Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 274: It's all temporary workers' fault

The first thing Zhou Yue did when he returned to the magic city was to call Zheng Hui of Tian Lai Music.

"Mr. Zheng, I’m Zhou Yue. I watched your show and did a good job. The several songs on the show are very inspiring to me. I must thank you for this. Thank you for the singer-songwriter. Having created such a good stage, the public has a more intuitive understanding of the composer."

Zheng Hui was surprised when he received Zhou Yue's call. The big man in the industry, Liu Zhengyan, would call his brother's boss, and he would take the initiative to call himself!

Moreover, Zheng Hui was a little flattered as soon as the phone was connected: "Teacher Zhou, you passed the award, we are all making music, you are the creator of music, and we are the disseminator of music. Everyone is a family, and we all strive for music, so that the public can have a more intuitive understanding of music, which is what we need to do."

The two people exchanged business for half an hour before Zhou Yue got to the point: "Mr. Zheng, during the semifinals, there should be special guests on your show? I wonder if there are any extras for the invitation?"


This must have!

There must be no!

Zheng Hui didn't even think about it and agreed directly: "Ms. Zhou, the program team has already sent you the invitation letter. It may be that the temporary worker has sent the wrong letter, which caused you not to receive it. I will send you a replacement. !"

"Then trouble you!"

"No trouble, no trouble. It was a mistake in our work. Fortunately, you acted rigorously to confirm it, otherwise our program will lose a lot! Thank you for your reminder. After the program is recorded, I must give you face-to-face. apologize!"

"Oh, it's not, it's not!"

"Okay, then you can check the invitation letter. See you on the show?"

"See you there!"

Hearing Zhou Yue hung up the phone, Zheng Hui immediately jumped up and rushed to the main creative office of "Teana": "Quickly! Send Zhou Yue an e-invitation letter to invite him to participate in the semi-finals! No, not only It’s the semi-finals, and the invitations for the finals are also sent out!"

"Zhou Yue? Is that Zhou Yue of Xinghe?"

There are several people named Zhou Yue in the entertainment circle, but there is only one that deserves to be cared about by Zheng Hui, and that is the composer Zhou Yue of Galaxy Entertainment.

"Yes!" Zheng Hui's eyes burst with joy, "Old Xu, Zhou Yue personally called just now to ask for an invitation letter. It can be seen that he is very optimistic about our program!"

Although "Heavenly Stars" has an original slogan, it is still a show that is more entertaining in the final analysis, but it has attracted the attention of professionals like Zhou Yue and actively asked to participate, although it was only a special guest on site. But for Tian Lai, it is already a surprise!

Teana is a music platform. If the platform wants to become bigger and stronger, it cannot do without the joining of excellent composers and singers. It was not that Teana did not want to invite Zhou Yue to participate in the industry. The audience is also very good.

However, Zhou Yue was not a free composer in the first place, and there was a Galaxy Entertainment behind him; secondly, Zhou Yue looked down on this kind of variety show. Zhou Yue is someone who doesn't even bother to participate in the annual Golden Melody Awards, so why would he be interested in a small variety show?

But now it’s different. Zhou Yue is not only interested, he also called to ask for tickets in person. How could Zheng Hui be unhappy and not surprised?

Not only Zheng Hui, but the entire creative team were very happy: "This is really great! We immediately sent an invitation letter to Teacher Zhou! Uh, does Mr. Zhou have any seat requirements? What about the lighting? Did you say that you don’t want it? Who do you sit with?"

While the creative team was studying which seat to assign to Zhou Yue, Zheng Hui's mobile phone once again received a call from another professional composer, who also came to ask for an invitation letter.

Of course, this composer can't compare with Zhou Yue, but he has revealed the fact that the program "Tea Lai" has been seen by more and more professionals and has been recognized!

Zheng Hui is very energetic: "Everyone, work hard! Make these two programs well, let's have a fat year this year!"

"Good!" The main creative team agreed in unison, full of energy!


At 7 o'clock on Saturday night, outside the semi-final of the "Teenager" program, the audience who received the electronic invitation began to line up to check in.

A low-key commercial vehicle stopped at the VIP channel, and the spectators who were queuing up saw a man with a work sign hanging on his neck, and a middle-aged man who was coming off the commercial vehicle was polite Angrily invited into the VIP channel.

Everyone can't help but guess: "Who is this person? Someone from the program group personally came to pick it up. Is it a bigwig in the circle? Or is it a high-level man?"

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it."

The discussion had not yet come to a result, and everyone saw a car approaching the passage again. This time it was a woman with delicate makeup. Everyone is familiar with this. Isn't this the well-known lyricist Xiao Ran!

Xiao Ran is not only a lyricist, but also a well-known female writer in China. The film and television series adapted from her works are now on the air, so many people recognize her at a glance.

"Xiao Ran! It's Xiao Ran! Why is she here?"

"Maybe the guest invited by the program group?"

"It's okay to invite some professional guests to the scene, but that is Xiao Ran. With Xiao Ran's worth, shouldn't he appear in the semi-finals?"

"Even Xiao Ran is here, I'm even more curious about who the person in front is..."

The audience lined up to enter the arena while discussing. This time the semi-final was live broadcast, so the program team did not take away the audience’s mobile phones this time, but asked the audience to turn off their phones or set them to mute, so as not to affect other people and affect the performance of the program. .

Xiao Ran walked to his place under the leadership of the staff. As soon as he sat down, he heard someone greet him: "Mr. Xiao, you are also Xiao Ran turned his head and said, "Mr. Huang, you are also here. ! "

Huang Jie, a well-known music critic, super blog id [Festival is too expensive, you can’t afford it]. He has always been known for his style of telling the truth without bad money, not washing up bad songs, and only recommending good music to fans. Lin Fan has been paying close attention to Lin Fan since he released the song "I had a cold in that corner".

So this time Tian Lai sent an invitation letter, and Huang Jie came without hesitation.

"Yes, I have been following Lin Fan a long time ago. I was able to hear Lin Fan's release of new songs for the first time. How could I let go of such a good opportunity! But, Teacher Xiao, why are you free to come over?"

Before Xiao Ran had time to speak, he saw Tianlai Xu Li leading a person walking towards him, and there was only the middle position of the first row left.

Just now Xiao Ran wondered who the middle position was reserved for. Now that she saw the people coming, she understood: "Ms. Zhou!"

Zhou Yue is here too!