Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 476: Make people doubt the first cut of life

"The first cut of "A Chinese Ghost Story" is out, come and have a look!"

Lin Fan received a call from Liang Wen and was taken aback: "So fast?!"

A film takes a lot of time from preparation for the project, to the official shooting, to the final post-production, especially for a film that requires high special effects, it may only take two or three months when it is shot, but it will be done later. Special effects take years of work!

There are not many special effects in the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story", so Lin Fan feels that the entire post-production will not exceed three months. This speed is really fast, and it will soon be a bit shoddy.

And because it’s in the editing stage, it’s not time to do special effects, but editing also takes a lot of time. According to Lin Fan and Liang Wen’s estimates, it would take almost a month to cut the film.

But how long is it now that the first cut came out?

This is "A Chinese Ghost Story"! Old Liang, don't cut corners for me!

Lin Fan couldn't sit still, and went straight to the editing room to see Liang Wen.

As soon as I opened the door of the editing room, I saw a strong smell of second-hand smoke. Lin Pan coughed a few times before adapting, "Lao Liang, you are cultivating immortals here, you can see it clearly. A computer screen?"

Liang Wen knew that Lin Fan didn't smoke, and smoothly wiped out the remaining half of the cigarette in his hand: "Without a little bit of attention, how can I get the first cut out so quickly?"

Lin Fan walked in and took a look. Liang Wen and the editor looked at them with four huge dark circles under their eyes. If Liang Wen could have a logical and clear conversation with him, Lin Fan felt that he had seen it. There are two living corpses!

"How long has it been since you two have slept? You are not afraid of sudden death!"

Liang Wen waved his hand indifferently: "I don't remember, come and see the first cut film."

The first cut is the process of transforming a movie from a piece of material into a logically finished film. After the director has finished shooting all the material, the editor will follow the director’s guidance and follow the script of the scene to change the characters’ The scenes of actions, dialogues, and mutual exchanges are joined together.

After the initial cut, there are several steps such as re-cutting, fine-cutting and even comprehensive cutting, which are not accomplished overnight.

Now what Liang Wen asked Lin Fan to watch was the first cut.

Lin Fan pulled an office chair over, sat next to the editor with Liang Wenyi, and began to appreciate a film that only had the initial logic and did not even have a soundtrack.

It was the first time that Lin Fan watched this kind of film. While watching it, he compared it with the film in his memory. Once the comparison was made, the cold sweat on his forehead never stopped.


"I did it? Is my acting so hot-eyed?"

"Can't the old drama bones be saved? What kind of ghost is this wailing wolf howling?"

"It's over, why is it completely different from what you imagined?"

"This TM is the classic movie in my memory? It can't be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it!"

"It's ruined, it's all ruined, I don't know if the money invested can be returned for a dime or two. After this kind of film is released, I will be sprayed to death by netizens!"


In short, it is hard to describe in one word.

Lin Fan didn't know how he got through a 100-minute first-cut film. After watching it, the whole person was plunged into a deep shadow, as if there were countless villains in his mind who were complaining about himself: I want to copy a classic movie just by relying on my memories, isn't it a bit too beautiful?

Lin Fan reflected on it deeply, and then found out, huh?

It doesn't seem to be too beautiful as I thought.

Although this first-cut film looks difficult to describe, Lin Fan added the soundtrack in his mind, added special effects, removed some extra shots, and adjusted some of the clips slightly, it seems, It seems that it should be okay?

A lot of thoughts have flashed in Lin Fan's mind. How to deal with details, adjust logic and continue editing in detail. After watching the film, these thoughts naturally popped up from the depths of his mind. Lin Fan himself Didn't notice anything wrong.

Seeing Lin Fan's expression change, Liang Wen smiled and said to the editor: "I won, you have paid for this month's cigarette money!"

The editor was helpless: "Hey, I didn't make a bet with Director Liang if I knew it, it's really a big loss!"

A question mark appeared on Lin Fan's forehead: "What's the matter?"

Liang Wen won the bet and was in a very good mood: "We made a bet on how long it will take you, the new director who saw the first cut for the first time, to accept reality. I bet you will be relieved in ten minutes. Yes, he bet you for an hour. Obviously, I won."

The editor was also very curious: "Director Lin, how can you be relieved from the shock of the first cut so quickly?"

The first cut film has no soundtrack, no rendering, or even color correction. It is just a simple logic of the lens, and the effect is estimated to be not as good as taking a mobile phone to shoot something.

To be honest, the first time you watch it, you will indeed see doubts about life, and there will even be a feeling that you are not worthy of making a movie. Lin Fan, a novice director who is a cross-sector, is able to recover from this kind of blow so quickly. After adjusting, this mentality is indeed quite good.

Lin Fan was expressionless: "The chicken legs in your lunch box are gone!"

The editor wailed for a while: "No, Director! It was Director Liang who forced me to make a bet. I don't want to bet with him. He has to pull me to bet!"

Liang Wenhehe: "I want to change my taste if I smoke too much."

The editor closed his mouth aggrieved: I can't bother you either!

Liang Wen took the opportunity to teach Lin Fan a lesson: "When you watch the first cut, you only need to pay attention to a few elements. The first is to see whether the overall logic matches your lens design when shooting, and the second is to see whether the story is The expression is complete. As long as there are no major problems with these two points, everything else can be made up for through secondary editing and post-production."

And Liang Wen actually found out that Lin Fan had a clear understanding of the film in his mind, what shots were used and where, what materials could be discarded, the overall logic, and what the whole story should look like. very clear.

It seems that there is such a movie in my mind.

This is also the reason why the editor can make the first cut so quickly: the director’s creative intentions are clear ~ there is nothing to entangle and hesitate, the editor only needs to combine the shots according to the director’s intentions. Save a lot of trouble.

Lin Fan was taught: "In other words, our first cut is actually pretty good?"

Lin Fan saw that the logic of the entire film is online. As long as you adjust the details carefully, it will not be much different from the film in his memory. The effect should be good.

Liang Wen showed a big smile, and his palms fell heavily on Lin Fan's shoulders: "Be confident, Director Lin, it's more than good, it's great!"

Good is not like a first cut!

The editor followed up flattering: "I feel almost ready to prepare for the celebration party!"

With the approval of the two professionals, Lin Fan was naturally very happy: "The celebration banquet is a must. Let Sister Xia take care of it!"