Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1080: The test scores of the little actors are

Falling in love with you, the brokerage company closed down before I came to power

Under the "negotiations" of "friendship", "kindness" and "equality" between Lin Fan and Liang Wen, Liang Wen reluctantly signed a series of treaties.

Including but not limited to, completing the filming of a movie and a TV series every year, supervising the production progress of animated films, and assisting Lin Fan to complete the corresponding work, etc.

These clauses, how to say, seem to be Liang Wen's daily work, but once they are implemented on paper, Liang Wen always feels that there is something a little wrong.

But what was wrong, Liang Wen couldn't tell.

Originally wanted to rely on the old and sell the old to tear up these treaties, but was interrupted by the staff of the Actors Guild who temporarily visited the door to check, and the staff of the Children's Protection Association.

Yes, when filming abroad, people from the Actors Guild will come to check from time to time whether the filming crew is violating relevant regulations.

And because the film Lin Fan and the others are shooting requires a large number of small actors, it has also been focused on by the Children's Protection Association.

The staff of the Children's Protection Association not only pays attention to the working status of these little actors, but also pays attention to their daily life and learning.

When using child actors to shoot film and television dramas, their learning should not be delayed, but it is written into the child protection regulations.

If these regulations are violated, the Children's Protection Association has the right to stop the entire filming directly. After being called off for rectification, it is hard to say when the shooting can be resumed.

Anyway, it is very troublesome and trivial, and many regulations cannot be fully grasped even by locals, let alone Lin Fan and other Chinese crews.

However, there are people who specialize in this industry and help the crew to evade various regulations and regulations. They can be hired as long as they spend money.

They can not only avoid various illegal acts for the crew, but also help the crew negotiate with various local departments for various venues, special shots, etc. required for the shooting.

For example, if you want to shoot near a famous metropolitan landmark in Blue Star, you need to negotiate with the relevant departments about the shooting time, the scope of the lens, and whether people need to flow into the camera.

Relevant departments will set up roadblocks at this location in advance to block the crowd and let you shoot.

Otherwise, do you really think you can just run to someone's landmark and shoot directly with a camera?

In short, it’s almost like spending money to eliminate disasters. It’s better to be fined by a certain department after three or five days and ordered to stop and rectify, delaying the shooting progress.

After dealing with the staff of various trade unions and associations who came to check, Lin Fan had already entered a new round of filming, so Liang Wen had to temporarily forget about his own affairs and get back to business.

When you are busy, forget about it.

After two months, Lin Fan personally sent Liang Wen to the flight back to China, exhorting earnestly: "Director Liang, domestic movies are all up to you! I'm still a little short of progress here, I'll do it as soon as possible. Take the rest of the shots and go back to support your work.

Alas, I originally thought that according to the previous progress, the film could be finished ahead of schedule. Who would have thought that the little actor would have failed the exam, and the Child Protection Association would think that our filming task was too heavy, and we had to reduce the filming time by another half an hour? "

Speaking of this matter, Liang Wen was also speechless: "How can you blame us? We have strictly followed the prescribed duration of filming, and even actively reduced the filming time by half an hour every day, so that the young actors can Do your homework well!"

Lin Fan agreed: "Who said no! It's not me who said that, it doesn't matter if you are young, those who are fourteen and fifteen years old can't even memorize a nine-nine multiplication table, and their test scores are poor. Isn't that your own reason?"

But what can be done?

The Children's Protection Association believed that it was the responsibility of the crew. Lin Fan and the others had no way to refute it. They could only accept their fate and cut down the filming time by half an hour.

As a result, the shooting progress naturally slowed down.

Lin Fan looked at Liang Wen, Liang Wen looked at Lin Fan, and all sighed: I didn't expect that one day, the reason for delaying the shooting progress was that the little actor in the crew failed the exam!

It's a joke.

It's a tragedy that this joke has come true.

Liang Wenqiang fought hard: "Director Lin, you don't have to worry too much. With me in the country, there won't be any problems for a while. But here, there really can't be any more problems!"

If there is another incident, and the filming time is ordered to be reduced again, then the film will really not be finished!

This work starts every day, and it burns all the money!

Liang Wendu had already foreseen that after returning to China, he would have to face an extremely anxious Yang Hongxia, because this was the first film in Lin Fan's history that exceeded the budget.

One can imagine how much Yang Hongxia's mood fluctuated when she heard the news.

Lin Fan urged: "Director Liang, you have to help me explain to Sister Xia in person. I really didn't do it on purpose. I didn't even think about this incident!"

At first, Lin Fan enjoyed the "easy" shooting progress, but when the shooting time was reduced by one hour every day, and when the budget exceeded the budget, Lin Fan was really restless.

Even though Lin Fan doesn't care much about funding, he knows what overspending means to a crew.

Even Yang Hongxia almost flew over overnight to check the account, but fortunately, Lin Fan and Liang Wen joined forces to stop her.

Although Yang Hongxia didn't make it, the phone call was unstoppable every day, and Lin Fan was afraid to answer the phone.

In fact, Liang Wen didn't want to go back to face Yang Hongxia alone, but there was no There is still a movie waiting for him in China.

If you don't go back, the time you waste every day is also money.

So Liang Wen could only bite the bullet and agree: "Director Lin, don't worry, I will explain it to President Yang. But on your side, you need to be more careful."

Lin Fan nodded solemnly, and the two exchanged a word of respect, and then one boarded the flight back home with a heavy heart; the other took a heavy step and returned to the crew.

Overrun is overrun, but you can't stop the filming because of overrun, right?

The film cannot be finished and cannot be released. This is not only a problem of overspending, but all the investment in the early stage is wasted.

There is only one thing Lin Fan can do now, and that is to push forward the filming process as much as possible, finish the filming, and let it be released.

As long as the movie box office hits expectations, the overspending problem is no longer a problem!

At that time, it should be able to offset the anger of Sister Xia... right?