Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 853: It's time to remember bittersweet

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After eating the so-called appetizer, also known as the frozen meat pie, the waiter served a cream of mushroom soup. Lin Fan was a little tired of drinking it, but Xia Yan drank it with relish.

Next, the third course was a sliced ​​baguette with foie gras mousse.

On the crispy French meal bag, use a knife to dig a plump, tender, melt-in-your-mouth foie gras mousse, and spread the foie gras mousse on the bread like butter.

The foie gras is soaked in milk to remove the fishy smell, then slow-cooked at a low temperature for a few hours, and then whipped with whipped cream, making the foie gras mousse more smooth and mellow, and then paired with a fragrant French meal bag, bite it down, and instantly make everything The taste buds fell.

Delicious is delicious, and Lin Fan just felt curious: "This is to feed us with bread first, and then won't dislike the small portion of the next dishes, isn't it enough?"

Xia Yan was overjoyed: "What nonsense is the truth."

It is said that the complete French meal has a total of 13 dishes. In order to ensure the exquisite production of each dish and the stomach of the guests will not be stretched, the amount of each dish is not much, but it is extremely fine.

With the accelerated pace of modern life, many restaurants have simplified their menus to 3-5 dishes. Lin Fan and Xia Yan ordered a five-course set menu this time.

The first course is an appetizer, also called an appetizer.

The second is soup.

The third pass is called the head plate.

As well as the fourth main course and the fifth dessert, after the dessert, there is usually a cup of espresso, or a cup of "after-dinner wine" to be considered complete.

Lin Fan commented: "It's gimmicky."

Xia Yan agreed: "Yes, every time I eat this, I can't get enough, but because of the 'noble and elegant' characteristics of French food, sometimes I have to eat it specially. I have to eat another meal."

Of course, this is Xia Yan, with perfect body proportions, and with Lin Fan's help, the weight loss effect is also very significant, so he can eat openly.

Other female artists don't eat that much for one meal, or even a day. After all, in order to lose weight, to look good on the camera, and to be able to withstand the high-definition footage that hits their faces, the female artists in the circle are especially hungry.

Even Xia Yan himself had to eat according to the dietitian's recipes in order to maintain his state at certain times, such as when he was going to hold a national tour.

This kind of nutritious meal has a very balanced nutritional mix and a very precise portion, but even foodies like Xia Yan disliked the taste: it was too bland.

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Later, after establishing a relationship with Lin Fan, Lin Fan even opened a small stove for Xia Yan from time to time. The highest record was that he fed Xia Yan five kilograms in a week, which caused Xia Yan to exercise day and night for three months. Lose these five pounds of meat.

However, this painful experience of "weight loss" made Xia Yan think deeply: he can't eat and drink in vain, sometimes he should be hungry.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan chose to eat French food today: I have been eating too much while traveling around recently, and it is time to remember the bitter and sweet.

The waiter started serving the main course, and specially introduced the name and practice of this dish to Lin Fan and Xia Yan: "This is a classic French dish, duck confit. The duck meat has been soaked in oil for four or five hours at low temperature. Baked and baked, it melts in your mouth, and the outer skin is crispy before serving, the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, please taste it.”

The appearance of this dish is very good. The roasted duck legs with browned skin are placed in the middle of the plate, and a French authentic sweet and sour sauce made of caramel, red wine, and broth is drizzled next to it.

Lin Fan gently opened it with a fork, and the duck legs were easily pulled away, revealing the tender and juicy meat inside.

It is very greasy to eat together with sweet and sour sauce. The side dish on the bottom is fried potato chips in duck oil, which is fragrant and glutinous. Lin Fan also has to admit that although French food is fancy, some dishes taste really good.

Moreover, the French food is juicy and rich, the tableware is exquisite, and the plate is picturesque, which can give people a double impact on sight and taste, and the tangy wine aroma can also satisfy the enjoyment of the sense of smell.

It's just too little.

The restaurant's dessert is also very good, called flame crepes.

It is a kind of wine that needs to be drizzled with spirits or liqueur and then set on fire. When it is still on fire, it is served in front of customers for customers to taste.

This dessert caught Lin Fan's attention as soon as it appeared on the stage, especially the dazzling and dazzling firelight, and the aroma of the transpiring wine entered the nostrils. People like Fan, who don't like sweets very much, can't help but want to taste it.

And it is said that the birth of this fire dish has a beautiful story.

According to legend, at the end of the 19th century, the then Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of the John Bull Kingdom, brought his female companions to Paris for dinner.

The waiter in the restaurant was too nervous and accidentally burned the alcohol in the dessert.

After the gorgeous blue flame disappeared in front of the prince, the prince finished the dessert gracefully, not even letting go of the sweet juice on the plate.

Since then, this dessert, which was greatly appreciated by the prince, was named after the French female companion Suzette at the time and has been passed down to this day. UU reading www.

The full name of this dessert is Crêpes Suzette (orange flame crepe).

More importantly, this restaurant provides live pancakes, boiled soup, and finally a burning show. Not to mention how it tastes, the atmosphere of this live performance looks very good.

After the flame is lit, the air is filled with a strong aroma of wine, and the fragrance of orange peel, with its own intoxicating atmosphere, which is very suitable for dating.

Lin Fan said while eating dessert, "I feel like I can eat two more of this set meal."

Xia Yan smiled and said, "There is a party in the evening, a buffet on the deck, and a concert and a cocktail party on the top floor. By the way, I heard that there will be a performance from the West Coast tonight."

Nights on cruise ships are very short, because all kinds of carnivals will steal all the time, so that every day of every tourist starts in the afternoon.

All kinds of parties, meals, receptions, performances, and a variety of recreational facilities, yes, there are large shopping malls on the cruise, plus stops in various countries and attractions along the way, in short, to ensure that every tourist is on the cruise. Every day on the boat is very rich and colorful, so that you don’t want to get off the boat, and you want to come back for the second, third, and countless times when you get off the boat.

Lin Fan thought: "Actually, we can come once a year."

Xia Yan agreed: "Maybe you can choose the four-month project next time?"

"It's still not good, I'm afraid Sister Xia is really going crazy."

And Yang Hongxia, who is far away in China: "Ah! Who is scolding me?"