Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 524: Manic Grandpa Fan

The singing was over, but the fans' sadness did not stop there. On the contrary, as the sound of the music gradually weakened, the fans cried louder.

A song made most of the audience cry, and Lin Fan was also helpless. This year's fans are really crying!

I can't coax them yet, the more they coax, the more vigorous they are! Maybe after seeing Lin Fan take the initiative to comfort them, he would take the opportunity to make excessive demands.

In response, Lin Fan said: Regardless of you, I will continue to sing mine!

Qingyue’s piano prelude sounded, and the fans who were still crying just now reacted immediately:

"Ah, it's "East Wind Break"!"

"Oh my god, "East Wind Broken"! I like this song the most!"

"I like every song in general!"

The style of painting suddenly suddenly changed, and one or two were so excited, as if the person who just cried like that was not himself!

Lin Fan on the stage, as well as Jiang Yuhe and Yi Xiaobo who have just come on stage to sing this song with Lin Fan: ...?

You fickle fans!

I cried so sad just now, I can scream so loud in a blink of an eye!

Never believe your tears anymore!

It's all deceptive!

On the stage, Yi Xiaobo played the piano, Jiang Yuhe held his beloved pipa, and Lin Fan took the erhu sent by the staff. The three people and three musical instruments slowly opened an invisible piece full of traces of time. The curtain, the melody buried in time, is presented in front of everyone:

"A sorrow

Standing alone at the window

I'm behind the door

Pretend you haven’t left yet—"

As soon as this song came out, from the first sentence, it was not a chorus of the whole audience.

Not only the audience at the scene, Lin Fan could hear the sound of chorus from the outfield. Those people who could only listen to the song without a ticket also sang this song spontaneously. , It can be seen how popular "Dong Feng Po" is and how high the rate of singing it is.

The elegant tunes, the beautiful sadness, the stunning lyrics, as well as the symbols of charm in the lyrics, show Lin Fan's talent everywhere.

If "Song for Myself" is a cup of wine that has experienced years of precipitation, "Dongfeng Po" is a tea with endless aftertaste, with a faint aroma, smoothing the wrinkles of the years.

The pain faded into sorrow, no longer piercing, but endless.

The emotions of these two songs are the same in the bottom logic: no matter how good the past is, it will never return. The ending of the story is already doomed, and the only thing we can do is face it.

"A pot of drifting

It's hard to get into the throat

After you go

Wine warm memories miss thin

Water flows eastward

How to steal time

Flowers mature once they bloom

I missed—"

Although the ending is the same, "Song for Myself" is heartbreaking, while "East Wind Broken" is nostalgic, and then let it go with the wind.

Lin Fan used a song to arouse the pain in everyone's heart, and then used another song to heal their inner hurt, allowing fans to follow the melody that seems to have traveled through the long river of time, wandering in this picturesque and picturesque scenery. The lyrics of the story are constructed.

After all, I missed you and I in the story, but outside the story, we all sang the same song:

"Who is playing the pipa?

A song of east wind breaks

Maple Leaf Colors the Story

I see through the ending

I'll lead you through the old road outside the fence

The Years of the Wild Tobacco

Even the breakup was silent—"

All the sounds gathered together, and the moving melody completely overwhelmed the sound of the waves and the sea breeze, hovering and drifting over the Hua Island, spreading farther and farther, spreading into thousands of households.

In the live broadcast room, the fans' screen speed was even more crazy. The caution of likes and the gifts all over the sky have not been interrupted, so that there are too many gifts. Kuaiyin platform has to lower the single-player live broadcast again and swipe gifts. The upper limit.

Yes, in the Blue Star Kuaiyin live broadcast room, during a live broadcast, there is a limit on the gifts that everyone can make, so as to avoid those who watch the live broadcast, because of their passion or other reasons, giving the anchors more than themselves Accept a range of gifts and rewards.

But in this way, it can't stop the enthusiasm of fans.

For example, a certain grandpa fan.

"Okay, isn't it? Why haven't you finished it? When you usually manage the company, aren't you very clever? How can you get me a reward to unlock it, and haven't finished it after half an hour?"

Grandpa Yu was so anxious that he wanted to punch someone, and the target was naturally his own son, Yu Mengmeng's father, and boss Yu.

"My family has often sang "Dongfeng Broken"!"

Boss Yu wiped off the sweat from his forehead: "Wait a minute, Kuaiyin is afraid that fans will be too top, and set a limit. To unlock it, you need to provide specific consumption screenshots of this account in previous live broadcasts..."

Grandpa Yu interrupted violently: "I don't want to listen to this! I only need to know how long it will take before I can give my family a general reward and gift?!"

Boss Yu said in distress: "Dad, you are a new account. It has no consumption record. It will take time to unlock a higher reward limit!"

Grandpa Yu became even more annoyed: "Then you have been fiddled with for a long time, and nothing has been fiddled with? What use do you want!"

Boss Yu shut up, the irritable old man can't provoke, and the irritable old man who wants to give a gift to the idol, let alone provoke it!

Grandpa Yu looked at his useless son and missed the granddaughter who was at the concert: "It would be great if Mengmeng was there, and her account must have a lot of quota!"

Boss Yu rolled his eyes and decided in his heart: Starting this month, his daughter's pocket money will be halved!

Let you scream!

It's nothing more than chasing the stars by yourself, and you get the old man to chase the stars too!

It also made your relatives so old, because your grandfather scolded him for half an hour because of this!

Not only the pocket money is halved, but the New Year's money at the end of the year is also halved!

Yu Mengmeng on Huadao Island suddenly sneezed: Huh? what happened? I don't have a cold, why am I sneezing? Did Grandpa miss me?

Well, when you go back, you must bring grandpa a gift to make up for the regret that grandpa is too old to come to watch the concert.


The concert director looked at the picture on the surveillance and looked at the big boy who seemed to be shining on the stage. He didn't know what to say anymore.

The overall planning of this concert was done by Lin Fan, including the sorting of songs and the stage design of the guests, which was also determined by Lin Fan himself. Originally the director was worried that if Lin Fan, a singer, did such a highly professional planning work, the final stage effect would not be much better.

However, reality directly gave the director a resounding slap in the face.

From the opening of the audience's emotions, to the song "Walk in the Rain" brought the first climax of the scene, and then the collective empathy, and then rock songs, detonated the audience!

Immediately afterwards, there were official announcements and song ordering, which calmed the fans' emotions to the best condition, and once again touched the deepest memories in their hearts. A song almost sang everyone!

Now, "East Wind Broken" is on the stage, once again to appease fans.

The rhythm of the whole concert was played out by Lin Fan!

Not to mention the next few songs, the director can know what the scene will be like just by looking at the title of the song!

Really, looking forward to it!