Before Global Motorisation, I Bought a Heavy Truck

Chapter 95: In the light of Jiang Yanjun (Part 1)

What Wang Xiaoming gave to Huang Quan was a Qinglong Yanyue Knife with a simple structure, with a 13-meter-long iron rod with a faucet at the front end.

Although I know that there are switches that can spit out the knife, but from the appearance, I haven't opened the ugly batch before.

While swinging and pressing the switch, Huang Quan felt that a small part of the energy in his body was extracted, and the dragon's head spit out a six-meter arc-shaped long knife.

The complete Qinglong Yanyue Sword is 19 meters, plus his arm length totals 27 meters.

Zhi Zhang didn't rush his head, and the long knife missed his cheek and slashed towards the wall.

Quietly, a ten-meter-high wall was divided into two.

"It's okay?" Wang Xiaoming grinned.

"I'll do your grandfather." Huang Quan wanted to use this Qinglong Yanyue knife to give this force a center point, "This is so different from what I said."

"Make do with it, this is already the limit, if it weren't for the monk to sacrifice his life and give you his part, it would not have been so long."

Wang Xiaoming put away his smiling face, and patiently explained to everyone that the materials were not enough, and it was not too much to share.

Even Ye Daying's small Tang knife needs to be replaced with a part of steel beast iron, not to mention Huangquan.

When they parted a month ago, each of them reported their requirements separately, and Huang Quan's was going to be the same as Lin Qing.

Taking into account his height ratio, if you really want to make a Balrog, it will be longer and more consumable than Lin Qing's.

Sure enough, after returning to the data comparison, the result is unrealistic.

For this reason, he could only replace the thirteen-meter-long handle with a large amount of steel beast iron, and finally matched a six-meter knife.

Don't you want to be big?

Do you want to grow?

Can't you hold it even if you want?

It's okay now, you can't hold both of them, are they big and long enough?

That's it, the monk gave up his life to get righteous, and if he didn't want his share, he took it all over.

Because at the beginning, the monk said that he didn't want a knife, so he just had to use good iron to make him a stick.

There is only one demand, hard enough!

Looking at the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife in his hand, Huang Quan glanced at Lin Qing and said awkwardly: "The question is, can this stick be held and chopped? Don't do it to me twice."

Can the soft stick body of the iron beast corpse withstand the hack of the Balrog? The answer is obvious.

Thinking about fighting with Lin Qing in the future, he slashed at the opposite side, he used a stick to block it, and was killed by a single stab.

"Ordinary people must be able to hold it." Wang Xiaoming looked up at the sky, a little frustrated, "But don't you be so stupid to block it? Just that's it. For you, there are several opponents that need to be geared."

"Furthermore, there are few perverts like Lin Qing's level in the world."

There is the last weapon under the white cloth. The monk is like a bridegroom on a wedding night. He gently cut the white hijab, picked up the two black fire sticks, and raised the corners of his mouth.

One is five meters long and two is ten meters long.

There is a converging part in the middle, and one twist on the previous one is just one.

Looking at Wang Xiaoming, the monk pointed to a four-story corridor: "Are there any valuables in it?"

"No, it's all small..."


The sticks merged into one, and the monk jumped for ten meters and smashed down at the small building.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the four-story building was instantly smashed to pieces by head and toe.

This was not over yet, the monk pulled a stick flower, pressed his hand, and thrust it fiercely against the ground, but the black iron rod didn't reach his hand.

"Amit's Buddha, very useful, thank you Brother Wang, five-star praise!"

The monk did not ask Wang Xiaoming what materials he used, nor how much time he spent grinding the sticks. He just looked at the results and used them well.

As for whether he could resist the Balrog's slash, he was not worried.

The corner of Wang Xiaoming's mouth twitched. Who are these people? They are easy to use. Why are you ruining my building and plowing my land? Did you mess with you?

The courtyard wall was also stabbed.

"Little Eagle, this is the latest Laifu from our research institute. Let me give you a try."

