Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 210: Please call me Chaoyang Crowds!

  Chapter 211 Please call me Chaoyang Crowds! (Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket)

  Because the live broadcaster and the audience exposed Xia Yan's identity, Xia Yan did not stay in Huadao Island for long.

Seeing the help of professional lawyers, only waiting for the final procedures to be completed, the longing yard is completely owned by Lin Fan, and Xia Yan no longer cares about other things, but takes Chen Yuan and Lian during the night. Xiao Yu left the flower island together.

  Failed to catch up with a farewell, Lin Fan only received a text message from Xia Yan at the end.

【See you! 】


  The real estate transaction procedures were all completed, and the landlord received the 8 million paid by Lin Fan. Before thinking about how to spend the money, the creditor called.

   "Hey, where are you? Is your kid rich? Pay it back! Quickly pay back the 2 million owed to me!"

  The landlord was strange. As soon as he got the money, how did the creditor know about it, and he called right away?

   "Hey! What you said, I will definitely pay you back if I have money, but let me ask one more question, how do you know that I have money?"

The creditor snorted: “Why don’t I know? It’s said on the Internet that you pitted someone’s superstar for 8 million and bought your ruined house. Wouldn’t you have money? Stop talking nonsense, come and pay the money quickly, don’t Force me to find your home!"

   "Everything, I'll be right now!"

  The landlord said perfunctorily and hung up the phone.

   Know it online? The landlord muttered and opened the mobile browser.

  As soon as the landlord turned on his mobile phone, the local news directly pushed a piece of news to him: "Lin Fan spent 8 million to buy the yearning yard."

When I clicked on the content, the news was quite normal. It was straightforward and straightforward that Lin Fan signed a lease agreement with the landlord. When the yard he yearned for was prosperous, the landlord used contract loopholes to force Lin Fanhua to buy at a high price. After moving to the house, the two finally reached an agreement, and Lin Fan spent 8 million to buy the yard he yearned for.

  Well, to highlight, Lin Fan’s 8 million yuan was lent to him by a mysterious friend. Who is this mysterious friend? The article was not pointed out, but it was mentioned in a catchy manner, and even light rain appeared at the scene. Even Miss Xiao Yu's identity was once again popularized.

  But other self-media and some tabloids that can’t even get their names are not so polite.

   "The idol, a popular online draft in the past, was blackmailed by an unscrupulous landlord for 8 million! 》

  "Loopholes, troubles, blackmail, stars unexpectedly bow to evil forces easily! 》

  "Family of pit goods, check the well-known pit goods in the entertainment circle"

   "Spoofing goods is not terrible, I am afraid that there is a rich old man who scammed goods"

   "Lin Fan and Xia Yan's scandal has not been clarified yet, even Xiao Yu intervened in the third party? Lin Fanhai Wang is really hammered! 》

  ...What strange thing seems to be mixed in?

  The landlord is not very concerned about the people who eat melon and scold him, anyway, the money is in hand, and a few words of scolding are indispensable for a piece of meat!

  It’s just that everyone knows that they have got the money. This is probably a bit troublesome. After paying off the creditor's 2 million, it is best to go out to avoid the limelight.

  The landlord was thinking about it, and he received a call on his phone again, and it was his sister’s sister who called.

   "Hey, sister..."

   "Hey, brother, I heard that you sold the house by the sea? Then you can punch me the share of mine, and I won't go and ask you to get it."

  The landlord pulled out his ears, but didn’t hear clearly: "What? You say it again?"

   "I said, my share of money, transfer me to my card! 4 million! No less!"

The landlord laughed angrily: "No, sister, before the old man left, he made a clear distinction. The old house belongs to you, and the one by the sea belongs to me. Why, I have to share the money with you when I sell my own house? Want half? Then why don't you divide the rent of the old house with me in half?"

"Yes, at the beginning, the old man divided the house, but he didn't say that he would let you sell it? You rented out like me, and I didn't ask you for money, but you sold the old man's inheritance without my consent. Now, what's wrong with half of me?"

