Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1261: Congratulations to the host, you have co

Lin Fan sang one after another, turning out all the songs in his mind that were suitable for the wedding scene.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is Xia Shaozhang deliberately embarrassing himself, and it is his own test to marry Xia Yan.

But only Lin Fan knew that every lyric he sang and every note he played was what he wanted to say to Xia Yan.

Coming to this Blue Star, he was faced with such a complex environment at once. Even with such an unreliable plug-in system, Lin Fan still lived in fear every day, like walking on thin ice.

He didn't even want to appear in public, he didn't want to face so much attention, he just wanted to go to a place no one knew and hide his life.

But at this time, Xia Yan broke into his own world, like a small sun, emitting blazing light and heat, illuminating his life and giving him a new and completely unfamiliar world. To live, and to strive for the courage to live.

The bits and pieces of the past eight years are clearly stored in Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan clearly remembered that the first time he saw Xia Yan, the moment the sun fell from her body, his heart jumped.

But at that time, I didn't dare to think, how could a perfect girl like Xia Yan be willing to be with a man like him who has almost nothing?

But what I didn't expect was that everything Lin Fan was worried about was not even an obstacle in Xia Yan's place. Xia Yan naturally became the most important woman in his life just because of his enthusiasm.

"If I didn't meet you

where will i be

how are your days

Should life be cherished

maybe know someone

live an ordinary day

I don't know if it will

There is also love as sweet as honey

Let time rush by

i only care about you

Willing to infect your breath

Life geometry can get a confidant

It's not a pity to lose the power of life

so i beg you

don't let me leave you

I can't feel it except you

A touch of affection"

As soon as this song came out, Xia Shaozhang felt that he really had no reason to stop Lin Fan from marrying Xia Yan.

All the guests were also intoxicated by the deep feelings in Lin Fan's songs, moved by the sincere friendship between Lin Fan and Xia Yan, and sent their blessings to the newlyweds from the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Fan didn't want to wait any longer. After the song ended, he left the piano freely and strode away toward the other end of the flower hall, where Xia Yan was.

The rest of the people watched Lin Fan leave with a smile, and waited quietly, waiting for the new couple to return to everyone.

Lin Fan walked in a hurry, just like his mood at this moment, he came to the door of the bride's dressing room, then took a deep breath, tried to suppress the frantic heartbeat, and wanted to use the best face to welcome the life he was about to spend with himself. people.

Lin Fan raised his hand and was about to knock on the closed door, but the next second, the door was opened from the inside.

Xia Yan, who was wearing a white wedding dress designed by Lin Fan himself, just appeared in Lin Fan's sight.

At this moment, thousands of words can't describe Lin Fan's mood. There are too many words to say, and too many emotions surging. Instead, Lin Fan can't say a word. He can only let the tears fill his eyes and let him The surging love filled the whole chest.

Xia Yan's eyes gradually blurred, and the words poured into her throat. The moment she saw Lin Fan, all meaning was lost. She could only look at Lin Fan silently like Lin Fan looked at herself. This surging affection stirred between the two of them.

All the noise between heaven and earth has quietly gone away at this moment. Nothing can stop this pair of lovers. Everything in the world has lost all meaning at this moment. They only have each other in their eyes and hearts.

Time flies, maybe only a second later, I don't know who moved first, or both of them took a step towards each other at the same time, and then hugged tightly together!

Xia Yan's mother couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, for fear that she would cry. Xia Shaozhang didn't know when, he also walked to Xia Yan's mother's side and hugged her gently into his arms.

Yang Hongxia, Liang Wen, Zhou Yue, Liu Zhengyan and others who were a little older all looked at the young couple with smiles, this sincere hug.

And even Xiaoyu, Zhang Xinlan, Hui Qiaodan, Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, Zhou Xiang and other young people cheered enthusiastically. The applause and whistle together made the whole atmosphere of the scene heated up.

"Bang bang bang!"

The petals all over the sky fell, covering Lin Fan and Xia Yan, and awakened the two people who only had each other in their hearts.

Reluctantly ended the hug, Lin Fan handed the bouquet to Xia Yan: "Let's go, the wedding is about to officially begin, and I can't wait to marry you home."

Xia Yan held the bouquet in both hands, and whispered in Lin Fan's ear, "Me too."

Lin Fan's heart trembled, and he managed to control his excitement, but reached out and tightly held Xia Yan's hands holding the flowers.

"Cough cough!" Xia Shaozhang couldn't stand it any longer, and directly interrupted the endless and affectionate gaze of the young couple, "Lin Fan, you go to the wedding scene first, this time my daughter is getting married, as a father, I still have to Delivered by myself."

Xia Shaozhang's intention of chasing people was really not concealed, so Lin Fan had no choice but to temporarily separate from Xia Yan, and went to the wedding scene first to accept everyone's blessings and the teasing of the wedding host.

It is worth mentioning that the wedding host of Lin Fan and Xia Yan is none other than everyone's old acquaintance, the famous host Tang He.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze from Lin Fan's departure, and turned to Xia Shaozhang: "Dad."

