Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 873: Lin Fan made a bad movie! ?

Popular recommendation:

Is he crazy? !

Wang Lingli couldn't believe her eyes, and even suspected that Lin Fan's super blog had been hacked. Otherwise, why would a new movie come out without a sound?

Could it be that, in fact, Fanfan didn't go on vacation at all during this time, but hid to make a movie?

But when the previous piano piece was released, Fan Fan Mingming was still floating on the sea in the southern hemisphere!

Although the video posted by the CP fan on the Internet did not indicate the location, after the Deep Blue number docked, those who heard Lin Fan's live performance all came back and shared it with their relatives and friends, and some people announced their recordings on the Internet. small video.

After such a combination, netizens quickly discovered that Lin Fan wrote "Adilina by the Water" on the Deep Blue.

The official Deep Blue did not expect Lin Fan's popularity overseas to be so high at first, and didn't take it seriously at first. Later, after seeing the hot discussion on the Internet, they released the video of the concert on the official website, publicly admitting this. matter, and officially thanked Lin Fan.

Along the way, it rubbed off a bit of heat.

Therefore, Lin Fan is now announcing the schedule of the new movie on Chao Bo, and sharp-eyed netizens quickly discovered what was wrong:

[My dad's son is handsome and handsome: No, the Deep Blue only ended its last voyage this year at the end of December, which means that Lin Fan's return to China will not exceed this time. If the new movie is going to be launched on Valentine's Day, is there a month before the shooting time? 】

[Forgive my short legs for not being able to catch up with you in my life: there is also post-production. The post-production of the movie is the most troublesome. Sometimes it doesn’t take long to shoot, but the post-production is very long. 】

[Don't give me 100 yuan: Don't forget that there is also a movie review! A normal review takes at least a month, right? Even if the trial is passed in advance, what about the movie schedule? The Spring Festival stalls have been lined up many months ago, right? 】

In a word, these netizens have discovered one blind spot after another. On the surface, it seems that they are discussing their doubts rationally with everyone, but the result is inevitably moving in the same direction: Lin Fan has made a bad movie!

As soon as Wang Lingli found such signs of public opinion, she immediately picked up the mouse and went up:

[Natural Entertainment King: First of all, the shooting time of a movie cannot determine whether a movie is a bad movie or not, and the shooting cycle is not directly proportional to the quality of the movie. Please go back and look through the junior high school textbooks and review the previous mathematics knowledge. Rhythm.

Secondly, the post-production of the film is not proportional to the quality of the film. Some films, such as the feature film from a few years ago, have almost no post-production. It also won that year's Best Drama Award. Here is the link, no thanks.

Finally, regarding the timing of movie reviews, this one is even more hilarious. Does it not mean that the new film is of good quality, good plot, excellent director, and the actors have passed the audit, so there is nothing wrong with the trial?

When did the review go smoothly but became the standard for bad films, and those who didn't even pass the review, aren't they really unwatchable films?

Finally, I would like to say that if your homework is really too little, I don't mind writing a letter of advice to your school, suggesting that the school teachers do more homework after school, so that your knowledge points are not consolidated. Just take it out and use it. 】

As soon as Wang Lingli's large comment was posted, it was immediately liked and forwarded by Lin Fan's fans to reply to those who were secretly rhythmic.

Yang Hongxia found Lin Fan with her mobile phone in her arms: "You, the president of the support club, really suit my heart!"

Yang Hongxia really appreciates Wang Lingli's work ability, because when such a thing happens, ordinary fans will find various reasons to excuse Lin Fan.

They might argue that Lin Fan might be on vacation during this time, but he was actually filming a movie secretly?

Or simply refute those who have the rhythm: How do you know that the general is shoddy, and the film is bad? You haven't seen it with your own eyes, so it's just making up rumors.

Whether this approach is the starting point or the actual behavior, it is helping to maintain Lin Fan, but it is easy for someone with a rhythm to seize the initiative again, and then the matter goes on and on.

As a result, no matter who wins the fight, there is only one impression left to the public, that is, Lin Fan spent less than two months to make a movie. It's hard to say whether this movie is a bad movie, but it has a lot of good points. Chances are it's a really bad movie.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

After all, the chance of making a good movie in two months is really low.

However, Wang Lingli did not give any "ifs", nor did she make any guesses, she just refuted the biases of these arguments in a positive and open manner: the quality of the film has nothing to do with what you said, and I have previous case for your reference.

At the same time, it was humorous: you are making a fuss, because there is too little homework for you to spare!

It does not deny that Lin Fan actually made a movie in two months, nor does he speculate that Lin Fan spent more time shooting. UU reading is just that the public does not know, and in the end, he did not insist that Lin Fan made the movie. It must be good, it's all you people with rhythm in the black forest.

In short, this matter was handled very well, leaving Lin Fan and the studio's PR team a lot of room for manipulation, and also appease the emotions of other fans.

Artists, especially idols, are often caught in public opinion turmoil. Yang Hongxia has never been afraid of public opinion and black fans with rhythm. These things can be dealt with through public relations.

What Yang Hongxia is most worried about is that fans are incited, lose their minds, and carelessly maintain their idols.

Doing so is not only detrimental to the handling of crisis public relations, but also damages the artist's own advantages and popularity.

The fighting power of a brainless fan is really better than that of thousands of horses. You can't condemn it too much, because the lethality of the brain-disabled fans can't be underestimated. Especially when the brainless fan thinks that everything he has done for you is not worth it, and it is more disgusting than eating flies.

Therefore, the president of the support club like Wang Lingli is Yang Hongxia's favorite.

Capable, sensible, and especially strong in combat, the key is not to trick Lin Fan, such a good president of the support club, Yang Hongxia really wants to be a treasure.

Lin Fan is tired of hearing Yang Hongxia praise Wang Lingli. Anyway, no matter how much she praises, as long as Wang Lingli is still her fan, Yang Hongxia cannot recruit Wang Lingli into the company.

Especially not being able to recruit Lin Fan.

"So now can you be sure who deliberately brought the rhythm?"

Yang Hongxia hummed: "Who else, apart from the crew who signed the PK contract like us, who would dislike us?"