  "Do I have to agree to sell my house?"

   "Of course I agree, that's half of mine!"

  "Bah! I want to be beautiful!" The landlord hung up the phone directly, but the other party called over reluctantly, and the landlord simply broke the matter.

  But one is blacked out, there is another one, no, there should be many others.

   "Hey, my nephew, I am your eldest uncle! I heard that you made a lot of money? Then you can't forget your eldest uncle, I even hugged you when you were young!"

   "Hey, old classmate, I’m the same desk at your elementary school, the dark and thin one, don’t you remember me? I heard that you made a lot of money..."

   "Hey, I am your cousin's nephew and his cousin..."

   One call after another came in, and all relatives who turned around, and the same table at the elementary school that couldn't reach the poles came up, either climbing relatives or discussing friendship, and then began all kinds of tricks to borrow money.

  The landlord collapsed.


Lin Fan didn’t know that the landlord was entangled by the seven aunts and eight aunts because of these 8 million things. They all wanted to get a share of the pie. Even if they knew it, Lin Fan would probably applaud. At home, the landlord can do anything for the money, and his relatives and friends can't let it go.

  This is very good. The wicked have their own troubles.

  It's just that Lin Fan doesn't know these things, so Lin Fan is still waiting, waiting for the big man to call himself.

  After waiting patiently for two days, Lin Fan finally received a call from the flower arm boss. After answering the call, Lin Fan directly called a car and went straight to the address given by the other party.

  Lin Fan arrived at his destination, and when he got off the car, he saw the leader of the team waiting for him on the street. Lin Fan hurried forward: "How is it?"

The leader squeezed a ferocious smile again, and pointed to an old residential building in the alley behind him: "It's there, 104 on the first floor, I watched the landlord enter, carrying a snakeskin bag, It’s bulging, it’s packed a lot!"

The eldest brother    also took out his phone and showed Lin Fan the photos he took. As he said, the landlord carried a bulging snakeskin bag into the building.

  Lin Fan was a little worried: "It has been a while since he entered, will he have already left?"

  The leader of the team smiled suddenly: "Boss Lin, don't worry, you will know if he is gone when you get closer."

  Lin Fan followed the leader of the team into the alley suspiciously, and stopped outside the residential building. After a while, Lin Fan heard the very familiar "crush" sound, which was the sound of Mahjong shuffle!

  Lin Fan's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Seeing that Lin Fan had no other opinion, the eldest brother    rubbed his hands and laughed, "Boss Lin, are you satisfied with this business?"

  "Satisfied, very satisfied! I will definitely give you five-star praise! Don't worry!" Lin Fan was very happy.

   "That's OK, boss Lin, you are busy, I won't bother you, hehe."

  The business is done, UU reading www.uukā, the leader of the team, just wants to quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

Lin Fan did not intend to stay. After watching the other party leave, he took out his mobile phone, used the newly created number 2, and dialed three digits: "Hello, hello, I am an enthusiastic morning crowd, and I want to report the island area. XX Community, Room 104, Unit 2, Building 1, where people gather for gambling."

  Well, the newly created number 2 was also handled with the help of Flower Arms. It is thrown away after use, and there is no worries at all!

  The operator on the opposite side of the phone seemed to be taken aback. It seemed that he didn’t expect to receive such a detailed report call, but after a second, the other party immediately responded: "Okay, we will arrange for the police now. Please keep the phone open."

  "Okay, the amount involved is huge, at least one million. I hope you can come here soon."


    I received the first shot of the vaccine today, my muscles are a bit painful, my arm can’t be lifted, and I can’t figure out these three chapters. I’m so bitter~o(╥﹏╥)o I got the shot and found that there is no recommendation next week, so I continue to run naked. . I'm so pitiful~o(╥﹏╥)o

     ask for tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for recommendations, various requests~



  (End of this chapter)