Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 902: I used to have such a good agent

The next person who came in was Zhuo Yuanquan, who almost jumped up from his chair in fright: "Brother Quan, have you offended me too?"

Zhuo Yuanquan laughed directly: "No, no, I just heard that someone came to interview for the role, I was a little curious, come and watch the fun."

Everyone knows who this person is.

At the time of the "Morning Star" draft, Zhuo Yuanquan was heavily pressured by votes.

But now Zhuo Yuanquan has walked out of his own path, and is still digging deep into his potential as an actor, and has drawn a great distance from some people.

As for the role, Lin Fan had already arranged for Zhuo Yuanquan.


"What fun to watch! Since people are here, come here, give me a try, and you will send it to your door to find the abuser. If you don't pass this scene to me today, I will take your role back!"

Zhuo Yuanquan said with a gentle smile: "Okay, although I'm watching the fun, but I have prepared well. Brother Fan, you can take care of it. This role was given to me, and you can't take it back!"

Liang Wen also followed suit: "Anyone will say big things, let's see the real chapter under our hands! Come one by one!"

Zhou Yue even drew a line in the script fragment: "Look at my luck, come here! If you play this well, your future career will be widened."

Zhuo Yuanquan took it over and took a look: "Reverse string?"

Lin Fan patted the table and laughed: "That's good, that's it! Do you have any props? Come and give us the whole wig for Brother Quan!"

The interview room was full of jubilation, and bursts of laughter were separated by a door, which could still be heard clearly by those outside the door.

Li Yingqi turned back and glanced at the closed door. It was difficult to understand the feeling in his heart, but in the end he didn't say anything. Together with Tu Jingyi, who was also silent, he lowered the brim of the peaked cap on his head and walked past the crowded crowd with his head slightly lowered. Corridor, get into the car waiting outside.

In the car, the agent kept asking, "Has Lin Fan seen you? What is his attitude? Did he tell you anything?"

The key is, do you feel their sincerity?

Li Yingqi remained silent, and Tu Jingyi glanced at Li Yingqi and replied, "No special reaction, maybe it was a little strange when I first saw us, I whispered a few words to Director Liang, and we were far away, we didn't hear it. What exactly did they say."

Anyway, there is no arrogance, or the high-spirited feeling of stepping on yourself and others under your feet.

The attitude is very calm, as if seeing himself and others, just like seeing other actors coming to audition for roles, it is fair and doesn't care.

And it was this indifference that really stung Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi's hearts.

But if Lin Fan had a different attitude, even if he said a few words to humiliate himself, Tu Jingyi would not feel so uncomfortable.

The agent was still sighing: "Oh, Director Lin is really broad-minded, it seems that he didn't take the things of the year to heart."

This sounded particularly harsh, but Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi had to admit that the agent was telling the truth: Lin Fan never took himself seriously.

On the contrary, it was himself who had always mistakenly thought that his strength was similar to Lin Fan, but he was not as good at hype as Lin Fan during the draft.

Back then, because I signed Starry Sky Entertainment in advance, I was able to go all the way to the finals and finally debut as a group. It was the company's popularity, which made the two mistakenly think that it was their own strength. Before they even debuted, they learned the bad ethos of the entertainment industry.

Eyes are higher than the top, even Lin Fan can't look down on him.

But in the past few years, Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi have watched Lin Fan step by step to where he is now. They also took Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang, and even Zhuo Yuanquan out of their way, but they could only continue to eat their own way. ,stop moving forward.

Now that even the old money is almost exhausted, the company has squeezed out its final value, and he has only the option of quitting the circle.

It was not until such a point of exhaustion that Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi deeply realized that Lin Fan and himself were really completely different.

The atmosphere in the car was sluggish, and the agent also found that the two had their own thoughts, but he didn't care: this is the entertainment industry, this is the idol who debuted in the draft, and the fate that has to be faced.

If you can, you can go all the way, like Zhuo Yuanquan; if you can't, but someone who can do it is willing to give you a hand, you can continue to mix in this circle, like Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang.

But if you can't, no one can pull you, and if you don't work hard, even the gods won't be able to save you.

The agent began to draw in his heart. The company has recently hired a lot of new people. It's time to pick and see if there are any good seedlings.


Zhang Youling and Jisha also got into their respective cars and returned to Xinghe.

As usual, Jisha went to Luo Xiao to report the follow-up, but Zhang Youling said, "I have to rush to the crew, so I won't go up."

Jisha was stunned: "Are you taking on a new play?"

I do not know how?

Zhang Youling explained: "I went to try out the movie before, but I was not selected at that time. I received a call from the director on the way back and asked me to save the scene. I thought that there were no other arrangements recently. accepted."

During the rest period, when you encounter such a rescue situation, you can normally pick it up. You only need to follow up with the company.

Zhang Youling felt that she explained it very clearly, so she nodded to Jisha and left directly.

However, Jisha felt in her heart: "Sister Lingling is afraid that she will tell me in advance, will she be asked to take me by President Luo?"

Jisha's assistant lowered his head and did not dare to answer.

Zhang Youling sat back in the car again: "Go to the crew."

The assistant glanced back at Jisha, who was still standing there, and couldn't help but be a little worried: "Sister Lingling, will Sister Sasha go back and complain to President Luo?"

"Just sue, she has nothing else to do except sue." Zhang Youling didn't take it to heart.

The assistant was still afraid: "But, if Sister Sasha sued, Mr. Luo will deduct your resources, Sister Lingling..."

"Not anymore."

"Huh?" The assistant didn't understand.

Zhang Youling closed her eyes and leaned gently on the back of the chair: "In the future, Mr. Luo should no longer press me to bring new people. He will not deliberately deduct my resources for a Jisha. On the contrary..."

On the contrary, Roshaw will make up for the many missed opportunities that he has been delayed and missed in order to bring Jisha over the past few years. After all, Luo Xiao has already seen clearly that some people really can't be popular no matter how popular they are. Otherwise, Luo Xiao wouldn't let himself and Jisha bow to Lin Fan together.

In this Why continue to waste resources on Jisha? And the grievances of being dragged down by Jisha can finally be vented.

However, Zhang Youling was not happy at all.

Because of some things, if you miss it, you will miss it. For the "future" in Luo Xiao's mouth, Zhang Youling stayed in Xinghe.

But this "future" is far away, and his most golden and best years of development were completely destroyed in Jisha's hands.

If it weren't for the extremely solid foundation that he had laid before, I'm afraid that he would have fallen to the bottom of the rock in the past few years being dragged down by Jisha. Now that I can still have a movie, it's entirely because...

"Because I used to have such a good agent... but I... gave up on her..."


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