Yang Fan didn't know where he ran out, holding a handful of blessings. Judging from his sweaty face with blue veins on his forehead, the blessings are not light.

"Your one is the initial version, with many imperfect functions and limited lethality. This one is different. It guarantees you one shot at a time."

After accepting the 2.0 version, Ye Daying's arm sank. It was indeed heavy enough. It is estimated that it can weigh hundreds of catties. Needless to say, it is a corpse of a steel beast.

Without hitting the fence, a shot fell on the ground.


With a numb arm, Laifu almost let go. Looking at the ground again, a two-meter-diameter crater appeared in front of him.

If this gun collapsed on the Five-Time Evolution Steel Beast, Ye Daying felt that it could be used directly against it, and only armed forces could stop it.

Even if he encounters six, seven, or eight evolutions of the locomotive, as long as there are dead spots all over his body, he will kill him with a single shot.

"In fact, the gun has only been adjusted for the load, mainly because the bullet has been upgraded. Previously, the evolution crystal was used three times, but this time the evolution crystal was used five times."

"A five-time evolution crystal can process three bullets."

"It's been two weeks since this gun was out. No one wanted it. If you don't find it bothersome, please use it."

Ye Daying sneered, "It takes a five-time evolution crystal to shoot three shots, who can afford it."

With such a powerful recoil, the only people who are destined to use this gun are those who have evolved more than five times. For ordinary motorcycles that have evolved two or three times, one shot of a scooter is estimated to break the arm.

How many adult motorcycles are there in the country? The first condition is to screen more than 95% of small locomotives.

A five-time evolution crystal is only enough to shoot three shots?

Paralyzed, fighting a five-time evolutionary steel fight, if it is not the key, one shot will definitely not work, no matter what the second shot or the third shot.

Then Lao Tzu harvested a five-time evolution crystal with tears when he paid a five-time evolution crystal?

Is the person who invented this gun really a talent? Ye Daying couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Wang Xiaoming.

Scratching his head and smiling, Wang Xiaoming thought he was complimenting him, and said shyly: "If there are no bullets in the future, you can come to me to fix it at any time, and I will let you do it for you."

Looking at such a big chicken rib, Huang Quan wanted to persuade Ye Daying to lose it, but Ye Daying did not lose it. Instead, he stayed behind: "Thank you, Brother Wang, I thank your ancestor for eight years."

"You are polite, this is what I should do, and I will come here more often in the future."

"Ahem, since there's nothing wrong here, let me first take you to find a place to rest." Yang Ao didn't want to stay too long, he felt like sitting on pins and needles when he came in, "Lin Qing went to the barracks, Uncle Jiang has something to look for, last time there, You have been."

"Okay." Lin Qing took a deep look at Yang Ao, and looked at him with furry in his heart.

Everyone is not a fool, and there are some things that don’t need to be said in the open.

They have weapons for the Battle Sky team, but what about Yang Ao's? Where's the Shifang Yama?

Lin Qing can tell that Yang Fan finally came up with the 2.0 version to make money for them. It's bragging to say that no one uses such a powerful gun.

At the same time it consumes a lot of power, the most indispensable thing for a big power is crystal. It is more than enough to keep a gun. It is not good to be a favor, but it is only for Ye Daying. This is interesting.

What Lin Qing didn't figure out was that Qingzhou had always wanted to win over them. It was logical that even if he suffered a little loss, he would also give them some benefits. After all, this is good for buying people's hearts, isn't it?

But the result was the opposite. Qingzhou absolutely took advantage of this weapon casting. They were the ones who suffered, so they had gun compensation.

Jiang Nan, Yang Hongfei didn't know that this would reduce their goodwill? Absolutely know.

But why do you do this?

After thinking about it, Lin Qing came to only one conclusion, Qingzhou gave up the idea of ​​wooing Zhantian to become a horse.

I just don't know what caused them to make this decision. Perhaps it is related to the cancellation of the wanted order.