way. At my peak, I was a kilometer in a second. How far can I run before the explosion?"

Lin Qing took a breath and broke the kilometer in one second. This was three times the speed of sound, and the bullet couldn't catch up.

One kilometer in one second, ten kilometers in ten seconds. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes in 20 seconds, the frog can run forty miles away. Although it did not escape the explosion range, it was no longer in the center of the explosion.

Coupled with the overlord level and above weapons covering the whole body, a nuclear bomb may not really kill him.

"Don't think about it, let's work. With so many crystals, I want to eat this time."

Stepping into the scene of the nuclear bomb explosion, everyone began to pick up crystals. Except for Huang Quan, Zhi Zong, Jiang Yanjun, and Fang Ping, everyone else picked up one and ate one.

A few of them are at the pinnacle of nine times of evolution, and it's useless to eat them, they can only be saved and eaten later.


One punch broke through the melted steel beast corpse, and the Donghai locomotive expertly took out the crystal and swallowed it.

Scenes like this appeared one after another.

More than two hundred people quickly cleared the battlefield. Two hours later, their mouths all ate bald skin and sparks.

For the first time in my life, I felt like vomiting when eating crystals.

"I have evolved through seven times."

"It's so slow, I'm good eight times."

"Mom, I'm so tired, so many crystals, when can I finish it."

"I can't eat anymore, I'll take a break."

Five nuclear bombs exploded, covering a large area, and Yang Ao's manpower was impossible to guard over them. Lin Qing and the others took advantage of it.

More than two hundred people are scattered again, the target is much smaller, and it is not easy to be found.

Without grabbing the crystal with his younger brother, Lin Qing jumped directly into the center of the explosion. The temperature here was so good that even the Nine-Evolution Locomotive would not dare to enter easily.

Before ten times of evolution, the head could not be armed and could not withstand the high temperature here.

Only his lord-level weapons can come and go freely.

Even Yang Ao had to wait until the temperature dropped before daring to come in.