Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 460: I don’t pretend to drink

Lin Fan didn’t know what Xiao Wan and Wang Lingli said, and he didn’t actually need to know. Lin Fan regarded Wang Lingli and others as friends from the bottom of his heart. But Lin Fan didn't care about it.

It should be good to friends.

This is Lin Fan's code of conduct, except that he does not accept any unreasonable demands and coercion. This rule is also where Lin Fan and his fans have a tacit understanding.

"The venue for the beach concert has already been set up, and tickets will be sold at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. In addition, invited guests will come over to participate in rehearsals. But to gather all the guests to rehearse the last song, it may be time to sing. Two days before the meeting."

The program "The Yearning Yard" has been broadcast to the sixth issue. According to the frequency of the weekly issue, the tenth beach concert will go live in one month, so the guests will not gather so early, but you can According to your own time, arrange one or two days to come and rehearse with Lin Fan about the show that will be performed at that time.

Until the first two days of the live broadcast of the concert, everyone will gather in Huadao Island for the final rehearsal.

As for Lin Fan, in addition to preparing for the concert performance during this time, he also needs to prepare the casting of "White Snake" and the final script, as well as follow up the editing work of "A Chinese Ghost Story". These items are the top priorities of recent work, not at all sloppy.

In addition, there is Xia Yan's album production, finalizing cooperation plans with Xia Shaozhang, going overseas to play songs, and preparing for Lin Fan's solo album. These tasks are not so urgent and can be placed in the second echelon and completed slowly.

But none of the above is the most urgent.

"Brother Pan, this afternoon is the commercial shooting of the drink you endorsed. Tomorrow the whole day will be the commercial shooting of the watch endorsement."

Yes, shoot commercials!

With the two endorsements that Lin Fan took, the brand has already made the advertising plan, and has communicated the shooting plan with Yang Hongxia. Lin Fan will start shooting the advertisement today.

"The drink advertisement is mainly a one-minute commercial, and there are also several print advertisements. After the advertisement goes live, there will be a spokesperson press conference. You need to attend. At the same time, there will be an online fan meeting, and a brand sponsored Charity activities need to participate."

Lin Fan took the itinerary that Xiao Wan handed over, but felt a headache: "I always thought that endorsement was just to shoot them an advertisement!"

Who would have thought that an endorsement contract contains so much business!

Xiaowan explained: "Brother Pan, the advertising shooting in an endorsement is only a small part of it, and it also includes the press conference platform, brand activities, fan meetings, and charity activities, etc., the content is too much!

And after you endorsed this brand of drinks, Brother Pan, in public, you can only drink this brand of drinks. Of course, you can only choose your own endorsement among similar drinks, and those who are not in the same category are not counted. "

In a word, endorsement money is not so easy to make.

Lin Fan still knows this. For example, if you endorse Coca-Cola, then you can't drink other brands of Coke in public. These are all terms written in the endorsement contract, which is not a joke.

Lin Fan returned the itinerary to Xiao Wan: "You just remember to remind me."

"Don't worry, Brother Fan!"

In the afternoon, Lin Fan took his assistant Xiao Wan, a business assistant, a propaganda artist, and a makeup artist, and drove to the studio of the brand side in a car prepared for him by the company.

In fact, Yang Hongxia planned to equip Lin Fan with two more people, but Lin Fan refused. She took four younger brothers by herself and a driver. This was enough. Adding two more people would be really mighty. Swing, it's not good to be too swagger.

Yang Hongxia also followed him.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't even want to wear a makeup artist, because she knew how to put on makeup, but Yang Hongxia insisted that there is no artist who did her own makeup, especially Lin Fan's current coffee position, her makeup is indeed a bit of a loss, Lin Fan had to compromise.

The person in charge of the brand greeted him directly, and from a distance, he enthusiastically reached out to shake hands with Lin Fan: "Mr. Lin, you are here! Oh, Mr. Lin, your coming here really makes us all splendid! Welcome! welcome!"

Lin Fan had to put on a professional business smile: "You are welcome, your company is one of the top brands in China, and it is my honor to be able to cooperate with your company!"

"Ms. Lin is really too modest. Come, let's talk while walking." The brand enthusiastically led Lin Fan towards the studio, and introduced Lin Fan to the specific situation as he walked.

Lin Fan listened very carefully. After all, this is an annual endorsement. During the whole year, Lin Fan will deal with the brand side. Only by mutual respect and understanding can we cooperate better. Of course, it is definitely not an endorsement. For the fee.

The brand has prepared a separate lounge and dressing room for Lin Fan, and even the studio is emptied of other people, and only serves Lin Fan alone. It can be seen that the brand still values ​​Lin Fan very much.

The attitude of both parties is very correct, so the commercial shooting went very smoothly.

The commercial video was filmed first, and then the print film was filmed. The director of this video was responsible for communicating with Lin Fan. He was in his forties, with thinning hair and round body. It can be seen that he did not drink less drinks.

"Teacher Lin, you will come over here in a while, imagine that you are passing a beautiful place, and then stand in this position and take a sip of our drink. The taste of the drink is sweet, but with a freshness. The fruit is slightly sour, so I need a certain degree of change in your expression..."

Lin Fan didn't understand: "Why do you want to tell me the taste of the drink? I take a sip and taste it. Naturally, the expression should be what it is."

The director dumbly said, "Ms. Lin, are you talking and laughing, are you really drinking?"

Lin Fan was speechless. If he didn't drink it, he would pretend that he couldn't make a sip?

Of course it's really good. The director would like Lin Fan to drink it!

"Okay, that's probably the case. If you are clear, Teacher Lin, let's go one?"


Lin Fan didn't hesitate to make a short commercial. He has finished filming a movie of his own. Are you afraid that you can't make an commercial bad?

Go directly!

So, half an hour later.

"Crack! Good! Very good! Teacher Lin, your performance is really great!" The director grinned with joy!

Lin Fan handed the empty bottle to Xiao Wan and hiccuped, "Is this one over?"

The director is very satisfied: "It's been over! Teacher Lin, you are really too shameful, every time you really drink, admire, so admirable!"

Lin Fan didn't think there was anything, just drinking two bottles of drinks when shooting an advertisement, aside from a little stomachache, it was much more comfortable than shooting a movie! I don't understand why there are artists who make fake drinks when they shoot commercials.

"Ms. Lin, do you want to rest for a while and then take the plane?"

Lin Fan thought for a while, "Then take a rest."

The main reason is that I have drunk too much, so I need to solve it.

So the director waved his hand: "Everyone rests for half an hour!"

Lin Fan went back to the lounge to solve the problem, and the person in charge of the brand came to the director's side: "How?"

The director showed the short film that had just been made to the person in charge, and he was full of praise: "Very good! The lens feel and expressiveness are great! The key is a pretty solid artist who makes a sip and sips slowly. Take a sip after a slow aftertaste, very cooperative! The spokesperson chosen this time, I look good!"

Unlike the spokespersons I chose before, who would not even take a sip of a drink, and want to earn this share of money, what do you think?

The person in charge looked at the camera, after Lin Fan had finished drinking his drink, he was very satisfied with the bright smile: "That is, I have chosen the spokesperson by all means, so I won't lose the chain!"

"screw you!"

Although the director is not polite, he is still very satisfied. Although he is only an advertising director, he can make good commercials. The sense of accomplishment is not low at all. I haven't filmed such a smooth film in a long time.