Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1242: All departments prepare, Xia Yan will ap

How to pick up the field after the spacewalk?

In fact, Lin Fan has considered it in advance. The performances in this part are all coherent. After "Billie Jea", Lin Fan originally wanted to sing another classic song from the album "Fan", "Dangerous".

These three songs, whether it is music style, dance, or stage design, can all continue in the same vein, pushing the atmosphere of the whole scene to the highest point.

However, Lin Fanguang was thinking about the stage effect, the atmosphere of the scene, and the performance style. He could not have predicted that the fans at the scene could not bear such a high-intensity atmosphere, and a large number of audiences fainted.

This time, Lin Fan really didn't dare to continue singing "Dangerous".

It was too late to reduce the enthusiasm of the atmosphere at the scene, how could Lin Fan dare to continue the fire?

What if you are performing on the stage and the audience performs a relay syncope under the stage?

There are more than 100 people, there really can't be more.

No matter what, Lin Fan was worried that after the concert ended, there would be some terrifying gossip on the Internet, such as, "Shocked! A large number of audiences fainted at Lin Fan's concert! "Such.

So, let's lower the atmosphere of the scene first, and let the audience relax and take a breath.

But now the audience's attention is so distracted, what kind of song can draw everyone's attention back?

Not too intense, not too quiet, and ordinary people can't hold back the scene.

For a while, Lin Fan didn't know what to do.

In the relatives and friends area, Xia Shaozhang frowned.

Xia Yan's mother noticed it and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xia Shaozhang didn't hide it from her, and explained: "This scene is not easy to handle, the audience is either too excited, too shocked, or frightened by so many fainted people, in short, the attention is greatly distracted. Lin Fan is worried about what song to sing right now."

This is also a legend, can not hold the scene.

When Lin Fan selects supporting guests for himself, he also takes into account that the guests can't catch their own venues, so he never gives the guests a venue that is too enthusiastic and difficult to receive.

Instead, I would rather sing a few more songs and adjust the atmosphere of the scene to a more suitable level before handing over the scene to the guests.

Otherwise, just like the state where Lin Fan sang three rock songs at the beginning, let alone Hui Qiaodan, Zhang Xinlan and others, even if Xia Yan came to power, he might not be able to take over the scene.

Xia Yan's mother didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter if I can't catch it? Anyway, it's my own concert. The effect of today's concert has been very good."

Xia Shaozhang laughed dumbly: "You're right, no matter what, today's concert is worth it now."

In this place, if you catch it, you will have the advantage of catching it.

Not catching is not all bad, that's enough.


Liang Wen was also worried about this issue, and couldn't help but want to communicate with Lin Fan through his ears.

But he saw Lin Fan on the stage first, gesturing to himself, and suddenly his heart fell back into his stomach: "Sound preparations, band preparations, lighting preparations, the 30th song!"

The person in charge of each part of the scene heard the instructions issued by the general director of the scene, and without thinking, immediately tuned out the grouping of the 30th song.

Then a beautiful Ailan bagpipe sounded slowly, a vast, expansive, boundless ethereal feeling, slowly drifting across the entire scene, slowly blending into the noise of the scene, until the audience realized it. , this melody haunts everyone's heart.

The prelude of this song has a strong western style, the melody is extremely tactful, and it has an unspeakable poignancy and moving. The previous moment seemed so beautiful that people were full of yearning for everything in this world, but the next moment It also gave people a kind of sadness that can only be understood and unspeakable.

It's like the bright sunshine passing through hundreds of millions of miles of road, spilling over the boundless sea, or like the huge reef standing on the beach forever, or the wind heard from the conch, you don't know what they have experienced , which finally appeared in front of your eyes in this form.

You can only see it in the end and feel good or amazed at this moment, when you miss everything that happened.

But this does not change the past that is hidden in time, they are quietly precipitated in the long river of time, neither sad nor happy, eternal and eternal.

It soothed the emotions and minds of most of the audience very well, and reduced the noise of the scene a lot.

But not enough.

Lin Fan needs everyone's attention on the scene, and they all focus back.



every night in my dream


see you, feel you


That's why I understand you


Across the space and distance of our hearts


Show me your coming—"


this is?

All the noise at the scene was silent: This is a female voice!

Is there another guest appearance?

The audience looked intently at the stage, Lin Fan was still standing there, not even changing his clothes, but maybe it was too hot to dance, or what just happened was so amazing that everyone didn't notice, Lin Fan Fan took off his coat and white gloves and stood on the stage wearing only a white shirt and black trousers.

Then he reached out and stroked his sweaty hair towards the top of his head and the back of his head. At first glance, it seemed that Jack from "Titanic" had walked from the movie to reality.

If Lin Fan didn't open his mouth to sing it, but if it was a completely female voice, facing the stage lights, the audience would really think that Jack came to life and came to the real world!


"God, UU reading did not expect this song "MyHeartWillGoOn" to be sung so well by a female voice!"

"I like Fan Ge's magical singing skills that can freely switch between male and female voices. Every time I hear it, I feel that God loves Fan Ge too much. I wish I could put all the best things in the world to Fan Ge alone!"

"Ah, ah, every time the melody of this song plays, I will remember Jack and Ruth's love across life and death, the scene of the sinking of the Titanic, and I want to see this movie again!"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but backstage, Xia Yan stood up and contacted Liang Wen through the walkie-talkie: "I have to play."

This song "MyHeartWillGoOn" was originally sung by Xia Yan when it was about to end, but now Lin Fan pulled the song out in advance and sang it in a female voice, proving that he can't control the whole scene by himself. .

At this time, the only one who could help Lin Fan was Xia Yan.

So Xia Yan took the initiative to stand up and asked to play.

Liang Wen was also very decisive: "Okay, all departments are ready, Xia Yan will appear!"