Xia Shaozhang looked at Xia Yan in a wedding dress, his heart was sour and swollen as if soaked in a hot spring, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Xia Yan's mother was there. She came forward, holding her daughter in one hand and her husband in the other, and looked at the father and daughter tenderly: "Yanyan grows up and wants to start a family of her own, my parents sincerely I am happy for you, and I sincerely hope you are happy.”

With the opening of Xia Yan's mother, Xia Shaozhang finally found his voice: "But, but you have to remember, no matter how old you are, no matter what you have gone through, no matter what your future life will be like, your parents will always be you. The most solid and reliable harbor, we will always be family."

His eyes softened for a while, Xia Yan had to raise his head slightly, which prevented the tears from gushing out, and then gave a big hug, hugging himself and his parents tightly: "I know, Mom and Dad, I will always love you both. !"

Just like you always love me so much.

In the open-air wedding scene, the flowers planted by Lin Fan himself were arranged in clusters, while Lin Fan himself sat in front of the white piano and played the entrance repertoire for Xia Yan.

Xia Yan held the bouquet in one hand and Xia Shaozhang's arm in the other, gently stepping on the rhythm of the entrance song, and slowly entered the wedding scene.

Xia Shaozhang lowered his head slightly and said in Xia Yan's ear, "This song is called Wedding in a Dream. Originally, at Lin Fan's first concert, he planned to use this song to propose to you."

But who would have thought that the surprise that Lin Fan had worked so hard to arrange was directly destroyed by the fans at the scene, and he could only rush into the marriage proposal session. Many small surprises and designs were not shown to Xia Yan in time.

Xia Yan pursed her lips and smiled: "I know."

I know that during that time, Lin Fan mysteriously didn't know what he was tinkering with. Later, when he was proposed by Lin Fan at the concert, I realized that he had been preparing for our wedding since that early. .

"The background accompaniment was recorded by Diyin's ensemble. We asked Meng Anping for help."

Xia Shaozhang told Xia Yan about Lin Fan's preparations little by little. After all, Lin Fan hid many people, even Xia Yan, the only one who didn't hid it was Xia Shaozhang.

Because some things really need Xia Shaozhang's help to be able to do it.

"Lin Fan personally designed your wedding venue, personally designed your wedding dress and jewelry, and personally planted every flower you saw today, and asked your mother and me to help buy this private heart shape. Kojima, just to give you a wedding without regrets."

The flower road to send relatives is very short, Xia Shaozhang is holding Xia Yan, walking very slowly and reluctantly.

But Xia Shaozhang didn't hide the slightest bit of Lin Fan's thoughts from Xia Yan, because all of his thoughts should have been presented to Xia Yan.

Lin Fan's attention to Xia Yan made it impossible for Xia Shaozhang to pick out a single fault.

"Yanyan, I don't know what the future holds, but now, at this moment, Lin Fan, is worthy of your love."

Xia Shaozhang came to Lin Fan and handed his daughter to Lin Fan's hands, but he didn't tell him anything, but patted Lin Fan's hand lightly, giving him silent encouragement.

After all, Lin Fan made so many preparations in order to marry Xia Yan. Xia Shaozhang saw all his intentions and made Xia Shaozhang understand that no matter how much he said, no actual action could come as sincere.

Lin Fan has used his actions to show his sincerity, and Xia Shaozhang has nothing to warn.

Instead, Lin Fan, holding Xia Yan's hand, took the initiative to assure Xia Shaozhang: "Don't worry, I will love, care for, and protect Yanyan, as always."

Xia Yan also comforted Xia Shaozhang: "Don't worry, Dad, we will take care of ourselves and each other."

Xia Shaozhang nodded, "Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm very relieved."

On the oath stage, Tang He looked at Lin Fan and Xia Yan with a smile, and came to the front hand in hand, both relieved and emotional. But on such an occasion, Tang He restrained his other unnecessary emotions, and his expression became serious: "Are you ready?"

Lin Fan and Xia Yan looked at each other and answered in unison, "Ready."

Tang He smiled and said to Xia Yan: "Xia Yan, do you want this man to be your husband and marry him? No matter if you are sick or healthy, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, and accept him. He, will always be loyal to him until the end of his life?"

Xia Yan replied firmly: "I do!"

Tang He turned to Lin Fan again: "Lin Fan, do you want this woman to be your wife and marry her? No matter if you are sick or healthy, or for any other reason, love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and always love her. She was loyal to the end of her life?"

Lin Fan looked at Xia Yan beside him, and replied firmly, "I do!"

The fireworks exploded in the sky, and the cheers like a tsunami swept in. All the guests stood up from their seats and sent the warmest applause to the newlyweds on the oath stage. !

In the distance, the slanting light of the setting sun spreads lightly on the blue sea, seagulls fly freely between heaven and earth, the breeze blows from the depths of the sea, a dolphin leaps out of the sea, and draws a perfect line in the air. The arc, and quietly plunged into the embrace of the sea.

Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have completed all the tasks of Blue Star!